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Integumentary System
The system that includes the skin and its accessory structures, such as hair and nails.
A dark pigment produced by melanocytes that provides color to the skin and protects against UV radiation.
The outer layer of the skin composed of stratified squamous epithelium.
The inner layer of the skin made up of connective tissue containing collagen and elastic fibers.
Sebaceous glands
Glands associated with hair follicles that secrete sebum, responsible for keeping skin and hair soft and waterproof.
Sweat glands
Glands that help regulate body temperature through the secretion of sweat.
Hair follicle
A tubelike depression in the skin where hair develops.
The process by which epidermal cells undergo a hardening process involving keratin as they move toward the skin surface.
The process of maintaining a stable internal environment in the body.
The layer beneath the dermis, consisting of loose connective and adipose tissues, which helps insulate the body.
Stratum corneum
The outermost layer of the epidermis, composed of many layers of dead, flattened keratinized cells.
Apocrine sweat glands
Sweat glands that activate during emotional stress and are associated with hair follicles, producing a scent.
Eccrine sweat glands
The most abundant sweat glands that respond to body temperature and are located widely across the skin.
Pressure ulcers
Injuries to the skin and underlying tissues resulting from prolonged pressure, commonly seen in bedridden patients.
Aging changes in skin
Changes that occur over time in skin appearance, elasticity, and ability to regulate temperature, including thinning and increased wrinkling.
A condition characterized by an abnormally high body temperature.
A condition in which the body temperature drops excessively, leading to potential health risks.
Healing process
The series of events that occur to repair tissue after injury, including inflammation, clot formation, and tissue regeneration.
Dermal papillae
Small, cone-shaped structures that project into the epidermis and contribute to fingerprints.
Granulation tissue
New connective tissue that forms during the healing process, consisting of blood vessels and fibroblasts.