Did people in Germany benefit from Nazi rule?

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How did the Nazi’s help the unemplyment problem?

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How did the Nazi’s help the unemplyment problem?

The main improvements came with the reductions of unemployment from six million to a few hundred thousand unemployed Germans which was achieved partly through work schemes such as the atuobahn-building project and partly through enlisting all 18-25 year olds in National Labour service for 6 months, and partly through rearmament, which reduced unemployment through conscription and through the various supply industries such as armaments, engineering and chemicals which had to be expanded due to rearmament.

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What were the Working class benefits?

The working class had schemes such as ‘Strength through joy’ which gave them cheap theatre ticks, sporting events and trips, all of which helped to retain the support of the working class. Another important scheme was the ‘Beauty of Labour’ movement, which improved working conditions in factories. It introduced features not seen in workplaces before, like washing facilities and low-cost canteens.

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What were the working class disadvantages?

The working class lost their trade unions and they could not strike for better pay or conditions. Wages also remained low and in some areas, workers were prevented from moving to better paying jobs.

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How did the Nazi regime benefit the farmers?

the conservative Nazi policies resonated with those out in the country, meaning that the farmers played an important factor in the Nazi’s initial rise to power, and as a result Hitler introduced a number of measures to help them such as the ‘Reich food estate’ and the ‘The Reich Entailed Farm Law’.

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What was the Reich Food Estate, when was it implemented, and how did it benefit farmers?

In Septemeber of 1933 the Nazi’s introuded the Reich Food Estate under Richard Darre. This set up central boards to buy agricultural produce from the farmers and distribute it to markets across Germany, giving peasant farmers a guaranteed market for their good at guaranteed prices.

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What waa ‘The Reich Entailed Farm Law’ and how did it benefit farmers?

The Reich Entailed Farm Law ensured that banks could not seize farmers land if farmers couldn’t pay loans or mortgages. This ensured that peasant’s farms stayed in their own hands. This law also had a racial aim. Part of the Nazi philosophy was ‘Blood and soil’, the belief that peasant farmers were the basis of Germany’s master race. They would be the backbone of the new German empire in the east, and as a result, their way of life had to be protected. A fact that was widely appreciated by those out in the country.

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What were the Farmers disadvantages?

More efficient, ambitious farmers were held back by having to work through the same processes as less efficient farmers. Some farmers also resented the increase in government intervention and regulation. Additionally, the Reich Entailed Farm Law stated that only the eldest child inherited the farm. As a result of this, many children of farmers left the land to work for better pay in Germany;s industrys. Because of this, Rural depopulation ran at about 3% per year in the 1930’s, the xact opposite of the Nazi aims.

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How did big businesses and the middle class benefit from Nazi rule?

Big businesses and the middle class were grateful to the Nazi’s for eleminating the communist threat within Germany, and as a result offering big businesses a lot of free will. Many business owners and the middle class liked the way the Nazi’s seemed to bring about order within Germany. Large firms gained contacts from the rearmament programme and also benefited from the absence of trade unions and Jewish business. Substantial profits were made by big businesses during the years of Nazi rule. Additionally, firms that produced goods that were used in war, would generally succeed as government orders and increase in rearmament increased in the 1930’s.

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What were the disadvantages for Big Businesses and the middle class under Nazi rule?

Hitler had promised to eliminate large department stores that were taking business from local store, but never kept his word. Also, a small shop that produced consumer goods, there was a high probability that your buissness would struggle.

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