What are the consideration for the appropriateness of management styles?
Preference of manager
experience of employees
nature of task
What spectrum of style are more appropriate for which scenarios?
Manager/Task oriented styles are appropriate for reactive decision making such as when you’re pressed for time.
More employee/ people oriented styles are suitable for proactive decision making such as when a business needs to restructure. A longer timeframe for a task would suit this style.
What styles are more experienced for the experience of employees?
Authoritarian style would suit inexperienced employees who need to learn how to do their jobs. This helps employers keep control of situation
Participative style suits the management of motivated, experienced employees.
What are management skills?
The abilities or competencies that managers use to achieve business objectives.
What is communicating skills?
The ability to transfer of information from a sender to a receiver, and to listen to feedback
Contains messages about the values of the org and the expectations it has of them.
What are the types of communication?
One way: From one party to another, receiver has no opportunity to provide feedback.
Two way: From sender to receiver, the receiver has opportunity to provide feedback
Verbal: Written or spoken form of language.
Non-Verbal: Non-spoken signals that convey meaning (body language).
What makes an effective communicator?
Are clear in their communication (clarity)
Choose appropriate method and setting
Practice active listening
Provide feedback to prevent misunderstanding
What are the advantages of good communication?
Gains employee involvement in decision making and improves staff morale.
Provides clear direction
Develops employee management relationships
When can communication become ineffective?
Physical distractions (choose the right time and place to communicate)
Wrong communication form
Wording used
Cultural differences
How to address communication barriers?
Plan right time and place
Trialling technology
Using simple and clear communication
Seeking feedback from receivers
What is the skill of delegating?
The ability to transfer authority and responsibility from managers to employees to carry out specific activities. The manager assumes responsibility for delegated tasks.
Describe the advantages and disadvantages of delegation
Pros of delegations:
Aid smooth flow of production when manager is away.
Save time for manager to use for long term plannning
Contributes to the skills and empowerment of staff
Cons of delegation:
Results in poorly completed tasks if employees aren’t capable
What are the traits of good delegators?
Analyse tasks and understands which authority is needed to complete it
Offer supports to employees completing the task - set reasonable deadlines and checkpoints
Doesn’t delegate high risk, high cost or confidential matters
Doesn’t delegate highly skilled task to staff lacking training.
What is the skill of planning?
The skill of formulating a course of action in order to achieve business objective.
Setting strategies to achieve objectives.
Plans should be aligned to mission statement
It is an on-going process managers will need to react to unforeseen circumstances and it sets direction of business.
What are the level of planning?
Strategic: Long term planning (3-5 years) done by top level management and applies to all of organisation.
Tactical: Medium term planning (1-2 years)to implement the strategic plan by middle management and applies to a specific department/division.
Operational: short term planning , day to day planning, completed by supervisors or front-line managers and applies to a specific team.
What are the stages of planning?
Set objectives: State specific goals that upper level management wants for their subordinates.
Analyse and present situation: Do a SWOT analysis of internal and external environments.
Develop alternative strategies: Determine a number of strategies to achieve the objectives.
Implement best strategy: Carry out cost/benefit analysis of each plan to achieve best option.
Monitor the progress of implementation
What is the skill of leading?
The skill of getting employees motivated to follow willingly.
What are the types of leaders?
Formal - holds position of authority
Informal - doesn’t hold an official positions but influences outcomes through interacting with others.
What are good leaders>
Inspiring and influence others
Don’t just tell you what to do, finds a way to make you want to do it
Lead by example
What are the skills of decision making?
The skill of identifying and evaluating possible course of action and choose the most appropriate course of action.
Allows organisations to keep up and stay ahead of its competitors
What process should decision makers use?
Define objectives
Outline facts
Decide on cause of problem
Develop solutions
Select best solution and implement it
Evaluate effectiveness of decision
What is the skill of being interpersonal?
The skill of liaising with people and empathising with others
Helps managers to motivate staff and build rapport with people
Creates a positive work culture through creation of harmonious workplace.
What do managers with good interpersonal skills have?
A manager with good interpersonal skills has:
High EQ
Controls their emotions
Shows compassion
Overcomes conflicts in constructive way
Good communicator and team player
Ethical, honest and values beliefs of others.