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how much % of TBW is water

how much % of TBW is ICF

how much % of TBW is ECF

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how much % of TBW is water

how much % of TBW is ICF

how much % of TBW is ECF




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measurement of volume of body fluid law

هو حقن سبغه ب رقم معين وبعد كدا استني شويه وشاف نسبه تركيزها كام وعرف من القانون دا ال volume

لااااااااااااااااااااااازم للللااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااازم

لما تحط واحده بال mg مثلا

التانيه تبقي زيها متبقاش بالجرام لازم ميلي جرام زي التانيه

عشان تطلع رقم مظبوط

<p>هو حقن سبغه ب رقم معين وبعد كدا استني شويه وشاف نسبه تركيزها كام وعرف من القانون دا ال volume </p><p>لااااااااااااااااااااااازم للللااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااازم </p><p>لما تحط واحده بال mg مثلا </p><p>التانيه تبقي زيها متبقاش بالجرام لازم ميلي جرام زي التانيه </p><p> عشان تطلع رقم مظبوط</p>
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5 characters of a dye

1. Not toxic.

2. Rapidly and evenly distributed throughout the nominat ed compartment

3. Not metabolized.

4. Not rapidly excreted.

5. Easily measured.

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to measure TBW the substance we use is ?

D2O (deutrium oxide)



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to measure ECF the substance we use is ?




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to measure plasma the substance we use is ?

radioiodinated serum albumin (RISA)

evan’s blue (dye that binds to serum albumin)

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a dye that binds to serum albumin is ?

and what does it measure

evan’s blue

it measures plasma volume

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the formula of ICF measurement

is it directly measured ?

if yes examples please

ICF = total body water - ECF

its not directly measured

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the formula of ISF measurement

is it directly measured ?

if yes examples please

ISF = ECF - plasma volume

its not directly measured

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the formula of RBCs volume measurement

can it be directly measured ?

if yes examples please

RBCs volume = blood volume - plasma volume

can be measured directly as

chromium (51Cr),iron(59Fe) and phosphorus (32P)

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meaurement of blood volume law

هيماتوكريت دا تحليل باين

بصمج ياخويا زي ما هي ولا يهمكXD

<p>هيماتوكريت دا تحليل باين </p><p>بصمج ياخويا زي ما هي ولا يهمكXD</p>
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osmolatory can be measured by 2 methods

1- calculation

2- depression of freezing point

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calculation of osmolarity law

g (number of particles free) * C (molar concentration of the solute)

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calculation of osmolarity according to depression of freezing point law

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the constant in the measuring of osmolarity according to the depression of freezing point


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hypotonic solution effect on the cell and what are the components of it

cell swelling

pure water

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isotonic solution effect on the cell and what are the components of it

no chanege in the cell volume

9 grams of salt in 1 liter of solution

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hypertonic solution effect on the cell and what are the components of it

18 grams of salt in 1 liter of solution

the cell shrinks

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any change in the cell volume due to change in the ECF osmolarity

can be calculated from the following equation ?

initial volume and osmolarity will equal the final volume andthe final osmolarity

<p>initial volume and osmolarity will equal the final volume andthe final osmolarity </p>
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equilibrium potential other name

nernst potential

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nernst equation is

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<p>wtf are</p><p> E ion </p><p>Cin and Cout</p><p>Z</p><p></p>

wtf are

E ion

Cin and Cout


E ion =equilibrium potential

Cin and Cout = ion conc. inside and outside the membrane

Z is the valency of the ion

like NA and K there valency are +1

Ca valency is +2

Cl is -1 etc etc

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the effect on osmolarity due to the presence of non diffusible ions

the osmolarity is higher on the side of non diffusible ions than the other side

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donnan effect at the level of the cells in other words what does it tend to cause and why

donnan equilibrium tends to cause osmotic dysequilibrium due to the presence of nondiffusable protein anions inside the cell so it leads to osmosis of water inside the cell

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whaat prevents the donnan effect

Na-K pump which maintains low intracellular Na concentration and keep the inside and outside in osmotic equilibrium

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what does the inhibition of Na-K pump results in and by what and what happens next

inhibition of Na-K pump results in increase of Na concentration inside the cells so water flow inside

this happens by brain ischemia and results in neural swelling and damage

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why donnan effect occurs in the capillaries

Donnan equilibrium occurs in the capillaries due to the presence of nondiffusable plasma protein inside the capillaries.

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Na conc. at capillaries due to donnan effect

Na conc. is slightly more in the blood than in the interstitial fluid so increase in the osnolarity and osmotic pressure of plasma proteins from 22 to 28 mmhg in blood

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Cl conc. at capillaries due to donnan effect

is relatively less in the blood than in the interstitial fluid

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donnan effect significance at glomerular capillaries what does it cause

donnan equilibrium causes glomerular filtrate to contain less Na and more Cl relative to the plasma

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what is the RMP and what is its number.

it is the potential difference between outside and inside the nerve fiber during rest

normally its about -70mV

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what is graded potential

its a local change in the resting membrane potential of nerve fibers

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2 examples of graded membrane potential

a)Receptor potential in receptor region b)Postsynaptic potentials (PSPs) in dendrites or cell body

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action potential is ?

its the electrical changes that occur in resting membrane potential as a result of stimulation by an effective stimulus

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<p>what ion channel is this </p>

what ion channel is this

ligand gataed ion channel

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<p>what ion channel is this </p>

what ion channel is this

mechanicaly gated ion channel

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<p>what is this type of ion channel </p>

what is this type of ion channel

always open ion channel

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<p>what is this ion channel</p>

what is this ion channel

voltage-gated ion channel

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leak ion channels properties

always open

k channel

important in resting membrane potential

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chemical-gated ion channel properties

channel open with chemical substance bind to its receptor

K and Na channel at neuromuscular junction

important in graded membrane potential

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voltage-gated ion channel

channel open by changes in cell membrane potential

Na and K channels

important in action potential

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what is biofeedback

its a learning process where people exert conscious control over physiological function controlled by autonomic nervous system.

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how to perform biofeedback and example for an area

electrical sensors are connected to special areas of the body like the skin that help you receive information (feedback) about the body

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what power does biofeedback give you

it gives you the power to use your thoughts to control your body often to improve health condition or physical performance

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<p>what is this </p><p>and discuss it</p>

what is this

and discuss it

its the brain wave biofeedback response

uses scalp sensors to monitor your brain waves using an electroencephalograph (EEG)

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<p>what is this </p><p>and discuss it </p>

what is this

and discuss it

its the breathing biofeedback

bands are placed around your abdomen and chest to monitor your breathing patterns and respiration rate

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<p>what is this</p><p>and discuss it </p>

what is this

and discuss it

heart rate biofeedback

it uses sensors placed on your chest or wrists use an electrocardiograph (ECG) to measure your heart rate and how your heart rate varies

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<p>what is this </p><p>and discuss it</p>

what is this

and discuss it

muscle contraction biofeedback

sensors over your skeletal muscles with an electromyograph (EMG) to monitor the electrical activity that causes muscle contraction

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<p>what is this </p><p>and discuss it </p>

what is this

and discuss it

sweat gland activity (EDA)

sensors attached around your fingers or on your palm or wrist with an electrodermograph (EDG)

measures the activity of your sweat glands, alerting you to anxiety

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discuss temperature biofeedback

sensors attached to your fingers or feet measures blood flow and temperature of your skin

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what biofeedback alert the person of anxiety

sweat gland activity (EDA)

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biofeedback training or therapy is used to help manage many physical and mental health issues, including 4

1. Anxiety or stress.

2. Chronic pain.

3. Headache.

4. High blood pressure and others

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2 examples of relaxation exercises are used in biofeedback therapy

1-deep breathing

2-mindfulness meditation

focusing your thoughts and letting go of your thoughts and letting go of nnegative emotions

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blood flow (Q) law

flow (Q) = pressure gradient / resistance

Q = delta P / R

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blood flow relation to pressure gradiant

blood flow is directly proportional to pressure gradiant

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resistance means ? and its relation to blood flow

the difficulty faced by the blood during flow through blood vessels

its inversely related to blood flow

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write the poiseuilli equation

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ANS is divided into 2 systems

sympathetic (thoracolumbar) NS

parasympathetic (craniosacral) NS

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sympathetic NS origin

thoracolumbar LHCs of

1-all thoracic segments

2-upper 3 lumbar segments of the spinal cord

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parasympathetic NS origin


a) cranial part

1-oculomotor N in midbrain

2-facial N in pons

3-glossopharyngeal N in MO (medulla oblongata)

4-vagus nerve in MO

b) sacral part

s2,s3,s4 and forms pelvic nerve

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what are autonomic ganglia and what are their functions

collection of cell bodies of neurons outside of the CNS

and their functions are that they act as a relay station for autonomic preganglionic nerve fibers.

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lateral ganglia other name ?



how many rows?

relay station for ?

paravertebral ganglia

on sides of spinal cord

about 22-24 ganglia on each side

2 rows of sympathetic chain of ganglia

relay station for sympathetic nerve fibers only

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terminal ganglia

location ?

relay station for ?

in the wall or very close to the wall of the organ

relay station of all parasympathetic nnerve fibers and some sympathetic nerve fibers

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collateral ganglia other name ?

location ?

relay station for ?

in the abdomin midway between the spinal cord and viscera

relay station for sympathetic nerve fibers

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def of action potential

its the electrical changes which occurs in the RMB as a result of stimulation of N.F by an effective stimulus

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phases of action potential are 2

depolarization and repolarization

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continuous conduction

site ?

speed ?

energy ?

mechanism ?

unmyelinated nerve fiber

0.5-2 m/sec

more energy consumption

mechanism occur step by step or sweeping

continuous conduction

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saltatory conduction

site ?

speed ?

energy ?

mechanism ?

myelinated fibers

up to 120 m/sec

less energy consumption (1% of the continuous conduction)

occurs by jumping of impulses from node to node salutatory (jumping) conduction

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the speed of conduction of action potential depends on ?

explain the mechanism

the degree of myelination increases the myelin sheath thickness leads to the increase in the membrane resistance to current so the charge will jump from one node to another and increase the conduction velocity

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what disease causes loss of myelin sheaths and what happens due to that

in multiple sclerosis loss of myelin sheaths cause decrease in conduction velocity

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usually the nerve impulse propagates in nerve fibers from ? to ?

its name is ?

from receptors to CNS

orthodromic conduction

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conduction of the nerve impulse in the opposite direction of the usual is named

and from where to where?

antidromic conduction

from the CNS to receptors

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causes of graded membrane potential 2

ligand gated ion channel

opening of some voltage gated Na channels

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depolarization is caused by ?

opening of all voltage gated sodium channels

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repolarization is caused by ?

opening of K channells so potassium eflux occurs

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hyperpolarization occurs due to ?

delayed closure of potassium channels

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<p>what solution is added</p><p>and what is its conc.</p><p>and what happens to the cell</p>

what solution is added

and what is its conc.

and what happens to the cell

hypertonic solution

18 grams of salt in 1 liter of solution

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<p>what solution is added</p><p>and what is its conc.</p><p>and what happens to the cell</p>

what solution is added

and what is its conc.

and what happens to the cell

hypotonic solution

pure water

cell swelling

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<p>what solution is added</p><p>and what is its conc.</p><p>and what happens to the cell</p>

what solution is added

and what is its conc.

and what happens to the cell

isotonic solution

9 grams of salt in 1 liter of solution


no change in cell volume

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<p>what type of autonomic ganglia is 1</p><p>and say all of its properties</p>

what type of autonomic ganglia is 1

and say all of its properties

lateral (paravertebral) ganglia

on the sides of the spinal cord

about 22-24 ganglia on each side

2 rows of sympathetic chain ganglia

relay station for sympathetic nerve fibers only

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<p>what type of autonomic ganglia is 2</p><p>and say all of its properties</p>

what type of autonomic ganglia is 2

and say all of its properties

collateral (prevertebral) ganglia

in the abdomen, midway between spinal cord and viscera

its a relay station for sympathetic nerve fibers

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<p>what type of autonomic ganglia is 3  </p><p>and say all of its properties</p>

what type of autonomic ganglia is 3

and say all of its properties

terminal ganglia

in the wall or very close to the wall of the organ

relay station for all parasymp. and some sympathetic nerve fibers

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<p>what state is this</p>

what state is this

RMP or polarization

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<p>what state is this</p>

what state is this

depolarization state of action potential

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<p>what state is this </p>

what state is this

repolarization state of action potential

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<p>what type of conduction is this </p><p>and mention all its properties</p>

what type of conduction is this

and mention all its properties

saltatory conduction

myelinated fibers

up to 120 m/sec

less energy consumption (1% of continuous conduction)

occurs by jumping of impulses from node to node

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<p>what type of conduction is this</p>

what type of conduction is this

continuous conduction

unmyelinated nerve fibers

0.5-2 m/sec

more energy consumption

ooccurs step by step or sweeping

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<p>what happened <span data-name="frowning_face" data-type="emoji">☹</span> </p><p>what are happening bcoz of this</p>

what happened

what are happening bcoz of this

multiple sclerosis

loss of myelin sheaths causes decrease in conduction velocity

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