a belief in god or gods
the view that gods or god do not exist
a belief we cannot know for certain whether gods or god exist
3 main forms of divine in Hinduism
Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu
Qualities of Brahma
-role of creator
usually shown with 4 faces which show complete knowledge, mind and intellect -holding prayer beads
Qualities of Vishnu
-Preserver of live -has kindness and compassion -usually shown with 4 arms
qualities of Shiva
-destroyer -protects from greed, lust anger -Responsible for death -shown with serpent around his neck
Female deities
Saraswati=music art wisdomLakshmi= wealth fortune prosperity parvati=love and fertility
Christians belief there are 3 persons in the one god
Trinity=God the son, god the father, god the holy spirit.
Types of Prayer
Formal and informal
Ways of praying
-vocal prayer -contemplative prayer -meditation
P in pray
What does the P in prayer stand for( different types of prayer) in Abrahamic religions.
R in pray
Repentance (saying sorry)
A in pray
Asking for something
Y in pray
yield to God's plan for your life
3 Abrahamic religions
Islam, Christianity, Judaism
becoming flesh on earth
The act of rising from the dead
Small cap worn by Jewish men when praying
Two small leather boxes that contain verses from the Torah and are strapped around the arm and head
a prayer shawl that remind jews of their duties
prayer said 5 times a day by Muslims, one of the 5 pillars of islam.
Muslim call to prayer
a word, sound or phrase repeated to help concentration in meditation.
A symbol representing the universe used in hindu and buddhist meditation.