Chapter 19

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A leading characterization of U.S. foreign policy in the early twentieth century was

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A leading characterization of U.S. foreign policy in the early twentieth century was

"Dollar Diplomacy."

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The outbreak of World War I in 1914 was triggered by

the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand.

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Under this act, American men were required to register with the draft.

Selective Service Act

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This federal agency presided over all elements of war production from the distribution of raw materials to the prices of manufactured goods.

War Industries Board

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The Committee on Public Information (CPI) flooded the country with pro-war propaganda, describing Germany as

a nation of barbaric Huns led by an autocratic Kaiser aligned against freedom.

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Prohibition was appealing from a government standpoint because

while brief, the Eighteenth Amendment unified the country behind a common Progressive cause.

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Under the American Protective League (APL), a primary action for Americans was to

spy on their neighbors and carry out "slacker raids" requiring men to show their draft cards.

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In Buck v. Bell (1927), the Supreme Court

upheld the constitutionality of involuntarily sterilizing insane and "feeble-minded" people to prevent the gene from passing to the next generation.

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The "Open Door" Policy refers to

a key principle of U.S. foreign relations that emphasizes the free flow of trade and investment.

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President Wilson's foreign policy that called for active intervention to remake the world in America's image was called

liberal internationalism.

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The right to dissent from government policy during World War I

met sweeping repression from the U.S. government and the public.

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Between 1901 and 1920, the U.S. marines landed in Caribbean countries

more than twenty times.

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President Theodore Roosevelt won the Nobel Peace Prize for helping to negotiate a settlement of

the Russo-Japanese War in Asia of 1905.

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What was the West African proverb that President Theodore Roosevelt was fond of?

Speak softly and carry a big stick.

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The American foreign policy principle that held that the United States had a right to exercise "an international police power" in the Western Hemisphere was called

the Roosevelt Corollary.

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Dollar Diplomacy, the U.S. foreign policy that emphasized economic investment and loans from American banks, rather than direct military intervention, was the policy of

William Taft.

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In 1916, President Wilson sent more than 10,000 troops into Mexico to arrest

"Pancho" Villa, who had killed seventeen Americans in an attack on Columbus, New Mexico.

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During World War I, Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman empire were called

The Central Powers.

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Which of the following was a military technology used during World War I?


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How many soldiers perished during World War I worldwide?

10 million

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Of the great ideologies that had arisen in nineteenth-century America, which, by 1920, had proven most powerful?


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What was the name of the British liner sunk by a German submarine in May 1915 that resulted in the deaths of more than 1,000 passengers, including 124 Americans?


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The United States entered World War I in April of 1917 only after Germany resumed submarine warfare against its ships in the Atlantic and

after discovery of the Zimmermann Telegram.

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In November 1917, during World War I, a communist revolution broke out in what country?


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President Wilson articulated the clearest statement of American war aims and his vision of a new postwar international order in

the Fourteen Points.

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This federal organization established by President Wilson explained the war to the American people and compelled America to take arms in defense of its liberties and free institutions.

Committee on Public Information

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Who was the leader of the National Woman's Party, an organization that employed militant tactics in favor of women's suffrage?

Alice Paul

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What did Prohibition (the Eighteenth Amendment, ratified in 1919) prohibit?

manufacture or sale of alcoholic beverages

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Randolph Bourne's vision of America was

a cosmopolitan, democratic society in which immigrants and natives would create a new "trans-national" culture.

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During World War I, popular words of German origin were changed; "hamburger" became

"liberty sandwich."

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The worst race riot in American history occurred in 1921, when more than 300 blacks were killed and over 10,000 were left homeless after white mobs burned an all-black section of which city to the ground?

Tulsa, Oklahoma

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Who was the leader of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, a movement for African independence and black self-reliance?

Marcus Garvey

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What subject were eugenicists so obsessed about?

racial purity

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What breakfast cereal inventor was a white supremacist and eugenicist believer who founded the Race Betterment Foundation in 1906?

John Harvey Kellogg

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Which of the following U.S. government policies arose from the eugenics movement?

the increase of immigration restriction

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What group of people outside of the United States in the 1920s and 1930s carefully studied the American eugenicist movement?

German members of the Nazi Party

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What Supreme Court justice famously said, regarding a case involving eugenics, "Three generations of imbeciles are enough."

Oliver Wendell Holmes

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President Roosevelt declined to assert U.S. authority over the Canal Zone until the citizens of Panama had a chance to vote on the matter.


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Presidents Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson shared a common belief that the United States had a right, even a duty, to intervene from time to time in the affairs of other countries.


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Following the outbreak of World War I, the Allied and Central Powers each acted to block American trade with their adversaries.


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President Wilson won reelection in 1916 on the slogan, "We must fight to make the world safe for democracy."


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After America entered World War I, antiwar opposition disappeared.


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While many were troubled by the ongoing slaughter overseas, most Progressives regarded wartime mobilization as an extraordinary chance to remake American society.


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By 1900, measured by its acquisition of new territories, the United States was an imperialist power, the equal of Great Britain and France.


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Most Progressives opposed America's entry into World War I as jingoistic, imperialist venturing.


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By 1918, the wealthiest Americans were paying 60 percent of their income in taxes.


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In 1903, when Panama declared its independence from Colombia, the United States stationed a gunboat off the Panamanian coast, preventing the Colombian army from taking back the area.


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In 1904, President Theodore Roosevelt arranged an "executive agreement" that gave a group of American bankers control over the finances of the Dominican Republic.


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President Woodrow Wilson authorized more military interventions into Latin America than any other president in American history.


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When U.S. troops landed at Vera Cruz, Mexico, to stop weapons from being delivered to Victoriano Huerta's forces, the Marines were greeted as liberators by the Mexican people.


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