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It is a social and managerial process where individuals and groups obtain what they need and want by creating and exchanging value with others.
• Attracting Customers
• Delivering superior value and customer satisfaction
• Gaining competitive advantage
Focus Areas in Marketing
Social media ads, Promos or Discounts, Word of mouth, Customer reviews
Examples of Marketing
Determined success of businesses
Helps create awareness
Importance of Marketing
Needs, wants, demands
Product or Market offerings
Value, Satisfaction, Loyalty
Exchange, Transaction, Relationship
Five Core Marketing Concepts
Basic human requirements (e.g., food, clothing, safety, shelter).
Personal desires influenced by culture and personality
Wants backed by the purchasing power of consumers
Anything offered to meet a need or want.
Market offerings
These are combinations of physical products, services, ideas, and experiences provided to satisfy customer needs and wants.
Tangible and Intangible
What are the two types of product?
Marketing myopia
focusing too much on the product rather than on the benefits and experiences it delivers to meet customer needs
The difference between the benefits of using a product and its cost.
How well a product meets or exceeds customer expectations.
The product's ability to fulfill its intended purpose effectively
Customer value
It reflects the benefits gained by using the product compared to the cost of obtaining it.
Marketing exchange
refers to the process where two or more parties trade something of value to satisfy their needs or wants
Marketing transaction
specific exchange where a buyer and a seller agree to transfer goods, services, or experiences for something of value, typically money
Marketing relationship
refers to building and maintaining longterm connections between a business and its customers
consists of actual and potential buyers who share a common need or want that can be fulfilled through an exchange
Product, Price, Place, and Promotion
Tourism and Hospitality Marketing
• process of promoting travel-related services, destinations, and experiences to potential customers.
• It combines strategies and tools to attract tourists, enhance their experiences, and encourage them to return or recommend these services to others.
• This marketing focuses on understanding customer desires, creating memorable experiences, and providing excellent service that aligns with cultural, social, and personal needs.
• Promoting destination
• Service differentiation
• Digital presence
• Events and festivals
• Promotional campaigns
Key Aspects of Tourism and Hospitality Marketing
Marketing Management
It is the analysis, planning, implementation, and control of : program designed to create, build, and maintain beneficial exchanges with target buyers to achieve organizational objectives
• Production concept
• Product concept
• Selling concept
• Marketing concept
• Social marketing concept
Marketing Environment
It consists of all factors within and outside a company that impact its ability to sell products or services.
Microenvironment and Macroenvironment
2 parts of Marketing Environment
everything and everyone close to a business that affects how it works, like customers, suppliers, competitors, and partners. It's the small, nearby world a business deals with every day. It is also called an INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT.
Management, Marketing, Finance, Production and Operations, Human Resources
Five factors of Microenvironment
It is also called the external environment. It includes force that are beyond a company's control.
Economic environment
includes such forces as balance of payments, foreign exchange import-export situations, competitive situation, taxation, energy and oil prices
Business cycle
A key economic factor is the ______ _____, which influences demand.
Sociocultural environment
Refers to the influence of culture, traditions, religion, and social factors on people.
Political-legal environment
includes government actions and laws that affect businesses. This covers rules, political stability, elections, and issues like safety and the military.
Technological Environment
refers to the advancement of science and technology and includes new inventions or discoveries, technological breakthroughs, research
Natural/Environmental Environment
includes factors like typhoons, earthquakes, pollution, ozone depletion, and deforestation
SWOT Analysis
It evaluates a firm's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, helping determine the best marketing strategies. For the hotel industry, it is essential as it directly impacts tourism by ensuring adequate accommodations for tourists.
internal quality that gives a company a competitive edge.
internal factors that a company lacks or that put it
at a disadvantage, negatively affecting operations
factor in the external environment that is expected to work favorably towards company operations.
Factor in the external environment that is expected to have a negative effect on company operations
Production concept
This concept holds that given a wide array of products in the market, consumers will prefer to buy products that are widely available and highly affordable.
Product concept
This concept holds that consumers favor products that offer the best quality, performance, and innovative features.
Selling Concept
This concept holds that consumers will not buy enough of the company's products unless the company undertakes an extensive and large-scale selling and promotional effort.
Marketing concept
This concept holds that achieving the goals of an organization depends on knowing the needs and wants of the target market and delivering the desired satisfaction more effectively and efficiently than others.
Socia Marketing Concept
This concept holds that organizations must not only study and satisfy the customer's needs and wants but also deliver superior value in a way that maintains or improves the customer's as well as the society's well-being.
pertains to the organizational setup, including goals and objectives, organizational structure, etc.
is about making sure products or services reach consumers in a way that meets their needs and wants.
refers to the management of company's financial resources
Production and operations
Refers to processes involved in manufacturing products and providing services
Human resources
Focus on improving human performance within the company. It includes motivation, compensation, etc.