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osteochondritis dessicans (elbow)

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osteochondritis dessicans (elbow)

- most common in capitulum
- separation of cartilage segment and subchondral bone from articular surface
- common in adolescent athletes

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- medial = flexors
- lateral = extensors
- diagnose with US

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monteggia fx of elbow

proximal 1/3 of ulna w dislocation of radial head

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nightstick fracture of elbow

fracture of ulnar shaft

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galeazzi fx of elbow

fx of distal 1/3 radial shaft and distal radioulnar joint dislocation

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proximal ulnar fx

3 types
- type 1: proximal 1/3 olecranon
- type 2: middle 1/3 olecranon (most common)
- type 3: distal 1/3 olecranon (closer to ulnar shaft)

<p>3 types<br>- type 1: proximal 1/3 olecranon<br>- type 2: middle 1/3 olecranon (most common)<br>- type 3: distal 1/3 olecranon (closer to ulnar shaft)</p>
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radial head fracture

4 types
- type 1: undisplaced
- type 2: marginal fx w displacement
- type 3: comminuted fx
- type 4: radial head fx and dislocation

<p>4 types<br>- type 1: undisplaced<br>- type 2: marginal fx w displacement<br>- type 3: comminuted fx<br>- type 4: radial head fx and dislocation</p>
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distal humerus fracture

- supracondylar fx (above condyles)
- transcondylar fx (transverse line through condyles)
- intercondylar fx (fx IN BETWEEN condyles, vertical line)
- condylar fracture (condyles broken off)
- articular fx (fx of articular surfaces)
- epicondylar fx (avulsion fx)

<p>- supracondylar fx (above condyles)<br>- transcondylar fx (transverse line through condyles)<br>- intercondylar fx (fx IN BETWEEN condyles, vertical line)<br>- condylar fracture (condyles broken off)<br>- articular fx (fx of articular surfaces)<br>- epicondylar fx (avulsion fx)</p>
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what can u see in coronal plane MRI/CT of elbow

- medial and lateral collateral ligaments
- common flexor and extensor tendons

<p>- medial and lateral collateral ligaments<br>- common flexor and extensor tendons</p>
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what can you see in saggital plane MRI/CT elbow

- radial head
- humerradial joint
- humeroulnar jt

<p>- radial head<br>- humerradial joint<br>- humeroulnar jt</p>
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what can you see in axial plane MRI/CT elbow

- biceps tendon
- triceps tendon
- brachial artery
- radial/ulnar N

<p>- biceps tendon<br>- triceps tendon<br>- brachial artery<br>- radial/ulnar N</p>
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AP elbow radiograph elbow

anatomical position

<p>anatomical position</p>
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lateral elbow radiograph elbow

articulations with humerus

<p>articulations with humerus</p>
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oblique IR radiograph elbow

medial epicondyle

<p>medial epicondyle</p>
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oblique ER radiograph elbow

radial head articulation with humerus

<p>radial head articulation with humerus</p>
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AP forearm radiograph

more focus on radius and ulna

<p>more focus on radius and ulna</p>
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lateral forearm radiograph

ulnar head at wrist
radial head at elbow

<p>ulnar head at wrist<br>radial head at elbow</p>
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labrum tears

image with MRA
- associated with dislocations, 3 types
- avulsion off glenoid rim (bankart fx)
- terar in substance of labrum
- SLAP lesion /biceps tendon

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rotator cuff tears

use MRI to image
- can be complete or partial
- treatment depends on degree of tear
- surgery when >3 cm

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AC joint laxity/sprain

image with AC radiograph with/without weights to image
- grade 1: mild sprain AC
- grade 2: AC torn and CC stretched
- grade 3: AC and CC torn

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shoulder trauma neer classification

1 part: non displaced
2 part: displaced (2 pieces)
3 part: displaced (3 pieces)
4 part: displaced (4 pieces)

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GH dislocation

mostly anterior (aB and ER)
- can cause hill sachs lesion (compression fx posteriolateral humeral head)
- bankart elsion (avulsion fx ant/inf labrum)

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scapular fx

very rare
- caused by direct blow

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clavicle fx

- classified by location (middle 1/3 most fragile)
- can be birth related
- seatbelt in car accident
- treated by immobilizing
- complications: malunion, nerve/vascular concern

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proximal humerus fx

- humeral head (anatomical neck)
- greater tuberosity (supra, infra, teres minor)
- lesser tuberosity (subscap)
- shaft at surgical neck

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what imaging should you use for proximal humerus fx

AP scapular and y-view
- treatment depends on stability and displacement

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shoulder AP ER radiograph

see greater tuberosity

<p>see greater tuberosity</p>
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shoulder AP IR radiographs

see lesser tuberosity

<p>see lesser tuberosity</p>
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shoulder axillary view radiograph

see acromion, glenoid, and coracoid

<p>see acromion, glenoid, and coracoid</p>
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shoulder anterior oblique (y-view) radiograph

still see humerus and lateral scap

<p>still see humerus and lateral scap</p>
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AP with and without stress (AC stress) radiograph

separates AC joint slightly

<p>separates AC joint slightly</p>
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AP scapular view radiograph

clearest view of scapula

<p>clearest view of scapula</p>
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lateral scapular view radiograph

space between scapula and ribs

<p>space between scapula and ribs</p>
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when should u take an MRI of the shoulder

- muscle/tendon injury
- long head of biceps disorders
- labral injuries
- ligament injuries

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axial plane MRI/CT of shoulder

see biceps tendon and labrum

<p>see biceps tendon and labrum</p>
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saggital plane MRI/CT of shoulder

- supra/infraspinatus
- acromion
- coracoacromial site

<p>- supra/infraspinatus<br>- acromion<br>- coracoacromial site</p>
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coronal plane MRI/CT of shoulder

see GH joint and AC joint

<p>see GH joint and AC joint</p>
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types of foot fractures

- talar fx (poor blood supply, concern for necrosis)
- calcaneal fx (long rehab process)
- midfoot fx (lisfranc or navicular)
- forefoot fx (metatarsals or phalanges)

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ankle fx

- unimalleolar
- bimalleolar
- trimalleolar (malleoli and posterior rim tibia)

<p>- unimalleolar<br>- bimalleolar<br>- trimalleolar (malleoli and posterior rim tibia)</p>
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foot deformities

- hallux valgus (1st met deviates medially >10 degrees)
- pes cavus (high arch)
- pes planus (flat foot)
- talipes equinovarus (clubfoot)

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talometatarsal angle

intersection of midshaft 1st met and talus (use WB radiograph to view)
- normal angle = 0 deg

<p>intersection of midshaft 1st met and talus (use WB radiograph to view)<br>- normal angle = 0 deg</p>
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tendon pathologies of the foot

use MRI to image
- achilles tendon
- tendons of fibularis longus/brecis after inversion stress injury

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ankle sprain

inversion most common
- usually dont need imaging, can be used for avulsions due to pull of ligament

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ottowa foot rules

tenderness at navicular or base of 5th met
- inability to WB

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ottowa ankle rules

tenderness of medial or lateral malleoli
- inability to WB

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AP foot radiograph

knowt flashcard image
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lateral foot radiograph

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oblique foot radiograph

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AP ankle radiograph

knowt flashcard image
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AP oblique/mortise ankle radiograph

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lateral ankle radiograph

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stress view ankle radiograph

for alignment/positioning
- use eversion/inversion

<p>for alignment/positioning<br>- use eversion/inversion</p>
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patellofemoral dislocations

acute or chronic
- medial/lateral dislocation = tangential view
- superior/inferior dislocation = lateral view

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patella fx

- transverse (displaced or nondisplaced, use lateral x-ray to see)
- vertical (displaced or non displaced)
- comminuted (displaced or nondisplaced)
- avulsion

<p>- transverse (displaced or nondisplaced, use lateral x-ray to see)<br>- vertical (displaced or non displaced)<br>- comminuted (displaced or nondisplaced)<br>- avulsion</p>
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proximal tibial fx

6 types
1: wedge/split of lateral aspect of plateau
2: lateral wedge or split fx
3: pure compression fx lateral plateau
4: involves medial plateau
5: split fx of both condyles
6: complete bicondylar fx

<p>6 types<br>1: wedge/split of lateral aspect of plateau<br>2: lateral wedge or split fx<br>3: pure compression fx lateral plateau<br>4: involves medial plateau<br>5: split fx of both condyles<br>6: complete bicondylar fx</p>
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distal femur fx

- supracondylar (nondisplaced, impacted, displaced, comminuted)
- condylar (fx at condyle)
- intercondylar (between condyles)

<p>- supracondylar (nondisplaced, impacted, displaced, comminuted)<br>- condylar (fx at condyle)<br>- intercondylar (between condyles)</p>
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meniscal tears

use MRI fofr imaging
- soft tissues

<p>use MRI fofr imaging<br>- soft tissues</p>
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knee cartilage injuries

- osteochondral fx (young atheltes)
- osteochondritis dessicans
- spontanous osteonecrosis (older adults)

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rules for knee radiograph

- joint effusion after direct blow/fall
- mobility to walk without limping
- palpable tenderness over patella or fibular head
- inability to flex knee to 90 deg
- age >55

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knee fxs

- distal femur fracture
- patellar fracture
- patellar dislocations
- proximal tibial fx

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DJD/OA of the knee

- reduction in joint space
- sclerosis of subchondral bone
- osteophytes at joint margin
- subchondral cysts
- could have varus or valgus deformities

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osgood schlatter disease

- enlarged tibial tubercle
- repetitive trauma at distal tendon attachment
- common in adolescent boys

<p>- enlarged tibial tubercle<br>- repetitive trauma at distal tendon attachment<br>- common in adolescent boys<br>- USE LATERAL RADIOGRAPH</p>
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imaging for ligament injuries in the knee

- cruciate ligament tears: MRI
- collateral ligament tears: stress x-ray
- avulsion fx: x-ray

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knee MRI/CT axial view

looks like tangential x-ray
- see tibial plateau

<p>looks like tangential x-ray<br>- see tibial plateau</p>
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knee MRI/CT saggital view

looks like lateral radiograph

<p>looks like lateral radiograph</p>
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knee MRI/CT coronal view

looks like AP radiograph

<p>looks like AP radiograph</p>
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when should you use an MRI for knee

- meniscus lesions
- ligament injuries
- soft tissue injuries
- osteochondral abnormalities

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tangential knee radiograph

see patella and distal femur
- use if alignment slightly off
- use for vertical fx of patella

<p>see patella and distal femur<br>- use if alignment slightly off<br>- use for vertical fx of patella</p>
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PA knee radiograph

see intercondylar eminence

<p>see intercondylar eminence</p>
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lateral knee radiograph

can see patella tracking superiorly/inferiorly
- alta = high
- baja = low
- use for transverse fx patella

<p>can see patella tracking superiorly/inferiorly<br>- alta = high<br>- baja = low<br>- use for transverse fx patella</p>
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AP knee radiograph

- distal femur
- proximal tibia and fibula
- no patella or tibial plateau

<p>- distal femur<br>- proximal tibia and fibula<br>- no patella or tibial plateau</p>
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femoroacetabular impingement
- cam: outgrowth on femoral head
- pincer: outgrowth on acetabulum

<p>femoroacetabular impingement<br>- cam: outgrowth on femoral head<br>- pincer: outgrowth on acetabulum</p>
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slipped capital femoral epiphysis

- femoral epiphysis slips posteriorly
- blurring of physis on AP pelvis view
- use lateral frog view

<p>- femoral epiphysis slips posteriorly <br>- blurring of physis on AP pelvis view<br>- use lateral frog view</p>
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Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease

epiphyseal ischemic necrosis at femoral head
- 3-12
- femoral head looks squished

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trochanteric fx

fx of greater or lesser trochanters
- typically avulsion
- AP hip (greater) or frog leg (lesser)

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subtrochanteric fx

- proximal femur fx
- elderly or young pt
- image using AP hip
- treat w cephalomedullary nail fixation

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intertrochanteric fx

- seen w AP hip view
- compare w AP pelvis
- treat w ORIF

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femoral neck fx

- increased risk for AVN
- AP radiograph
- treat w ORIF or arthroplasty

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acetabular fx

due to femoral head driving into acetabulum
- REQUIRES CT SCAN bc of bony overlap

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hip fx

high rates of morbidity and mortality
- femoral neck
- intertrochanteric
- trochanteric

<p>high rates of morbidity and mortality<br>- femoral neck<br>- intertrochanteric<br>- trochanteric</p>
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frog leg radiograph

- LE in ER
- better view of trochanters

<p>FABER<br>- LE in ER<br>- better view of trochanters</p>
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DJD/OA hip

- joint space narrowing
- sclerotic subchondral bone
- osteophyte at joint margins

<p>- joint space narrowing<br>- sclerotic subchondral bone<br>- osteophyte at joint margins</p>
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RA hip

- symmetrical joint space narrowing
- loss of bone density
- joint effusion

<p>- symmetrical joint space narrowing<br>- loss of bone density<br>- joint effusion</p>
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AVN hip

- femoral neck fractures increase risk
- preserved joint space
- MRI detects changes in bone marrow, bone tumors, stress fx and AVN

<p>- femoral neck fractures increase risk<br>- preserved joint space<br>- MRI detects changes in bone marrow, bone tumors, stress fx and AVN<br>- CRESCENT SIGN</p>
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arthography hip

evaluates carticalge, labrum, and presence of FAI

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hip MRI/CT coronal view

- bilateral comparison hip joints
- acetabulum
- femoral head neck and shaft
- SI joints, sacrum, greater and lesser trochanter

<p>- bilateral comparison hip joints<br>- acetabulum<br>- femoral head neck and shaft<br>- SI joints, sacrum, greater and lesser trochanter</p>
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hip MRI/CT saggital view

- acetabular rood
- iliopsoas muscle
- SI joints
- pubic symphysis

<p>- acetabular rood<br>- iliopsoas muscle<br>- SI joints<br>- pubic symphysis</p>
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hip MRI/CT axial view

- femoral head in acetabular fossa
- sacrum
- greater and lesser trochanter

<p>- femoral head in acetabular fossa<br>- sacrum<br>- greater and lesser trochanter</p>
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