Economic theory underlying European Imperialism in the 17th century
Salem Witch Trials
Was cause by a mixture of superstition and male insecurities, leading to gender norms
Indentured families who worked off debt for free passage to the colonies
Stamp Act
Repeal of this implied colonial protests may work
Committee of Correspondence
Thanks to this, colonists began identifying a common enemy
Boston Massacre
Exaggerated accounts of this helped generate colonial support of the patriots
Intolerable Acts
Designed to punish Massachusetts for the Boston Massacre
Declaration of Independence
Assertion that liberty had become a universal entitlement
Abigail Adams
Urged the president to "remember the ladies" when forming a constitutional government
Their presence in the colonies showed the American Revolution was also a civil war
Free Black Communities
Their presence in the colonies complicated discussions over abolition before and after the revolution
Checks and Balances
Prevented one branch of government from dominating other branches
Federalists vs Anti Federalists
constitution and big government vs local governments and no constitution
Articles of Confederation
Severely limited the power of the federal government to prevent tyranny
Bill of Rights
Compromise that secured ratification of the Constitution
Federalists and Anti-Federalists
Debate over the power of the federal government
Bank of the United States
Arguments over this foreshadowed the Civil War
Whiskey Rebellion
Revealed economic grievances that lasted beyond the Revolution
Alien and Sedition Acts
Federalist attempt to limit Republican power
Judith Sargent Murray
Early feminist who pushed for equal access to education
War of 1812
A tie here lead to American nationalism
Trail of Tears
Commemorated the removal of the Cherokee and eventually led to the shrinkage and removal of Native American land
Hartford Convention
This was the death of the federalists because they lost their political audience through this affirmation of the right of a state to interpose authority if it violated the constitution
Belief in the importance of self-reliance --> Believed government restrictions limited the nations progress
American System
Blueprint for government promoted economic development --> Started a burst of nationalism
Panic of 1819
This economic crisis was caused by the end of the 7 years war, disrupting the political calmness of previous years (end of cotton market --> end of Era of Good Feelings)
McCulloch v. Maryland
States cannot tax countries --> states cannot tax other states --> but countries can
Proslavery argument
Without slavery they believed planters would be unable to cultivate the arts, sciences, and other civilized pursuits
Harriet Tubman
A courageous person who escaped and risked her life by making 20 trips back and leading slaves to freedom
Denmark Vessey
Denmark Vesey’s conspiracy reflected the combination of American and African influences then circulating in the Atlantic world
Nat Turner’s Rebellion
This represented Southern slave owners’ worst fears// these actions are the things that slave masters feared the most
American Colonization Society
White people trying to kick Black people out of the country.
American Anti-Slavery Society
They called for an immediate end to slavery but disagreed over the role women should play in the movement.
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Helped convince people to join the abolitionist movement
Gag rule
To end discussions and debates about abolition
Woman suffrage
The right of women to vote --> Origin of feminist movements
Gold rush
Agricultural development and shaped the course of California's development by spurring its economic growth and facilitating its transition to statehood
Free Soil Party
The party was largely focused on the single issue of opposing the expansion of slavery into the western territories of the United States.
Compromise of 1850
The fugitive SLave Act was amended, and California entered the Union as a free state
Fugitive Slave Act
Strengthened the previous version from 1793
Popular sovereignty
Theoretically, popular sovereignty provided politicians with a convenient way to circumvent the slavery debate, maintain party unity, and promote sectional harmony.
Kansas-Nebraska Act
The Kansas-Nebraska Act repealed the Missouri Compromise, created two new territories, and allowed for popular sovereignty.
Know-Nothing Party
The Know Nothing party was a nativist political party and movement in the United States in the mid-1850s.
Dred Scott v. Sanford
The Supreme Court held that former slaves did not have standing in federal courts because they lacked U.S. citizenship, even after they were freed.
Harpers Ferry
Most famous for its role in John Brown's raid. →An attack on the federal arsenal here made avoiding war less likely
Battle of Antietam
Union victory at this event provided President Abraham Lincoln the opportunity he had wanted to announce the Emancipation Proclamation, making this one of the key turning points of the American Civil War.
Radical Republicans
They were known for their opposition to slavery, their efforts to ensure emancipation and civil rights for African Americans, and their strong opinions on post-war Reconstruction.
Emancipation Proclamation
Confirmed their insistence that the war for the Union must become a war for freedom. It added moral force to the Union cause and strengthened the Union both militarily and politically
Navajo’s Long Walk
Continued the trend of taking away land from American Indians.
Ten-percent plan of Reconstruction
Designed to quickly put the country back together again.
Labor system that kept former slaves tied to land owned by others through debt.
Black Codes
Led to over 100 years of Jim Crow segregation in the South.
Reconstruction Act
outlined the terms for readmission to representation of rebel states.
Ku Klux Klan
Vigilantes who used terrorism to recreate the social order imposed by slavery.
Democrats who worked to bring back antebellum society in the South
Bargain of 1877
Led to Jim Crow laws
Seven Years War
The result of this European struggle eventually spilled into North America
Pontiac's Rebellion
An attempt by American Indians to drive the British out of their land
Virtual Representation
Idea that representation is linked to common interests, not to direct election
Thomas Paine's Common Sense
blamed George III for the colonies' problems and urged Americans to declare their independence
Treaty of Paris 1783
Diplomatic triumph for Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay
Gave husbands legal authority over their wives
Dispossession of Indian Lands
Showed increasing liberty for white people meant limiting freedom for American Indians
republican motherhood
Created greater social role for women
shay's rebellion
An agrarian response to the failures of the early Republic
Three Fifths Clause
Defined African-Americans as less than a white man for the purpose of representation
Virginia and Kentucky Revolutions
Early articulation of the states' rights argument
Mill Girls
Created the first union of working women in American history
the policy of perpetuating native cultures --> early anti-immigration laws
Manifest Destiny
Saying God permits the colonization --> Encouraged imperialism
Cult of Domesticity
Put women down in submission, promoted the idea that the women's place is the home --> Against Mill Girls
Missouri Compromise
A law trying to address growing section tensions over slavery --> Worked for a balance between free and slave states
Monroe Doctrine
Closed America to future European colonization
Peculiar Institution
Another name for slavery to downplay the horrors of slavery
Temperance Movement
They said the main source of societies problems is alchohol
Transcontinental Railroad
Connecting the two American coasts made the economic export of Western resources to Eastern markets easier than ever before.
Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth Amendments
Abolished slavery, gave citizenship to all people regardless of race, gave Black men the right to vote
Freedmans Bureau
Created to help freed Black Americans succeed in a capitalist society