Spatiosa et capax
Spacious and roomy
Infamis et pestilens
Notorious ans unwholesome
Sonos ferri
Noise of iron could be heard
Strepitus vinculorum
The sound of chains would be heard
Longius primo, deinde e proximo
First from far away, then from near by
Senex macie et squalore confectus
An old man worn out by thinness and filth
Promissa barba horrenti capillo
With a long beard and bristling hair
Cruribus compedes, manibus catenas gerebat quatiebatque
He was wearing shackles on his legs and chains on his hands, and was shacking them.
Quia suspecta vilitas
Because he suspected the cheapness
Ac nihilo minus, immo tango magis
None the less, in fact all the more eagerly
Poscit pugillares stilum lumen
He asked for wax tablets, a stilus, and a light
suos omnes in interiora dimittit
He sent all his people inside
Ad scribendum animum oculos manum
Turned his mind, eyes [and] hand to writing
Historic infinitives, extract 3
Concuti, moveri, tollere, remittere - creates fast pace, danger seems to approach more quickly
Adventare et iam ut in limine, iam ut intra limen audiri
it [the crashing] approached and now was heard in the doorway, now inside the doorway.
illa scribentis capiti catenis isonabat
The ghost began to rattle its chains over the head of he was writing
Innuentque digito
made a sign with his finger [the ghost]