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Explain what the new currency was (3)
The temporary money solution, in 1923, the Rentenmark. The Rentenmark was based of Germany's industrial and agricultural worth.
Created new independent bank in control of new currency and it was set up to help boost confidence in Germany's financial system.
Brought in permanent money solution in 1924, the Reichsmark. The amount of money printed was tightly controlled to prevent hyperinflation.
Explain the Dawes plan (4)
USA loaned Germany 800million gold marks to boost German industry.
Reparations were lowered to 1,000 million marks for first 5 years then were increased a bit more after (2,500 million marks. The allies agreed to review the payment rate of the Treaty of Versailles over time.
The French agreed to withdraw troops form the Ruhr.
Stresemann believed he could negotiate better terms for reparations payments. Some Germans criticised the government for agreeing to the terms of this plan as they felt it was Germany accepting blame for the war
Explain the Young plan (5)
Reparations were reduced to $8 billion
Payments were to be paid over 59 years.
Germany was only obliged to pay a third if they could afford to do so.
Many German citizens opposed the Young Plan because they didn't want Germany to continue to pay reparations.
The Young Plan came to nothing in the end because of the Wall Street Crash in the USA which meant they couldn’t loan to Germany.
Explain the Locarno pact (3)
Stresemann accepted Germany's wester borders.
All countries decided to renounce the use of invasion and force except in self-defence.
The pact, passed in 1925, reassured France about its borders and Germany about any French invasion/ occupation as had happened in 1923.
Explain the joining of the league of nations (3)
By signing the Locarno Treaties, Germany showed that it was accepting the Versailles settlement
A year later, in 1926, Germany was accepted as a permanent member of the Council of League.
This made it one of the most powerful countries in the League.
Explain the Kellogg-Briand pact (2)
Germany was of 62 countries that signed up to this agreement which committed its signatories to settling disputes between them peacefully.
It was a promise to not to use war to use to achieve our objectives.