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Stanley Miller
Oparin’s hypothesis ; mixture of inorganic compounds in a closed system
Aleksandr Oparin
proposed that organic molecules might have been assembled in the Earth’s primitive atmosphere in the presence of strong energy
image produced by a microscope
is the measure of optical instruments for an object to appear than its actual size
Stereo Microscope
is used to examine the external structure of a specimen such as insects
Phase-contrast microscope
is used to examine highly transparent objects such as unstained cell
Electron microscope
uses streams of electrons to enlarge objects approximately 10,000,000x
Eukaryotic Cell
complex type of cell possessed by fungi, plants, animals and protists
pro - before, karyon nut ; simple organisms possessing small size, with simple structures ; bacteria, blue green algae, archaeans ; reproduce fasts, can be found in air, soil, water, even inside the body of living organisms.
Prokaryotic Cell
Plasma membrane
allow waste products to pass through while preventing the diffusion of essential products to the external environment
Cell wall
is rigid responsible formaintaining its shape
where proteins are made
a gel-like substance making up cell’s internal environment
organelles suspended in microscopic fibers
Cell membrane
serves as a barrier separating the cell from external environment ; secures the cell’s content ; gatekeeper
is the storehouse of genetic information in the form of DNA.
Endoplasmic Reticulum
an interconnected network of folded membranes, similar to those of the cell membrane
Golgi apparatus
layered stack of membrane-enclosed spaces
fluid-filled sac for the storage of materialsneeded by cells that includes water, food molecules, inorganic ions and enzymes
round shape membrane bound structure containing chemicals that can break materials in the cell
supply energy to the cell ; round to oval organelles and two membranes
framework of flexible network