Key Calculations for Business A-Level

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How do you calculate fixed costs?

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How do you calculate fixed costs?

Fixed costs + Variable costs

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How do you calculate profit?

Total revenue - Total costs OR Total contribution - Fixed costs

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How do you calculate market capitalisation?

Number of shares x Current share volume

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How do you calculate sales revenue or turnover?

Selling price per unit × Number of units sold

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How do you calculate the expected value of a decision?

Two possible outcomes - A & B = (Pay-off of A × probability of A) + (Pay-off of B × probability of B)

N.B. Probability of A + Probability of B = 1.0

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How do you calculate net gain within a decision tree?

Expected value - Initial cost of decision

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How do you calculate market size volume?

The quantity of goods and services produced in a particular market over a period of time usually one year

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How do you calculate market size?

The total sales revenue (from selling all of the goods and services) produced in a particular market over a period of time (usually one year)

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How do you calculate sales volume?

The quantity of goods and services produced by a particular business over a period of time (usually one year)

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How do you calculate sales value?

The total sales revenue of a particular business over a period of time usually (one year)

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How do you calculate market growth (%) in year’X?

Change in the size of the market between year (X-1) and year X/ Size of the market in year (X-1) x100

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How do you calculate sales growth (%) in year’X?

Change in sales of product or business between year (X-1) and year X/ Sales of product or business in year (X-1) x100

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How do you calculate market share %?

Sales of one product OR brand OR business/ Total sales in the market x100

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How do you calculate price elasticity of demand?

Percentage change in quantity demanded/ Percentage change in price x100

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How do you calculate added value?

Sales revenue-costs of bought-in goods and services

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How do you calculate labour productivity?

Output per time period/ Number of employees

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How do you calculate unit costs?

Total costs of production/ Number of units of output produced

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How do you calculate capacity utilisation (%)?

Actual output in a given time period/ Maximum possible output in a given time period

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How do you calculate return on investment (%)?

Return on investment (£)/ Cost of the investment (£)

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How do you calculate gross profit?

Sales Revenue - Cost of Sales

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How do you calculate profit from operations/ operating profit?

Sales Revenue - Cost of Sales - Operating Expenses

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How do you calculate profit for the year?

Operating profit + Profit from other activities - Net finance costs -Tax

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How do you calculate variance?

  • The difference between an actual and a budgeted figure.

    • Favourable variance results in profits being higher than forecast.

    • Adverse variance results in profits being lower than forecast

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How do you calculate contribution per unit?

Selling price - Variable costs per unit

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How do you calculate total contribution?

  • Contribution per unit × Units produced or sold


  • Total contribution = Total revenue - Total variable costs

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How do you calculate break-even output?

Fixed costs/ Contribution per unit

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On a break even chart where can you find break- even output?

The level of output at which Total Revenue equals Total Costs

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On a break even chart where can you find the level of profit at a given level of output?

The vertical distance between the Total Revenue line and the Total Cost line

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How do you calculate margin of safety?

Actual level of output - Breakeven level of output

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How do you calculate gross profit margin (%)?

Gross profit/ Sales revenue x100

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How do you calculate profit from operations margin/ operating profit margin (%)?

Operating profit/ Sales revenue x100

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How do you calculate profit from the year margin?

Profit for year/ Sales revenue x100

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How do you calculate labour turnover (%)?

Number of staff leaving during the year/ Average number of staff employed by the business during the year x100

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How do you calculate employee retention rate (%) for a particular time period?

Number of staff leaving during the year/ Average number of staff employed by the business during the year x100

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How do you calculate employee costs as percentage of turnover?

Employee costs/ Sales turnover x100

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How do you calculate labour costs per unit?

Labour costs/ Units of output

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How do you calculate the capital employed?

Where total equity + non-current liabilities

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How do you calculate return on capital employed (ROCE) (%)?

Operating profit/ Total equity + non-current liabilities x100

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How do you calculate current ratio?

Current assets/ Current liabilities

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How do you calculate gearing %?

Non-current liabilities/ Total equity + non-current liabilities x100

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How do you calculate payable days?

Payables/ Cost of sales x365

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How do you calculate receivable days?

Receivables/ Sales revenue x365

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How do you calculate inventory turnover?

Cost of goods sold/ Average inventories held

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How do you calculate the average rate of return %?

Net return from the project (£) or number of years/ Initial cost of the project (£) x100

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