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general term for the grouping of words into larger units, can explain why 2 strings of words have different meanings
specific term for a syntactic constituent (NP, VP, PP, AdjP)
substitution test
substitute pro-form of syntactic phrase for constituent, if ungrammatical = not a constituent, if grammatical = constituent
noun: sub pronouns, verbs: sub do so/did so, prepositions: sub there/here/then
move a string of words into “It was _____ that/who [rest of sentence]”, if ungrammatical = not a constituent, if grammatical = a constituent
fragment test
make questions that can be answered by constituents - the way it is worded in the question has to be the answer to a question
coordination test
if 2 strings can be coordinated (connected by a conjunction and/or/but), then they are both constituents and of the same category
lexical ambiguity
2 meanings caused by words with more than one meaning
Talia lives by the bank (river bank and money bank)
structural ambiguity
one sentence having 2 meanings due to tree structures