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Election of 1824
Between Adams, Clay, Jackson, Andrew Jackson wins popular but not electoral vote, Adams elected president by House with Clay’s support
“Corrupt Bargain”
Adams was accused with arranging an agreement with Henry Clay in order to win the presidency, you need 121 to win and Jackson only got 91
Henry Clay
Became Sect. of State after Adams got elected
Andrew Jackson
his policies appealed for the common people but violated the rights of Native Americans, he won the popular vote but did not receive the majority of electoral votes
Democratic Party
Jackson had left the Democratic-Republican party because it was dying to form this party, the party did everything they could to try and sabotage the other party
Tariff of Abominations (1828)
increased import taxes in an effort to minimize foreign competition for US manufacturing, the south was angry about this because they had to make more
Election of 1828
Jackson won because triple the amount of people could vote because the land requirement was gone and Jackson was a man of the people
“Spoils system”
recently appointed officials remove outgoing appointments and install their own friends in place of the others, patronage: reward system for support
“Kitchen cabinet”
Friends become primary advisers
Indian Removal Act
funds were supplied by the federal government to negotiate treaties that would push the Native Americans to relocate west. There were about ninety treaties signed
Worcester v. Georgia
state cannot rule Cherokee or invade their land, Some Cherokee try to continue court fight, minority favor relocation, Federal agents sign treaty with minority; relocation begins, By 1838, 20,000 remain; President Martin Van Buren orders removal
Nullification Crisis
John C. Calhoun, vice president, declares the 1828 Tariff of Abominations, develops the nullification concept, and asserts that states have the right to break away from the Union in the event that nullification is denied
John C. Calhoun
Vice president, prominent states' rights advocate
Force Bill 1833
allowed the President of the United States to use military force against states that refused to comply with federal tax and tariff laws
Bank Crisis
Jackson Opposes the Bank, developed over the issue of rechartering the Second Bank of the United States
Nicholas Biddle
President of the BUS, the country's first central banker
“Pet banks”
Jackson killed killed the national bank, He took all of the money out of the central bank, and distributed it to many smaller state banks called pet banks, These banks failed to regulate the economy and contributed to a massive economic panic
Whig Party
Anti-monarchy/Jackson because they thought that he was abusing his power, Clay is the founder