reinvestment of capital into inner-city areas (i.e. improvement of residential areas)
gentrification is a more market-driven process
renovating and improving a neighborhood, often resulting in an increase in property values
a shift of the population and economic activity from the periphery to the centre of the urban area
Rural-Urban Migration
Urban Renewal
a shift of the population and economic activity from the centre of the urban area to its periphery and beyond
the point in a CBD with the highest land value
degree of connectedness of a location has in relation to transport communications
associated with retail, industry, and residential uses
and proximity to CBD
land uses are arranged in cells or patches throughout the city depending on the availability and the quality of land
an urban area develops around a number of different business centers
there are several nuclei that act as growth points
distance people are willing to travel to get to a certain place
threshold population - minimum number of people are willing to travel to support a settlement or service
range - the max distance people are prepared to travel to obtain particular services
Higher Order
requires a higher threshold population to support the service or business
goods that are not purchased as often
Low order
convenience of goods
smaller threshold population to make money as people buy products often