Large deposits (of gold/silver)
Placer mining
A system of mining in which individuals miners find gold nuggets in river beds, usually by planning
Hydraulic mining
A system of mining in which pressurized water is used to remove top soil and gravel, which are then pressured to draw out precious metals
A person who starts, manages, and is responsible for a business
Groups organized by a sheriff to hunt down criminals or fugitives
Ghost towns
An abandoned town that have fallen into ruin
Cattle drives
The process of moving a herd of cows and steers from one place to another usually from ranch to railroad hub
An enormous outdoor area where animals are penned until they can be slaughtered
African Americans who headed to Kansas for a new life
Vast area of flat land covered with tall plants
Bonanza farms
An enormous farm established by an investor who runs it for profit
Migrant Workers
Laborers who moved from one farm to another as needed
Excess of wheat
McGuffey Readers
A common textbook that most students back in the 19th century used in schools
When crop prices fell during an economic downturn (economic distress)
People from whom they had borrowed money
An organization that brought farm families together, addressed farmers economic issues, and encouraged advancements in agriculture
Groups of farmers who pooled their money to buy the products and services they needed
Farmers Alliance
An organization similar to Grange (just more political)
Populist Party
Aimed to give farmers the equipment politician status of business people and industries
Claims to represent the concerns of ordinary people
People who own and run industries
Gold Standard
A policy requiring that the government could only print an amount of money equal to the total value of its gold reserves
Free silver movement
A late 19th century economic movement that promoted a monetary system based on silver in addition to gold
William McKinley
Republican nominee who supported the gold standard
William Jennings Bryan
Democrat(ic nominee?) who was pro silver. Ran for the democratic party presidential candidate in 1896
Specific areas of land that were set aside the great plans (By president Grant)
Sand Creek Massacre
200 unarmed native american were killed and mutilated by colonel John Chirington and his troops
Black Hills
A region part of the Lakota reservation in the 1870’s when a government survey found fold there.
Colonel George A. Custer
led an attack in the battle of the little bighorn with 210 men
Battle of the little Bighorn
A battle that the native Americans won but it was short lived sine more U.S. troops came
Long walk
A long journey where hundreds of people died along the route
Chief Joseph
Led the Nezperce and he refused to move onto a reservation. He led his band of bout 100 people toward Canada to live free lives outside the reservation system
An Apache (leader)
Apache leader from New mexico
Ghost dance
A religion that included rituals believed to make white settlers disappear
Sitting bull
Was killed as he was taken into custody
Wounded knee massacre
Last major violent confrontation between native Americans and the U.S. army in the 19th century
The act of teaching Native Americans the culture and language of the United States
Dawes General allotment act
Divided reservations into specific sections of the land for each Native American family
Bureau of Indian affairs
Supposed to manage reservations to benefit the tribes