Cog Neuro Exam 1

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gray matter

cell bodies, dendrites

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white matter

myelinated axons

  • white matter tracts - 'highways of the brain"

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types of neurons

  • multipolar

  • unipolar

  • bipolar

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central nervous system

includes brain and spinal cord

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peripheral nervous system

includes everything except the brain and spinal cord

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glial cells

glial (glue) cells support neuronal activity

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star-shaped glial cells with many processes that receive neuronal input and monitor activity

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microglial cells (microglia)

small cells that remove debris from injured cells

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myelinates axons in the CNS

  • cytoplasm of oligodendrocyte wraps around the axon) (Schwann cells in PNS)

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cranial nerves

connected directly to the brain

  • 12 total, with sensory and motor functions

<p>connected directly to the brain</p><ul><li><p>12 total, with sensory and motor functions</p></li></ul>
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spinal (somatic) nerves

connected to the spinal cord

  • 31 pairs

  • input comes in the dorsal side

  • output goes out ventral side

<p>connected to the spinal cord</p><ul><li><p>31 pairs</p></li><li><p>input comes in the dorsal side</p></li><li><p>output goes out ventral side</p></li></ul>
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superior up, towards the top of the skull inferior = down, towards the spine *can also use dorsal/ventral

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dorsal = up, towards top of skull ventral = down, towards spine *makes more sense if you imagine humans walking on all 4's

  • means the same as superior/inferior

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rostral = font, towards the face caudal = back, away from the face *means the same as anterior/posterior

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anterior = font, towards the face posterior = back, away from the face

  • can also use rostral/caudal

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medial = inwards, towards the midline lateral = outwards, toward the ears

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autonomic nervous system

division of the peripheral nervous system into sympathetic and parasympathetic

  • primarily controls glands and internal organs

    • involuntary actions of smooth muscles and heart and glands

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sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system

sympathetic: flight or flight

  • norepinephrine (adrenaline) parasympathetic: rest and digest

  • acetylcholine

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views of the brain

  • horizontal

  • coronal - vertical, front/back view of brain

  • sagittal - vertical, side view of brain

<ul><li><p>horizontal</p></li><li><p>coronal - vertical, front/back view of brain</p></li><li><p>sagittal - vertical, side view of brain</p></li></ul>
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frontal lobe

part of the cerebral cortex on the anterior part of the brain

  • borders temporal lobe in the lateral/ventral/posterior side, and the parietal lobe to the posterior sides

  • lies right behind the forehead

<p>part of the cerebral cortex on the anterior part of the brain</p><ul><li><p>borders temporal lobe in the lateral/ventral/posterior side, and the parietal lobe to the posterior sides</p></li><li><p>lies right behind the forehead</p></li></ul>
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parietal lobe

part of the cerebral cortex on the posterior, dorsal part of the brain -borders frontal lobe in the anterior side, temporal lobe in the lateral/ventral side, and the occipital lobe in the posterior/ventral side

  • lies below the crown of the head

<p>part of the cerebral cortex on the posterior, dorsal part of the brain -borders frontal lobe in the anterior side, temporal lobe in the lateral/ventral side, and the occipital lobe in the posterior/ventral side</p><ul><li><p>lies below the crown of the head</p></li></ul>
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occipital lobe

part of the cerebral cortex on the posterior part of the head

  • borders parietal lobe in the dorsal/anterior side, and the temporal lobe in the lateral/anterior side

  • lies in the back of the head

<p>part of the cerebral cortex on the posterior part of the head</p><ul><li><p>borders parietal lobe in the dorsal/anterior side, and the temporal lobe in the lateral/anterior side</p></li><li><p>lies in the back of the head</p></li></ul>
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temporal lobe

part of the cerebral cortex on the lateral sides of the brain

  • borders the frontal lobe in the dorsal/anterior/medial side, the parietal lobe in the dorsal/posterior/medial side, and the occipital lobe in the posterior side

  • lies inside the temples of the head

<p>part of the cerebral cortex on the lateral sides of the brain</p><ul><li><p>borders the frontal lobe in the dorsal/anterior/medial side, the parietal lobe in the dorsal/posterior/medial side, and the occipital lobe in the posterior side</p></li><li><p>lies inside the temples of the head</p></li></ul>
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olfactory bulb

one of two enlargements at the terminus of the olfactory nerve at the base of the brain just above the nasal cavities

  • on the ventral side of the frontal lobes

<p>one of two enlargements at the terminus of the olfactory nerve at the base of the brain just above the nasal cavities</p><ul><li><p>on the ventral side of the frontal lobes</p></li></ul>
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precentral gyrus

on the posterior edge of the frontal lobe (border w/ parietal lobe), bounded in the back by the central sulcus

  • contains the motor area

<p>on the posterior edge of the frontal lobe (border w/ parietal lobe), bounded in the back by the central sulcus</p><ul><li><p>contains the motor area</p></li></ul>
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central sulcus

sulcus dividing the frontal and parietal lobes

  • anterior side: precentral gyrus (frontal lobe)

  • posterior side: postcentral gyrus (parietal lobe)

<p>sulcus dividing the frontal and parietal lobes</p><ul><li><p>anterior side: precentral gyrus (frontal lobe)</p></li><li><p>posterior side: postcentral gyrus (parietal lobe)</p></li></ul>
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postcentral gyrus

on the anterior edge of the parietal lobe (border w/ frontal lobe), bounded in the front by the central sulcus

<p>on the anterior edge of the parietal lobe (border w/ frontal lobe), bounded in the front by the central sulcus</p>
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sylvian fissure

separates the temporal lobe from the frontal and parietal lobes

  • dorsal to the temporal lobe

<p>separates the temporal lobe from the frontal and parietal lobes</p><ul><li><p>dorsal to the temporal lobe</p></li></ul>
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gyrus and sulcus

gyri (singular - gyrus): the folds or bumps in the brain sulci (singular - sulcus): the indentations or grooves in the brain

  • folding of the cortex increases surface are

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brain structures

knowt flashcard image
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locations of motor, visual, auditory, and somatosensory corteces (and more)

  • motor cortex: movement

  • somatosensory cortex: somatic sensation (sense of touch)

  • visual/striate cortex: vision

  • auditory cortex: hearing

<ul><li><p>motor cortex: movement</p></li><li><p>somatosensory cortex: somatic sensation (sense of touch)</p></li><li><p>visual/striate cortex: vision</p></li><li><p>auditory cortex: hearing</p></li></ul>
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Brodmann areas

division of the brain based on (cyto)architecture

  • (cytoarchitecture -cellular composition of the central nervous system's tissues under the microscope)

<p>division of the brain based on (cyto)architecture</p><ul><li><p>(cytoarchitecture -cellular composition of the central nervous system&apos;s tissues under the microscope)</p></li></ul>
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basal ganglia structures

several motor-related structures

  • thalamus - sesory processing

  • tail of caudate, head of caudate (caudate nucleus)

  • globulus pallidus

  • nucleus accumbens

  • putamen -subthalamic nucleus etc. *amygdala is definitely anatomically connected, but not really part of it

<p>several motor-related structures</p><ul><li><p>thalamus - sesory processing</p></li><li><p>tail of caudate, head of caudate (caudate nucleus)</p></li><li><p>globulus pallidus</p></li><li><p>nucleus accumbens</p></li><li><p>putamen -subthalamic nucleus etc. *amygdala is definitely anatomically connected, but not really part of it</p></li></ul>
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limbic system

several structures related to emotional processing

  • hippocampus - very important for memory

  • amygdala -olfactory bulbs

  • cingulate gyrus - reward processing

  • thalamus etc.

<p>several structures related to emotional processing</p><ul><li><p>hippocampus - very important for memory</p></li><li><p>amygdala -olfactory bulbs</p></li><li><p>cingulate gyrus - reward processing</p></li><li><p>thalamus etc.</p></li></ul>
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protection and supplies

  • fluid filled

  • shock absorbers

  • exchange of nutreints etc. between blood vessels and brain tissue

  • choroid plexus crucial for producing cerebrospinal fluid

    • network of blood vessels and cells in the ventricles that are covered by a thin layer of cells that make cerebrospinal fluid -CSF drains out of the bottom of the ventricles and surrounds the brain and spinal cord and it is also gradually recycled into the blood

<p>protection and supplies</p><ul><li><p>fluid filled</p></li><li><p>shock absorbers</p></li><li><p>exchange of nutreints etc. between blood vessels and brain tissue</p></li><li><p>choroid plexus crucial for producing cerebrospinal fluid</p><ul><li><p>network of blood vessels and cells in the ventricles that are covered by a thin layer of cells that make cerebrospinal fluid -CSF drains out of the bottom of the ventricles and surrounds the brain and spinal cord and it is also gradually recycled into the blood</p></li></ul></li></ul>
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blood vessels

oxygen supply

  • internal carotid arteries are connected to many blood vessels in the brain

  • anterior cerebral artery - feeds the medial, anterior, and dorsal parts of brain

  • middle cerebral artery - feeds the lateral parts of the brain

  • posterior cerebral artery - feeds dorsal and posterior parts of the brain

  • circle of Willis: the joining area of several arteries at the bottom (inferior) side of the brain (forms a 'circle')

<p>oxygen supply</p><ul><li><p>internal carotid arteries are connected to many blood vessels in the brain</p></li><li><p>anterior cerebral artery - feeds the medial, anterior, and dorsal parts of brain</p></li><li><p>middle cerebral artery - feeds the lateral parts of the brain</p></li><li><p>posterior cerebral artery - feeds dorsal and posterior parts of the brain</p></li><li><p>circle of Willis: the joining area of several arteries at the bottom (inferior) side of the brain (forms a &apos;circle&apos;)</p></li></ul>
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brain imaging techniques

  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) - uses strong magnetic fields, magnetic field gradients, and radio waves to generate images of the organs in the body -fMRI (functional MRI) - measures brain activity by detecting changes associated with blood flow

  • CT (computed tomography) - combines a series of X-ray images taken from different angles around the body and uses computer processing to create cross-sectional images (slices) of the bones, blood vessels and soft tissues inside the body

  • EEG (electroencephalogram) - records/measures electrical activities through electrodes attached to the scalp

<ul><li><p>MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) - uses strong magnetic fields, magnetic field gradients, and radio waves to generate images of the organs in the body -fMRI (functional MRI) - measures brain activity by detecting changes associated with blood flow</p></li><li><p>CT (computed tomography) - combines a series of X-ray images taken from different angles around the body and uses computer processing to create cross-sectional images (slices) of the bones, blood vessels and soft tissues inside the body</p></li><li><p>EEG (electroencephalogram) - records/measures electrical activities through electrodes attached to the scalp</p></li></ul>
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the study of electrical and chemical processes in neurons

  • information flow:

    • within neurons - electrical signals

    • between neurons - chemical signals

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electrical signaling

  • fast over long distances

  • neurons contain mostly anions --> inside of a neuron more negatively charged than the outside

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ion channels

membrane-spanning transport protein for ions

  • cell membrane itself is impermeable for water soluble molecules such as ions that are present intra- and extracellularly

  • selective permeability of a neuron

  • ex: non-gated potassium (K+) channels selectively allow K+ into the cell

    • passive transport: does not cost energy

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membrane resting potential

difference in electrical potential across the membrane of a cell when it is inactive - about -65mV in neurons

  • reflects 'balancing act' between opposing forces that drive K+ in and out of the cell

    • diffusion - movement of molecules from areas of high concentration to low concentration

    • electrostatic forces - tendency of charged molecules or ions to move towards areas with the opposite charge

  • ions constantly moving back and forth across membrane through ion channels and pumps (ex. K+ channels, Na+/K+ pumps)

    • but, at some point, the opposing forces are at equilibrium and there is no net flow

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important ions for neural signaling

  • sodium: Na+

  • potassium: K+

  • chloride: Cl-

  • calcium: CA++ or CA2+

  • magnesium: Mg++ or Mg2+

at rest: more K+ inside the cell more Na+ and Cl- outside the cell

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sodium/potassium pump (Na+/K+)

exchanges 3 Na+ for 2 K+ ions

  • K+ is pumped in

  • Na+ is pumped out *active transport: costs energy

  • can move ions across membrane, creating a large concentration difference (gradient)

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equilibrium potential

voltage difference across a permeable membrane needed to counterbalance diffusion forces

  • The electrical potential at which a given concentration gradient across the membrane is stable, when the membrane is permeable for X.

    • voltage difference needed to counteract diffusion forces

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membrane resting potential of a neuron (value)

about ~65 mV

  • K+, Cl-, and Na+ are all fighting to reach their equilibrium potential, but there are more passive K+ channels, than Cl- and Na+ channels, so K+ is "winning"

    • K+ has an EP of -85 mV, but the movement of Cl- and Na+ brings the MRP to about -65mV

  • there is constant movement of ions passively through channels, since non of the ions are at their EP

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increasing negativity of membrane potential

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decreasing negativity of membrane potentail

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generating a potential

-potentials/neuronal electrical activity - deviations from the resting potential

  • caused by temporarily changing, very locally, the permeability for an ion by opening gated ion channels

  • other ion channels briefly open (ex. Na+), so the membrane potential changes -gets closer to EP of K+, +67 mV ---> depolarization ---> potential

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electrotonic conduction

passive propagation of a potential

  • signals spread along the membrane in all directions extremely fast

  • but, it also leaks away because of non-gated ion channels that are trying to restore membrane resting potential (it is 'lossy')

  • passive process, and signals decrease over space

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structure of a (multipolar) neuron

  • dendrites

  • cell body + nucleus

  • axon hillock - base of the axon where action potential starts

  • axon

  • axon terminal

<ul><li><p>dendrites</p></li><li><p>cell body + nucleus</p></li><li><p>axon hillock - base of the axon where action potential starts</p></li><li><p>axon</p></li><li><p>axon terminal</p></li></ul>
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graded local potentials

spread passively from synapses (dendrites) to axon hillock, and from the tend of the axon to axon terminals

  • electrotonic conduction

  • flexible in shape and magnitude

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action potential

brief but radical changes in polarization that send an electrical charge down the neuron - threshold: about -40mV

  • fundamental unit for electrical communication

  • uniform in shape and magnitude

    • larger depolarizations produce more action potentials, not bigger or longer ones

    • information is encoded in the (change in) frequency of action potentials

  • action potentials propagate actively over the axon

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generating an action potential

  1. neurotransmission causes depolarization at the synapse

  2. electrotonic conduction of graded potential (charge flows through the inside of the neuron)

  3. axon hillock: voltage-gated Na+ channels open ---> action potential starts here

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absolute vs. relative refractory periods

after an action potential passes through, it is impossible (or difficult) for that section of membrane to fire again

  • absolute refractory period: Na+ channels already open, or they are INactivated for 1ms

    • a new action potential absolutely can not be produced

  • relative refractory period: when Na+ channels DEactivate, the membrane potential is hyperpolarized at -80 mV, so a larger depolarization is needed to trigger a new action potential

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Hodgkin-Huxley cycle

  • Na+ channels open at threshold membrane potential (about -40 mV) --> Na+ rushes into the cell

    • after about 1 millisecond (at +30 mV) the Na+ channel is inactivated (not closed) --> absolute refractory period

  • now K+ channels open --> K+ leaves the cell (concentration and electrical gradient)

    • membrane potential decreases, then becomes negative until about -80 mV, and K+ channels close

    • Na+ channels are now deactivated (closed) ---> relative refractory period

  • normal resting potential is restored at -65 mV

<ul><li><p>Na+ channels open at threshold membrane potential (about -40 mV) --&gt; Na+ rushes into the cell</p><ul><li><p>after about 1 millisecond (at +30 mV) the Na+ channel is inactivated (not closed) --&gt; absolute refractory period</p></li></ul></li><li><p>now K+ channels open --&gt; K+ leaves the cell (concentration and electrical gradient)</p><ul><li><p>membrane potential decreases, then becomes negative until about -80 mV, and K+ channels close</p></li><li><p>Na+ channels are now deactivated (closed) ---&gt; relative refractory period</p></li></ul></li><li><p>normal resting potential is restored at -65 mV</p></li></ul>
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action potential propagation

electrotonic conduction not sufficient

  • the depolarization of an action potential is strong enough to cause threshold depolarization in the next adjacent segment --> the action potential is regenerated along the axon

  • the action potential cannot flow 'backwards' because the previous segment is in the refractory period

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oligodendrocytes produce myelin that insulate the axon (cytoplasm of oligodendrocyte wraps around the axon)

  • node of Ranvier - small gaps between myelinated sections

    • action potential 'jumps' from node to node

  • action potential can travel farther in a myelinated axon -prevents 'leakage' of ions during electrotonic conduction

  • very important for communication between neurons

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saltatory conduction

action potential 'jumps' from node to node (nodes of ranvier)

  • electrotonic conduction of AP along myelinated sections, then the AP is regenerated at the node

  • faster way to travel down an axon than traveling in an axon without myelin.

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some toxins block ion channels and prevent neuronal signaling

  • ex: tetrodoxin (found in puffer fish) - voltage-gated Na+ channel blocker

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multiple sclerosis

autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the myelin sheath or the cells that produce and maintain it

  • particularly the optic nerve, the deep cerebral white matter, the cerebellar peduncles, and particular parts of the brainstem and spinal cord.

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how many neurons are there in the brain?

100 billion neurons -10,000 connections each

  • 1 quadrillion (10^15, or 1,000,000,000,000) total synapses in the brain!

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2 types of synapses

  • electrical (gap junction)

  • chemical

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electrical synapse (gap junction)

current just flows between cells - it is 'passive'

  • bi-directional

  • fast (no delay)

  • used for synchronization (ex. heart cells, release of neural hormomes - a bunch of cells need to do the same thing)

  • about ~2 nanometers of space between neurons

  • minority in the brain

  • disadvantage: no computations take place. not doing anything complex, just creating more of the same signal across more cells.

<p>current just flows between cells - it is &apos;passive&apos;</p><ul><li><p>bi-directional</p></li><li><p>fast (no delay)</p></li><li><p>used for synchronization (ex. heart cells, release of neural hormomes - a bunch of cells need to do the same thing)</p></li><li><p>about ~2 nanometers of space between neurons</p></li><li><p>minority in the brain</p></li><li><p>disadvantage: no computations take place. not doing anything complex, just creating more of the same signal across more cells.</p></li></ul>
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chemical synapse (definition)

new potential created in postsynaptic cell - it is 'active'

  • one-directional

  • slow - about ~0.5-1.0 ms of delay between arrival of the action potential at axon terminal and the creation of a postsynaptic action potential.

  • involves neurotransmitters

  • used for integration/computation in the postsynaptic neuron

<p>new potential created in postsynaptic cell - it is &apos;active&apos;</p><ul><li><p>one-directional</p></li><li><p>slow - about ~0.5-1.0 ms of delay between arrival of the action potential at axon terminal and the creation of a postsynaptic action potential.</p></li><li><p>involves neurotransmitters</p></li><li><p>used for integration/computation in the postsynaptic neuron</p></li></ul>
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chemical synapse (overview)

presynaptic part:

  • depolarization from action potential triggers voltage-gated Ca2+ channels -Ca2+ influx leads to vesicles releasing neurotransmitter into the cleft

synaptic cleft:

  • released neurotransmitter binds to receptor on postsynaptic membrane

  • neurotransmitter is then either degraded by enzymes or taken up again in the presynaptic part

postsynaptic part:

  • neurotransmitter activates the receptor to do something, for example to open an ion channel, leading to a postsynaptic potential, either excitatory (EPSP) or inhibitory (IPSP).

<p>presynaptic part:</p><ul><li><p>depolarization from action potential triggers voltage-gated Ca2+ channels -Ca2+ influx leads to vesicles releasing neurotransmitter into the cleft</p></li></ul><p>synaptic cleft:</p><ul><li><p>released neurotransmitter binds to receptor on postsynaptic membrane</p></li><li><p>neurotransmitter is then either degraded by enzymes or taken up again in the presynaptic part</p></li></ul><p>postsynaptic part:</p><ul><li><p>neurotransmitter activates the receptor to do something, for example to open an ion channel, leading to a postsynaptic potential, either excitatory (EPSP) or inhibitory (IPSP).</p></li></ul>
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neurotransmitter degradation and reuptake

degradation: neurotransmitters are rapidly broken down / deactivated by a special enzyme -NTs may be recycled to make more NT in the axon terminal

reuptake: neurotransmitters are rapidly cleared from the synaptic cleft by being taken up into the presynaptic cell

  • special receptors (transporters) bring the NT back inside the cell

  • may be repacked into newly formed synaptic vessicles

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excitatory post synaptic potential (EPSP)

local postsynaptic membrane DEpolarization in the postsynaptic neuron

  • caused by excitatory synapses

  • pushes the postsynaptic cell a bit closer to threshold membrane potential (Na channels open, Na+ into cell) -EPSPs caused by many neurons that converge on the postsynaptic cell --> action potential

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inhibitory postsynaptic potential

local postsynaptic membrane HYPERpolarization in the postsynaptic neuron

  • caused by inhibitory synapses

  • pulls the postsynaptic cell further away from threshold membrane potential (Cl channels open, Cl- into cell)

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postsynaptic potential (PSP)

neurotransmitters released into the synapse briefly alter the membrane potential of the postsynaptic cell

  • graded potential: bigger stimulus --> more hyper/depolarization. longer stimulus --> longer lasting hyper/depolarization (no increase in size)

  • PSPs last much longer than action potentials (more than 10 ms)

  • (a neuron can receive 100s of synapses from other cells --> 100s or 1000s of PSPs

  • a balance of excitatory and inhibitory ESPS is vital in neural processing of information (over-excitation --> seizure. under-excitation --> coma/death)

  • excitatory/inhibitory effects are sometimes caused by which neurotransmitter is present.

  • action potential generation in the postsynaptic cell is determined by the (im)balance of the number of excitatory and inhibitory signals received.

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prevents fusion of vesicles to the presynaptic membrane by splitting SNARE proteins, hence no transmitter release (exocytosis)

  • botox is a neuromodulator

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a chemical released from the presynaptic axon terminal that serves as the basis of communication between neurons

  • generally easy to synthesize from amino acids in diet

  • amino acids are most common NT in the brain

  • amines - based on modifications of a single amino acid by enzymes

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amino acid neurotransmitters

glutamate: fast excitatory, memory

  • main excitatory NT in the brain

GABA: fast inhibitory, memory

  • main inhibitory NT in the brain

  • subtypes of GABA receptors exhibit quite different properties

  • GABA A, GABA B, GABA C receptors (gamma-aminobutyric acid)

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amine neurotransmitters

dopamine (DA): reward,

  • involved in schizophrenia and Parkinson's disease norepinephrine (NE) epinephrine (EP) serotonin (5-HT): mood, sleep depression

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acetyl choline (ACh)

neurotransmitter: neuromuscular

  • first NT to be identified

  • receptors: nicotinic (nACh): ionotropic (muscles) and muscarinic (mACh) metabotropic

  • Alzheimer's disease: widespread loss of cholinergic neurons

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a molecule that can bind to a receptor protein

  • can activate or block it

endogenous ligands: neurotransmitters and hormones made inside of the body

  • agonist exogenous ligands: drugs and toxins from outside the body

  • receptor agonist

  • competitive antagonist

  • non-competitive agonist/antagonist (neuromodulator): does not bind to the same receptor site

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antagonist (ligand)

an exogenous ligand that all together stops the receptor from producing a response

  • ex: poisons can block acetylcholine (ACh) receptors in the brain

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agonist (ligand)

molecules (can be drugs) that bind to receptors and mimic the action of a neurotransmitter.

  • ex: nicotine

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types of ion channels

-non-gated -voltage-gated -ligand-gated (also called chemically-gated ion channels or ionotropic receptors) -stretch gated (mechanosensitive)

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non-gated ion channels

  • resting membrane potential

  • always open

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voltage-gated ion channels

  • triggered by a voltage change

  • can open and close

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mechanosensitive (stretch-gated) ion channels

sensitive to mechanical stress

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different chemical synapses

  • axo-dendritic

  • axo-somatic

  • axo-axonic: allows the presynaptic neuron to regulate neurotransmitter release of the postsynaptic neuron

  • dendro-dendritic - allows coordination of cells' activities

<ul><li><p>axo-dendritic</p></li><li><p>axo-somatic</p></li><li><p>axo-axonic: allows the presynaptic neuron to regulate neurotransmitter release of the postsynaptic neuron</p></li><li><p>dendro-dendritic - allows coordination of cells&apos; activities</p></li></ul>
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ionotropic receptors

(also called chemically-gated or ligand-gated ion channels) postsynaptic receptor proteins that include an ion channel, which is opened when an agonist binds to it .

  • fast communication

  • open when some chemical binds to them (could be a neurotransmitter or some 2nd messenger)

<p>(also called chemically-gated or ligand-gated ion channels) postsynaptic receptor proteins that include an ion channel, which is opened when an agonist binds to it .</p><ul><li><p>fast communication</p></li><li><p>open when some chemical binds to them (could be a neurotransmitter or some 2nd messenger)</p></li></ul>
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metabotropic receptors

postsynaptic receptor proteins that do not contain an ion channel, but may (when activated) activate a G-protein

  • G-protein: acts as a '2nd messenger' inside the cell. it amplifies the effect of the 1st messenger (the neurotransmitter) and can initiate processes that affect postsynaptic membrane potential

  • slower communication

  • amplify and prolong synaptic signals

<p>postsynaptic receptor proteins that do not contain an ion channel, but may (when activated) activate a G-protein</p><ul><li><p>G-protein: acts as a &apos;2nd messenger&apos; inside the cell. it amplifies the effect of the 1st messenger (the neurotransmitter) and can initiate processes that affect postsynaptic membrane potential</p></li><li><p>slower communication</p></li><li><p>amplify and prolong synaptic signals</p></li></ul>
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different example of postsynaptic receptor: GABA A receptor, Cl- channel (and example of neuromodulation)

  • alcohol and bind to it (noncompetitive ligand) and modulate the effect of neurotransmitters binding to the receptors

  • alcohol is a neuromodulator

<ul><li><p>alcohol and bind to it (noncompetitive ligand) and modulate the effect of neurotransmitters binding to the receptors</p></li><li><p>alcohol is a neuromodulator</p></li></ul>
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compensatory increase in receptor availability at the synapse of a neuron

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compensatory decrease in receptor availability at the synapse of a neuron

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spatial summation

summation of postsynaptic potentials from different synapses (different physical locations across the cell body) that overlap in time

  • physically closer together --> increased summation (and vice versa)

<p>summation of postsynaptic potentials from different synapses (different physical locations across the cell body) that overlap in time</p><ul><li><p>physically closer together --&gt; increased summation (and vice versa)</p></li></ul>
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temporal summation

summation of potentials from one synapse that overlap in time

  • closer together in time --> increased summation (and vice versa)

<p>summation of potentials from one synapse that overlap in time</p><ul><li><p>closer together in time --&gt; increased summation (and vice versa)</p></li></ul>
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information processing

  • graded postsynaptic potentials spread passively from the dendrites ober the cell body towards the axon hillock (in multi-and bi-polar cells)

  • if a depolarization is strong enough (exceeds the threshold) reaches the axon hillock --> action potential produced

  • spatial and temporal summation determine whether an action potential is triggered

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inducing EPSPs and IPSPs experimentally

  • advantage over electrical stimulation: targets specific cells, controlled PSPs

<p>inducing EPSPs and IPSPs experimentally</p><ul><li><p>advantage over electrical stimulation: targets specific cells, controlled PSPs</p></li></ul>
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convergence and divergence

convergence: neuronal connections in which many cells send signals to a single cell

  • range fractionation: information from receptors of different sensitivities is sent to one cell and integrated to code for the intensity of a stimulus

divergence: one cell sends signals to many other cells

  • allows for an impulse to be amplified in order to produce a response over a widespread area

<p>convergence: neuronal connections in which many cells send signals to a single cell</p><ul><li><p>range fractionation: information from receptors of different sensitivities is sent to one cell and integrated to code for the intensity of a stimulus</p></li></ul><p>divergence: one cell sends signals to many other cells</p><ul><li><p>allows for an impulse to be amplified in order to produce a response over a widespread area</p></li></ul>
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neural chain

a simple kind of neural circuit in which neurons are attached linearly, end to end

  • ex: knee jerk reflex: sensory neuron synapses directly onto motor neuron (synapse is in the spinal cord). involves myelinated axons of large diameter.

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analog- vs. digital-like signals

  • analog: vary in strength (ex. graded potential)

  • digital: all-or-none, vary in frequency (ex. action potential)

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event related potentials (ERPs)

(also called evoked potential) gross potential changes evoked by a discrete sensory stimulus, such as light flashes

  • ex: auditory evoked potentials can be recorded with an EEG, and can diagnose deafness or hearing impairments in infants.

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branch of neuroscience concerned with the fundamental composition and processes OF the nervous system

  • endogenous processes

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neuropharmacology /(psychopharmacology)

the scientific field concerned with the discovery and study of compounds that selectively AFFECT the function of the nervous system

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neuropeptide neurotransmitters

endorphins, orexin, oxytocin

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four major pathways

  • Cholinergic (ACh)

  • Dopaminergic (DA)

  • Noradrenergic (NE)

  • Serotonergic (5-HT)

<ul><li><p>Cholinergic (ACh)</p></li><li><p>Dopaminergic (DA)</p></li><li><p>Noradrenergic (NE)</p></li><li><p>Serotonergic (5-HT)</p></li></ul>
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Cholinergic pathways

acetylcholine (ACh) From: basal forebrain, (PPT/LDT - pedunculopontine nucleus and laterodorsal tegmental nucleus) To: hippocampus, amygdala, cortex

Involved in muscle control and memory

  • Alzheimer's disease: ACh deficiency

nicotinic receptors: ionotropic

  • important in muscular system

  • curare (antagonist) --> paralysis

muscarinic receptors: metabotropic

  • atropine (antagonist) --> confusion, memory problems

<p>acetylcholine (ACh) From: basal forebrain, (PPT/LDT - pedunculopontine nucleus and laterodorsal tegmental nucleus) To: hippocampus, amygdala, cortex</p><p>Involved in muscle control and memory</p><ul><li><p>Alzheimer&apos;s disease: ACh deficiency</p></li></ul><p>nicotinic receptors: ionotropic</p><ul><li><p>important in muscular system</p></li><li><p>curare (antagonist) --&gt; paralysis</p></li></ul><p>muscarinic receptors: metabotropic</p><ul><li><p>atropine (antagonist) --&gt; confusion, memory problems</p></li></ul>
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