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Mary Wollenscraft
A Vindication of the Rights of Women
Enlightenment: French Salon
Increased literacy + the development of magazines
The Baroque Period
the stylistic period between approximately 1600 and 1750
Enlightened Rulers
Monarchs who allowed religious tolerance, freedom of speech and of the press, and the rights of private property. They nurtured the arts, sciences, and education. They also obeyed the laws and enforced them fairly for all subjects.
Frederick William I of Prussia
(r. 1713-1740) doubled the size of the Prussian army
Fredrick II of
King of Prussia. "Fredrick the Great" He subscribes to Enlightenment in that he limits torture, establishes a 1 year public education system and has a system of religious toleration. He wants to expand the size of Prussia so he takes territory from Austria-Hungary which ignites the French and Indian War
Maria Theresa of Austria
the only female ruler of the Habsburg dominions and the last of the House of Habsburg
Joseph II of Austria
The most radical royal reformer; son and successor of Maria Theresa; introduced legal reforms & freedom of press; supported freedom of worship; abolished serfdom and ordered that peasants be paid for their labor with cash
Catherine the Great of Russia
built a strong alliance with the nobility, considered equality for all
Society of France before the Revolution
1st estate - privileged, high ranking members of church 130 000
2nd estate - nobility, privileged 110 000
3rd estate - everyone else, unprivileged 25 000 000
Divine rights of kings
a common claim from the Middle Ages that the right to rule was given to a king by God
William Harvey
Described the circulation of blood to and from the heart
Robert Boyle
Father of modern chemistry
Margaret Cavendish
A woman scientist who was of noble birth and wrote "Observations upon Experimental philosophy"
Maria Winkelmann
The most famous of the female astronomers in Germany. Discovered a comet.
Francis Bacon
developed the scientific method
I think therefore I am
Deism - religious philosophy based on reason and natural law
Wrote the encyclopedia
Adam Smith
3 roles of government + laissez-faire economics
John Locke
English philosopher who argued that people have natural rights
Thomas Hobbes
Leviathan - self-preservation
social contract
separation of powers
William Shakespeare
English dramatist and poet; considered one of the greatest writers in the English Language
The Old Regime
A combination of the absolute monarchy and feudalism in France; it included the three estates
What the king did
Controlled military, made all laws, controlled justice and appointed judge
Issac Newton
University law of gravity.