Why is LT being influenced by Marx controversial ?
Marx was against religion and therefore- LT is influenced by an anti religious theory
What did Marx say religion stands in the way of?
Progress of peasants and workers standing up to oppression
How does religion prevent workers and peasants from rising up to oppression?
Religion manipulates peasants and workers to accept their position in society in exchange for reward in the after life
What did Marx call religion?
The “opiate of the people”
Why does Marx call religion an “opiate”
An opiate does two things:
Dulls pain
Prevents action - so does religion
Who does religion perpetuates the status of?
Religion perpetuates the status of those in power
What examples are there of religion perpetuating those in power and preventing progression?
Divine right of kings
Sale of indulgences
Priests only reading bible in Latin (illegal to translate)
How can LT prove Marx wrong?
If christianity was reformed among liberation theology doctrines it wouldn’t be the tool of capitalist exploitation and therefore anti-religious arguments do not apply to liberation theology
Who is LT not accepted by?
Most catholics
Why do LT’s believe there is no incoherence between Christianity and Marxism?
LT’s don’t have to accept Marxist anti religious arguments
Who accepted Marxist views on capitalism but not religion?
Gutierrez and Boff
What can LT draw on from Marx?
LT can draw on Marx’ “methodological pointers” to help understand the role of the oppressed
What is the LT an attempt to do?
Faithfully follow Jesus’ teachings to help the poor, using Marxism to do so- helps Christian’s be true to teachings of Christ
Why does A.F McGovern say LT’s are not Marxists?
They don’t start with analysis of class struggle
Why did Ratzinger argue against LT?
Marxist influence
What did Ratzinger say was at the centre of Marxism ?
Atheism and the denial of human rights
What is Marxism for Ratzinger?
Intrinsically unchristian
What does Ratzinger say we cannot view Marxism as?
a lens by which we view society
What does Ratzinger say we should learn from ?
The violent regimes of the 20th century
How do catholics say we should help the poor?
In their own way such as giving to charity
What quote does Dom Helder Camara say about LT?
“When i give them food, they call me a saint. When i ask why they have no food they call me a communist”
What is Dom Helder Camara against?
Labelling LT’s as Marxists
How can it be argued that the church is fulfilling Marx’ critique?
By refusing to accept LT and dealing with structural causes of poverty
Why is Jesus’ criticism of capitalism no longer valid ?
Only valid for his time as capitalism and opportunity have evolved
what does Adam Smith say about Human nature ?
If our human nature is selfish why is a capitalist system the best one?
To satisfy selfishness you have to provide others with products or services
What do countries with capitalist systems usually uphold?
Human rights
What percentage of the world lived in poverty in 1960 in comparison to 2012?
1960- 70% of world lived in extreme poverty
2012- 17% of world living in extreme poverty- capitalism working
What can capitalism be seen as?
The truly liberating approach
What has the desire for a utopian world in the past led to?
What has not improved however since capitalism ?
The income inequality which is de stabilising
Why is globalisation a further danger of capitalism?
Allows power to be concentrated in the hands of the few- creating monopolies