Where is Nigeria located?
Nigeria is a large country in East Africa, it is located on the Gulf of Guinea in the Atlantic Ocean. It is bordered by countries such as Cameroon and Chad
Biggest city and population of it
Lagos (not capital) with 13 million people
Main wealth source
Oil extraction
Population and stage of the demographic transition model
180,000,000 people and stage 3 of DTM
Political difficulties in Nigeria
Only gained independence from Britain in 1960 and the inexperience in running its own affairs meant there were power struggles, coups, corruption, military dictators and even a civil war.
Impacts of political stability from 1999
Free, fair elections and lots more interest in investment
Social difficulties for Nigeria
Very ethnically divided which has often led to conflict that on one occasion led to civil war
GDP per capita in South and North East
Lots of inequality as in the south it is $3617 and in North East it is $292
Percentage of kids going to school in urban and rural areas
There is also inequality in education
Urban - 60%
Rural - 30%
Differences in rainfall
Very high annual rainfall in the south but less than 400mm in the North where the Sahel reaches to and is almost a desert
Groups Nigeria is part of and contributions
UN - 5th largest supplier of peacekeeping troops
African Union - planning and peace keeping
OPEC - stabilising oil prices to enable worldwide economic growth
Nigeria’s exports
Crude and refined oil, gas, cocoa, rubber and cotton
Nigeria’s imports
Vehicles, mobile phones, rice and wheat
Primary product dependent
Depending on the low value primary sector for the large majority of your income
Where does Nigeria export to?
USA, India and Brazil