AP psych exam review

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Placing a high value on activities in which we excel is especially likely to promote

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Placing a high value on activities in which we excel is especially likely to promote

High self-esteem

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14 year old Lisa was asked, “what would happen if everyone in the world suddenly went blind?” She responded “Those who had previously been blind would become leaders.” Lisa’s answer indicates she is in the _____ stage of development

formal operaltional

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Unconsciously motivated by stinginess, Mr. Rioja refused to send his son money to buy the books he needs for college courses. In defending his actions, Mr. Rioja explained that “parental financial aid prevents teenagers from developing into mature, independent adults. “Mr. Riojas explanation is an example of


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Which of the following questions about the word depressed would best prepare you to correctly remember tomorrow that you had seen the word on todays test.

How well does the word describe you

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Which measure of central tendency is used to calculate your grade-point average


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Giving half the members of a group some purported psychological finding and the other half an opposite result is an easy way to demonstrate the impacts

The hindsight bias

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Proponents of ________ have argued that maintaining appropriate patient behaviors with positive rewards is more humane than relying on punishment

token economy

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Scientists have isolated a gene that influences the amygdala’s response to frightening situations. People with a short version of the gene have high levels __________ available to activate amygdala neurons.


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According to Milgram, the most fundamental lesson to be learned from his study of obedience is that:

even ordinary people, who are not usually hostile, can become agents of destruction

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The general adaptation syndrome describes stages in the:

the bodys response to prolonged stress

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Unlike psychoanalytic therapists, hummanistic theraposts tend to focus on the _______ more than the _______

Present; past

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Professor Jones is a member of the faculty commiittee on academic standards. He personally disagrees with the other committee members’ proposed plan to begin accepting students with below-average grades. Professor Jones is most likely, however, to vote in favor of their plan if:

The other committee members are unanimous in their opinion

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The fact that learning can occur without reinforcement is most clearly demonstrated by studies of:

latent learning

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long-term potentiation is a(n)

neural basis for learning and memory

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Last year, Dr. Moritano cleaned Natacha’s skin with rubbing alcohol prior to administering each of a series of painful rabies vaccination shots. Which of the following processes accounts for the fact that Natacha currently becomes fearful every time she smells rubbing alcohol

classical conditioning

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Mr. Porter believes that aggression is an unlearned behavior characteristic of all children. He obviously believes that aggression is a(n):


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Miss Jan De Jong is orderly, neat, fairly quiet, and shy. She enjoys reading in her spare time and belongs to a social club that includes three librarians, nine real estate agents, and eight social workers. A tendency to conclude that Jan must be one of the three librarians would illustrate the powerful influence of:

the representativeness heuristic.

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The inability to remember how Lincoln’s head appears on a penny is most likely due to a failure in:


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After hamsters learned whether to turn right or left in a maze in order to find food, their body temperature was lowered until the electrical activity in their brains ceased. When the hamsters were revived they still remembered what they had learned prior to the “blackout” The hamsters directional memory was apparently a(n)___________ memory


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In classical conditioning therapies, maladaptive symptoms are usually considered to be:

conditioned responses

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William, an airplane pilot, is unable to remember anything of a bombing raid in which his plane was severely damaged and two crew members were killed. Because he himself suffered no physical injuries, psychologists suspect that William probably suffers from a:

dissociated disorder

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if a partially deaf persons hearing ability ______, his or her absolute threshold for sound________



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A biological psychologist would be most interested in conduction research on the relationship between:

neurotranmitters and

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In order to compare the pace of life in different countries, investigators measured the speed with which postal clerks completed a simple request. This best illustrates the use of a research method known as:

naturalistic observational

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When 16-year-old Hafez received a large inheritance from his grandfather, he was tempted to purchase an expensive new car. He decided, instead, to deposit all the money into a savings account for his college education. Hafez shows signs of a:

strong ego

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correlational research is most useful for purposes of:


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Distant trees were located closer to the top of the artist’s canvas than were the nearby flowers. The artist was clearly using the distance cue known as:

relative height

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According to the________ perspective, anxiety is sometimes produced by the submerged mental energy associated with repressed impulses.


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Consumers respond more positively to ground beef advertised as “75% lean” than to ground beef described as “25% fat” This illustrates that consumer reactions are influenced by:


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Deep brain stimulation has been reported to provide relief from:


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Mrs. Swift is alarmed by her own intrusive and irrational thoughts that her house is contaminated by germs. Her experience best illustrates the agitating effects of:

an obsession

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Emma believes that she will succeed in business if she works hard and carefully manages her time. Her belief most clearly illustrates

an internal locus of control

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Which research method would be most appropriate for investigating the relationship between the religious beliefs of Americans and their attitudes towards abortion

the survey

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Marlene forgot to bring a pillow on the camping trip, so she spent a very uncomfortable and restless night. Unfortunately , she never thought of using her down-filled jacket as a pillow. Marlene’s oversight best illustrates:

functional fixedness

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After an exciting football game in which the home team loses by one point, a crowd of fans throws bottles and begins to tear up the field. This behavior is best understood in terms of:


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According to the james-lange theroy, we experience emotion ________ we notice our physiological arousal. According to the Cannon-Bard theory we experience emotion_____ we become physiologically aroused.

after, at the same time

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Studies of monkeys raised with artificial mothers suggest that mother-infant emotional bonds result primarily from mothers providing infants with:

body contact

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compared to Gardner, Sternberg has identified _______ independent, dimensions of intelligence and his forms of intelligence have been _________ reliably measured

Fewer; more

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A chess playing computer program that routinely calculates all possible outcomes of all possible game moves best illustrates problem solving by means of:

an algorithm

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If the points on a scatterplot are clustered in a pattern that extends from the upper left to the lower right, this would suggest that the 2 variables depicted are:

negatively correlated

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For the last month, gabrielle has felt lethargic and has been unable to get out of bed in the morning. She has been withdrawn from friends and family because she feels worthless and unlovable. Gabrielle is most likely suffering from:

major depressive disorder

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The capacity of one brain area to take over the functions of another damaged brain area is known as brain:


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Vince, an extraverted university freshman, has just moved into a dormitory. Vince is most likely to become friends with

Bill, his assigned roommate who is majoring in computer science.

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Rishi, a college student, complains that he feels apprehensive and fearful most of the time but doesn’t know why. Without warning, his heart begins to pound, his hands get icy, and he breaks out in a cold sweat. Rishi most likely suffers from a(n)

generalized anxiety disorder

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Which theory would be most helpful for explaining why people are motivated to watch horror movies?

instinct theory

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The healing power of insight and self-awareness is least likely to be emphasized by__________ therapists.


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Abdul mistakenly believes that his classmates are unusually hostile. In fact, Abdul is the most quarrelsome and aggressive child in the school. According to psychoanalytic theory, Abdul’s belief that his classmates are hostile is a:


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Mrs. Pride cut Logan’s hot dog into 8 pieces and Carte’s into 6 pieces. Carter cried because he felt he wasnt getting as much hot dog as Logan. Piaget would say that carter doesnt understand the principle of:


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Melinda completed the Computer programming aptitude test when she applied for a position with beta electronics. Six months later, she took the same test when she applied for a position with another company. The fact that her scores were almost identical on the two occasions suggests that the test has a high degree:


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We can more easily extinguish a fear of driving a car than a fear of holding snakes. This is best explained from a ___________ perspective


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Vanna is tempted to shoplift a necklace even though she has negative feelings about shoplifting. Vanna is least likely to steal the mech if:

she is highly aware of her negative feeling about shoplifting

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Thaddeus will play a violin solo at his school tomorrow. His musical performance is likely to be ______ if his physiological arousal during the performance is _____

best; moderate

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To demostrate that brain stimulation can make a rat violently aggressive, a neuroscientist should electrically stimulate the rats


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The rock musician was hit with a rotten egg while performing his latest song. The fact that you can recognize two different meanings for the word “hit” in the sentence demonstrates the importance of:


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Who is the best example of Type B personality

Wang Lung, a relaxed easy-going dentist

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Jose has just playing a long, bruising football game but feels little fatigue or discomfort. His lack of pain is most likely caused by the release of:


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To assess the effects of televised violence on aggression, researchers plan to expose one group of children to violet movie scenes and another group to nonviolent scenes. In order to reduce the chance that the children in one group have more aggressive personalities than those in the other group, the researchers should make use of:

random assignment

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Automatic processing and effortful processing involve two types of:


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The loss of your drivers license as a consequence of drunken driving is to ________ as the reduction as a consequence of studying effectively is to ______

negative punishment; negative reinforcement

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which of the following Big Five trait dimensions is most closest related to ones level of creativity


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The American psychological Association and British Psychological Society have developed ethical principles urging investigators to:

explain the research to the participants after the study has been completed

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Darley and Latane observed that most university students failed to help a person having an epileptic seizure when they thought there were four other witnesses to the emergency. The students failure to help is best explained in terms of:

diffusion of responsibility

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Generating multiple possible answers to a problem illustrates:

divergent thinking

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in a written report report of their research, psychologists specify exactly how anxiety is assessed, thus providing their readers with a(n)

operational definition

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An extensive survey revealed that children with relatively high self-esteem tend to picture God as king and loving, whereas those with lower self esteem tend to perceive God as angry. The researchers concluded that the children’s self-esteem had apparently influenced their views of God. This conclusion best illustrates the danger of:

assuming that correlation proves causation

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The local fire department sounds the 12 o’clock whistle. The process by which your ears convert the sound waves from the siren into the neural impulses is an example of:


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If two objects are assumed to be the same size, the object that casts the smaller retinal image is perceived to be:

more distant

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In Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, infants develop a fear of books after books are repeatedly presented with a loud noise. In this fictional example, the loud noise is a(n)

Unconditioned stimulus

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Rats that received unpredictable electric shocks in a lab experiment subsequently became apprehensive when returned to that same lab setting. This best illustrates that anxiety disorders may result from:

classical conditioning

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The fact that human aggression varies widely from culture to culture most strongly suggests that it is NOT:

an unlearned instinct

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compared with apartment dwellers whose landlords pay their electricity costs, those apartment dwellers who pay their own electric bills use less electricity. This is most clearly showing that consumer electricity usage is influenced by:

operant conditioning

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Humanistic psychologists focused attention on the importance of peoples’s:

potential for healthy growth

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Mr. King believes that he is the president of the United States and that he will soon become the “King of the Universe” Mr. King is most clearly suffering from


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The occipital lobes are to __________ as the temporal lobes are to___________

seeing; hearing

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Which lobe of the brain receive the input that enables you to feel someone scratching your back


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In order to assess whether Mrs. Webster had Alzheimer’s disease, researchers conditioned her to blink in response to a sound that signaled the delivery of a puff of air directed toward her face. In this application the classical conditioning, the sound was a:


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Avoiding physical punishment is to___________ morality as respecting the laws of society is to ________ morality

pre-conventional; conventional

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Nature is to nurture as the ____________ perspective is to the____________ perspective.

evolutionary; behavioral

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In order to assess the influence of self-esteem on interpersonal attraction, researchers either insulted or complimented college students about their physical appearance just before they went on a blind date. In this research, the dependent variable is:

interpersonal attraction

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The word “cats” contains _________ phoneme(s) and__________morpheme(s)


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Central tendency is to variation as ____________ is to______________

mean; standard deviation

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Which of the following is the components of the limbic system that plays an essential role in the formation of new memories ?


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Blake is a carpet installer who wants to be paid for each square foot of carpet he lays rather than with an hourly wage. Blake prefers working on a ________ schedule of reinforcement


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Cerebellum is to_______ memory as hippocampus is to________ memory

implicit; explicit

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The fact that many happy and well-adjusted adults were once rebellious and unhappy as adolescents is most relevant to the issue of:

stability or change

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An accelerated heartbeat is to a slowed heartbeat as the ________ nervous system is to the ___________ nervous system

autonomic; somatic

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Which therapeutic approach emphasizes that people are often disturbed because of their negative interpretations of events?

cognitive therapy

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Which theory best explains why our actions can lead us to modify our attitudes?

cognitive dissonance

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Nora, Ko, Lan and May each think that Ms. Akey may be a slightly better teacher than Mr. Schwenke. After discussing why each of them believes this to be so, the all conclude that Ms. Akey is def a much better teacher than Mr. Schwenke. This provides an example of:

group polarization

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Which research method provides the best way of assessing whether cogarette smoking boosts mental alertness

the experiment

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Hearing a sequence of sounds of different pitches is to _______ as recognizing the sound sequence as a familiar melody is to ______

sensation; perception

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Professor Carter observes and records the behavior of grocery shoppers as they select items to purchase. Which type of research is professor Carter employing?

naturalistic observation

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When looking at the hands of a clock showing 8 o’clock, certain brain cells in the visual cortex are more responsive than when the hands show 10 o’clock. This is most indicative of:

feature detection

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Because Carmella, Jorge, and Gail were all sitting behind the same bowling lane, Ruth perceived that they were all members of the same bowling team. This best illustrates the organizational principle of:


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people’s conceptual frameworks for understanding their experiences


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The McDougals use harsh discipline on their children and demand unquestioning obedience. Psychologists are likely to characterize the McDougals as________ parents


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A brief electrical charge that travels down the axon of a neuron is called the:

action potential

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One group of ocean voyagers is given a new but untested pill for seasickness and a second group is given an inactive pill. Neither the voyagers nor the experimental researchers know which group has received the new pill. In this experiment, the investigators are making use of

The double-blind technique

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According to Erikson, trust is to_____________ as identity is to__________

infancy; adolescence

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In a well-known experiment , preschool children pounded and kicked a large inflated Bobo doll that an adult had just beated on. This experiment served to illustrate that importance of:

Observational learning

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