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How many players does a “fast pitch” game consist of?
The position that throws the ball to the catcher to start the play.
Receives pitches from the pitcher, leads defensive play by their advantageous view, calls pitches, blocking the plate to block the runner “throwing runner out” of the base. Wears protective gear.
“Fields” at a particular base by catching ball from infielders to force a runner out at the said base.
1st baseman
Fields area nearest first base
2nd baseman
Fields area between second and first base
3rd baseman
Fields area around 3rd base
Fields balls between second and third base
Right fielder
Plays defense in the outfield on the RIGHT side
Center fielder
Defends the MIDDLE of the outfield
Left fielder
Plays defense in the outfield on the LEFT side
Which team always bats first?
Whoever is visiting
How many innings does one game consist of?
How is the winner determined?
Whichever team, at the end of the 7th innings, leads by 1 run
What happens if the play is tied?
You will continue to play full innings until someone is ahead by 1 run.
What is allowed in fast pitch softball?
Stealing (bases) and bunting (a technique of batting)
How doo you steal bases?
Running them and TOUCHING each base.
What happens when the ball is pitched 4 times?
The batter goes to first base
What happens after three strikes?
The batter is out
How many “outs” is each team allowed before they change and go into the field?
A ball that goes out of bounds before reaching 1st or 3rd base.
Strike 1
The first foul ball
Strike 2
The second foul ball
Can players be called out on fouls?
What happens if a runner is hit by a teammate’s ball that they batted?
They are out
Forced play
The runner must run to the next base because there is not another runner behind them on a base.
T/F: You MUST tag the runner on a non-forced play.
If a fly ball is caught out of bounds in foul territory, is it still considered an out?
Clean-up batter
Usually your 4th batter; the strongest or best batter in the line-up.