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What phase of the moon is this?
New Moon
What phase of the moon is this?
Waxing Crescent
What phase of the moon is this?
First Quarter
What phase of the moon is this?
Waxing Gibbous
What phase of the moon is this?
Full Moon
What phase of the moon is this?
Waning Gibbous
What phase of the moon is this?
Third Quarter
What phase of the moon is this?
Waning Crescent
The path an object follows as it moves around another object.
The imaginary line around which the moon rotates
Why can we see the moon?
Light from the sun reflects off the Moon and into a person’s eyes
The Lunar Cycle
The cycles of the moon
To send back light from a surface
Order of the moon phases
New Moon, Waxing Crescent, 1st Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, 3rd Quarter, Waning Crescent
Growing/getting bigger
What does natural satellite mean in the context of the moon?
The moon is always orbiting Earth (the moon is Earth’s only natural satellite)
How long does it take for moon to orbit the Earth?
1 month
How does sunlight reflect?
Light from the sun shines on the moon and bounces back causing it to illuminate (light up)
Crescent moon
When shape of lit part of moon is less than half
Quarter moon
When half moon is lit
Gibbous moon
When shape of lit moon is more than half