Argumentative Terms to Know

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Asserting a Position

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11 Terms


Asserting a Position

Taking a clear stance on the issue presented in the prompt.

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Developing a Position

Using appropriate evidence and commentary to support and explain your thesis thoroughly.

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Line of Reasoning

A logical progression of ideas.

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Direct quotes or paraphrased evidence taken from a source text or evidence from one’s own knowledge that supports the claim and helps prove the thesis.

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The explanation and analysis of the evidence.

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Parenthetical Citation (In-Text Citation)

Includes the citation of the source. These citations should be placed at the end of the sentence that contains the quoted or paraphrased evidence. Place a period outside of the second parenthesis.

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An argument that opposes one’s position.

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A claim made to refute a previous or opposing claim.

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A claim that furthers one’s argument by disproving or discrediting the counterclaim.

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Admitting the merits of the counterargument.

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A claim, often following a concession. That furthers one’s argument because it proves a statement or theory to be wrong.

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