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What is an artificial heart?
A mechanical device that pumps blood for someone whose heart has failed.
When might an artificial heart be used?
As a temporary fix until a donor heart is available or, rarely, as a permanent replacement.
Why are artificial hearts less likely to be rejected?
They’re made from metals or plastics, which the immune system doesn’t recognize as foreign.
What is a major risk associated with artificial hearts?
Blood clots can form, leading to strokes; patients need blood-thinning drugs.
What causes heart valve damage?
Heart attacks, infections, or aging.
What are the two types of replacement heart valves?
Biological valves (from animals/humans) and mechanical valves (man-made).
Why might someone need an artificial blood substitute?
To maintain blood volume and allow oxygen transport after severe blood loss.
What is artificial blood usually made from?
Often a salt solution, like saline, to temporarily replace lost blood volume.
What are the benefits of using artificial blood in emergencies?
It buys time for the body to make new blood cells or until a transfusion is possible.
What is a disadvantage of mechanical valves?
They often require patients to take blood-thinning medication.