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Early School
Structuralism structure of the mind. (Periodic table & elements of what parts of our minds do things.)
Functionalism- the function of consciousness. what is the function of the mind of what is the purpose of anger? what is the purpose of emotions?
Abnormal Psychology
unusual and distressing patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
Positive Psychology
study human flourishing, buying other things.
Evolutionary psychology
the study of behavior, thoughts, and feelings as viewed through the lens of evolutionary biology.
classical conditioning
learning through pairing
obviously measurable
is my opinion of something
Psychodynamic psychology (1920’s-1960’s)
unconscious mind and childhood experience
cognitive psychology
studying how people think.
psychology focuses on how the interactions of thinking, emotion, creativity, and problem-solving, abilities affect how and why you think the way you think the way do.
focus on mental processes.
Wihelm Wudt
Opened first psychology research laboratory in 1879
(German Physiologist)
accept knowledge.
ask questions
you are NOT sure about their theory
observation manipulate
things I can see
I want to see what it does.
Emprical Study
an evidence-based method of research that draws on experimental and observation.
behaviorism/ behavioral psychology
theory of learning based on the idea that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning
Sigmund Freud
He looked at the unconscious mind and childhood experience, unconscious whishes did couch therapy.
cultural psychology
is the study of how psychological and behavioral tendencies are rooted and embedded within culture.
mental process speed
someone saying something and then you ask what they said even though you know what they said and end up answering before they say it again.
Contemporary psychology
the study of human behavior and mind using modern methods and theories
worked on an advertisement for Maxwell house.
social psychology
based on real or image present of other relationships
How to use psychology in college
Testing effects, SQ3R, survey, question, read, retrieve (look at your stuff every other day), Review, Distribute studytime, think critically, actively process info,ation
Research Strategies: CORRELATIONS (General definition)
an observation that two traits, things or attributes are related to each other.
Research strategies: Correlations (scientific defintion)
A measure of how close two factors vary together, or how well you can predict a change in one observing a change in the other.
Positive correlation
between 0 and +1.00
Negative correlation
between 0 and -1.00
Research strategies
establishing causation——> experimentation, experiments help us to establish causation.
with experiments, researchers can focus on the possible effects of one or more factors in serval ways.
manipulating the factors of interest and their effect.
Holding Constant- (“controlling”) other factors
experimental group and control group
control condition=xx
theory: automatic processing
repeated measures
controlled variable instructions.
IV: stimulus sheet (words vs x’s)
DV: time in seconds
conducting variable: cog, mobility, noise, coemption, order effects, distracted by timer, personality shifts.
placebo effects def
effects involve caused by expectations.
placebo effects expectations
ALC: ALC expectations
NO ALC: NO ALC expectations
Placebo- expectations
Reverse placebo- all Without expectations
IRB ethics committees, laboratory regulation, and inspections.
distributed practice
produces better long-term recall
organization of items into familiar, manageable units often occurs automatically.
Sensory memory
the first stage in forming explicit memories, the immediate, very brief recording of sensory information in the memory. iconic memory: picture-image memory
echoic memory: sound memory
short-term memory
activated memory that holds a few items briefly before the information is stored or forgotten.
short-term memory capacity
rule of 7+ or -2, working memory, capacity varies by age and other factors.
implicit-memory system
the cerebellum, and basal ganglia, implicit memory, the cerebellum plays an important role in forming and storing memories created by classical conditioning, memories of physical skills are also implicit memories, basal ganglia help form memories for these skills
spatial memories
rear areas of the brain
like a temporary of explicit memories and then from there it moves all of your information to everywhere else in your frontal lobes and into your cortex. Holds that memory for 24 hrs through one good sleep
is important for sleep and memory
sematic memories
a type of explicit memory but these are specific to facts and knowledge. it’s a conscious memory and it’s for facts and knowledge.
episodic memory
is an explicit memory, it’s conscious memory and it’s of personally, experienced.
implicit memory system
is going to be focused on our cerebellum and our basal ganglia.
implicit memories
helps us with skills.
is in the back of our brain. (size of a softball) it’s above a brainstem. helps us with balance and what makes us loose our balance when we drink alcohol.
can produce a kind of a tunnel vision that makes you miss details.
shallow processing
is manning a rhyme it remembers things
Basal Ganglia
is different than any other brain structure, it receives information from the cortex, but it does not send any information back to the cortex, it just sends messages kind of to the body. It helps memories of skills during sports.
Hippocampus memories
Memories are not stored in the hippocampus, they are moved into the hippocampus, it held there. it remembers the episode, which specifically have to do with episodic memories, some memories of events, smell, feel, sound, location are in your hippocampus and then move to the rest of your brain.