breathing in lipid droplets containing the pathogen previously expelled from the respiratory system of an infected individual
direct contact
skin to skin contact and maternal transmission from mother to unborn child or in breast milk
pathogen entering directly into the body through break in the skin
living organism that transmits an infection from one host to another
contaminated food or drink leads to vomiting and diarrhoea- greatest risk from raw food or recontamination of cooked food
inanimate objects that carry pathogens from one host to another
skin as a barrier
contains tough protein keratin but can be breached by wounds which can be helped by blood clotting
skin flora outcompete and prevent colonisation by other bacteria
mucosal membranes
line the airways the gut- mucus traps microbes and other particles
beating cilia carry the mucus up to the throat to be swallowed
secretions from eyes and nose contain the enzyme lysozyme that breaks down bacterial cell walls causing lysis
stomach acid
HCl pH less than 2 that kills most bacteria that enter with food or drink
pH also optimum for the digestive enzyme pepsin
gut flora
bacteria found in intestines that have a mutualistic relationship with animals as they aid digestion and outcompete pathogenic bacteria for food and space
gut flora also secrete lactic acid to aid defence against pathogens
fate of bacteria if non-specific immune response doesn’t work
get carried away from site in blood or lymph and travel to lymph nodes where they undergo phagocytosis by macrophages
if this fails there is widespread infection leading to septic shock
inflammatory response
damaged basophils and mast cells release histamine causing vasodilation of arterioles to increase blood flow to site- becomes red and hot
histamine also makes capillaries more leaky so plasma phagoctes and antibodies can enter the site, causing oedema
found in tears nasal secretions and saliva- break down bacterial peptidoglycan cell wall allowing water to enter the cell and causing it to burst and be destroyed
provides defence against viruses but also some bacteria
released from infected cells and diffuses into surrounding cells where it prevents viral protein synthesis and therefore replication
active natural immunity
an individual mounts a specific primary immune response after naturally contracting a pathogen and creates antibodies and memory cells for long term protection
passive natural immunity
antibodies from one individual are passed to a second individual in a natural process for short term protection eg from mother to baby via the placenta
passive artificial
antibodies from one individual are passed to another individual via an injection to provide immediate protection for short term protection
active artificial immunity
a form of pathogen is injected into the individual who then mounts a specific primary response to create antibodies and memory cells for long term protections
must contain one or more antigens that are also found on the pathogen or the toxin
attenuated virus vaccination
weakened viruses that are harmless and non-pathogenic and less virulent. they will reproduce very slowly but not result in symptoms in the host
killed bacteria vaccination
the bacteria have been killed by chemicals, heat, or radiation
harmless toxin vaccination
inactivated toxic compound that causes an illness rather than the microorganism that produces it
antigen bearing fragmemt vaccination
newer form- can consist of the surface protein of a microorganism
herd immunity
when enough people in a population are successfully vaccinated and immunised, the pathogen is less likely to be transferred from one person to another which reduces the incidence of the disease in the community and protects those not able to be vaccinated
evolutionary race
as soon as the host evolves mechanisms to combat the pathogen, the pathogen evolves new methods of overcoming the immune system of the host. the host antibodies and memory cells are now useless
why do bacteria evolve so quickly
reproduce very quickly
large populations so rate of mutations is vast, and there is a very large gene pool
some random mutations will be advantageous
the host immune system is the selections pressure
bacteriacidal antibiotics
antibiotic that destroys/kills bacteria
bacteriostatic antibiotic
antibiotic that inhibits the replication of bacteria which alllows the host immune system to destroy the bacterial population
antibiotics mechanisms that can disrupt bacterial cell division
inhibition of cell wall synthesis
disruption of the cell membrane
inhibition of nucleic acid synthesis, replication, or transcription
inhibition of protein synthesis
inhibition of specific bacterial enzymes
process of bacterial resistance to antibiotics
presence of antibiotic acts as a selecion pressure
there is some naturally occuring genetic variation in the bacterial population where a random mutation creates an allele for resistance
the bacteria that don’t posess the allele are killed but those that do are more likely to survive and reproduce
the frequency of the advantageous allele will increase and can be passed via vertical evolution to offspring or horizontal evolution to other bacteria via conjugation
codes of practice
doctors and nurses told to not to wear watches, ties, and long sleeves
regular deep cleaning and changing of patient gowns and bedding
screening and isolation of patients to identify those that carry a drug resistant bacteria
monitoring levels on drug resistant infections
prescription of antibiotics
only prescribed when the patient is definitely suffering from a bacterial infection and the antibiotic must be targetted to the specific bacterium. patients are educated and advised to complete their full course of antibiotics so that all the bacteria are destroyed. different antibiotics should be used for repeat infections
body temperature after death
immediately after death the body starts to cooldue to absence of heat producing chemical reactions, eg respiration
sigmoid curve
cooling follows a sigmoid curve where body temperature is only useful for 24 hours, assuming that the body was at normal temperature (37o) at death. that might not be the case if the person is suffering from fever or hypothermia
factors to consider when using body temp to determine time of death
ambient (environmental) temperature
body size
body position
status of clothing
air movement
whether the body was immersed in water
general surroundings eg inside or out
rigor mortis series of events
after death, muscle cells become starved of oxygen and aerobic respiration stops
respiration becomes anaerobic and produces lactic acid
pH of the cells fall, inhibiting enzyme activity which stops anaerobic respiration
ATP is no longer produced which prevents the bonds between muscle proteins from breaking
proteins can no longer slide over each other to shorten or relax the muscle which fixes muscle and joints in position
smaller muscles stiffen and pass through rigour first
increased environmental temperature or physical activity before death can bring on rigour faster
rigor mortis starts to pass as muscle tissue starts to decompose, and is only useful for determining time of death for 3-48 hours after death
immediately after death digestive enzymes from the digestive tract and lysosomes start to break down cells
role of bacteria in the first stages of decomposition
bacteria from the digestive tract and gas exchange system rapidly invade the tisses and release digestive enzymes (putrefaction). the lack of oxygen promotes the growth of anaerobic bacteria
first signs of decomposition
a greenish discolouration appears on the skin of the abdomen due to anaerobic bacteria converting haemoglobin into sulfahaemoglobin. the discolouration spreads across the body darkening to reddish green then purple black
time frame starts between 36-72 hours
during and after gas phase
bacteria produce gases in the tissues and intestines and the body becomes bloated and starts to smell. after more decomposition the gas escapes and the body deflates and the fluid drains away. the tissues shrink and the body starts to dry
time frame usually after 7 days
factors that affect the rate of decomposition
environmental temperature- low temps slow, warm speeds up
clothing- insulation
body injuries- aid entry of bacteria
intense heat- slows as enzymes denature
the study of insects and their life cycles
details collected from body after death
samples of each insect and where each was found
air body and ground temperature
maggot mass
information about location of the body
condition of body and temperature history of location
use of maggots in forensics
length of maggot mass is measured to determine age which can be compared to a growth graph to estblish their age- fly life cycle timings can help determine when the egg was laid. only reliable if ambient temp was constant
live ones are fed and allowed to grow to identify species
no way of knowing when the fly found the body
factors that can affect estimation of time of death
temperature affects rate of progress through life cycle and growth
toxins in the body can speed up or slow down maggot and pupal development
factors that determine species of insect present at body
stage of decomposition, presence of other insects
colonisation of insects as a form of succession
one group of organisms feed on the body to change the conditionsso they becomes attractive to another group
these are replaced by other species over time- species richness increases
DNA profiling
genetic/DNA fingerprinting that relies on ever individual’s DNA being unique
STR (short tandem repeats)
found within introns - short DNA sequences repeated many times and can contain 2 to 50 base pairs and can be repeated from 5 to several hundred times. the same STR sequence occurs at the same locus aton both homologous chromosomes but the number of times it is repeated differs
STR uses in DNA profiling
each person has a large number of introns with lots of STR loci as there is a large amount of variation in the number of repeats for each STR sequence it is unlikely that two individuals will have the same number of repeats and the profile wil be unique for each
possible sources of DNA for forensic purposes
any biological tissue- cheek swab cells, wbcs, bone marrow in a skeleton, sperm, skin, hair, saliva, fingerprints
how DNA is extracted from cells
the cell membrane is disrupted in a buffer solution. DNA is seperated by centrifugation and the sample is incubated with proteases. the DNA is precipitated out and washed in ice cold ethanol
identification of where to cut DNA
cut at a specific recognition site- specific base sequence which are palindromic when double stranded and cut to produce a sticky end or a blunt end. each restriction enzyme will only ever produce a sticky or a blunt end not both
restriction enzymes in DNA profiling
if the same restriction enzyme is used to cut the same DNA sample or two DNA samples from the same individual the fragments produced will be identical in every case
PCR (polymerase chain reaction)
technique used to copy STR sequences
Gel electrophoresis
technique used to seperate the STR sequence fragments
techniques used to visualise the fragments
southern blotting- STR DNA fragments are transferred to nylon membrane which is then incubated with a DNA probe with complementary base pairs to the fragments (hybridisation). probe may be radioactive or flourescently tagged
flourescent orimers in PCR remain attatched to the DNA after the last cycle and pass the gel to be detected and analysed by a computer
possible uses of DNA profiling
identifying criminals and victims, settling paternity disputes, identifying stolen animals, confirming pedigree lineage, identifying evolutionary relationships and species
conclusion reaching from a DNA profile
each STR fragment shows up as a band on the gel- comparing the position of the bands from test sample and reference sample confirms a match
why is DNA profiling not infalliable
the profiling procedure has many steps where cross contamination would occur
only some STR sequences are analysed
there is a chance another individual has an identical profile