American Studies Ch 18

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The lack of natural resources slowed America's industrial revolution (T/F)

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The lack of natural resources slowed America's industrial revolution (T/F)


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Donated millions or thousands of libraries built across the U.S. Started as a poor Scottish immigrant

Andrew Carnegie

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What was NOT an impact of RR on westward expansion?

-Federal troops moved more efficiently to deal with Indians -Factories abandoned the east to move to the Great Basin -Raw materials/finished goods move more efficiently -Immigrants efficiently move west to work in ag or industry

Factories abandoned the east to move to the Great Basin

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Which was NOT a problem plaguing the growing RR industry?

-Dangerous working conditions during construction -Inefficient routes and location of RR -Corruption due to lobbying politicians -Excellent RR management and sound RR investments

Excellent RR management and sound RR investments

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Industry became more efficient, cities began to sprawl & suburbs grew, & building got taller


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Captains of industry who built huge wealth usually by shrewd, ruthless & sometimes dishonesty

Robber barons

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Irish coal miners in Pennsylvania, some became violent, 10 were hanged in 1876

Molly Maguires

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Occured in 1877, the 1st interstate strike in US history, it failed but showed potential

Great RR Strike

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First federal law to restrict immigration on basis of race and class, 10 year restriction!

Chinese Exclusion Act

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Early labor union welcoming ALL labor, was initially secretive, equal pay for equal work

Knights of Labor

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1st terrorist bombing, a bomb went off at a labor pretest, anarchists were to blame

Haymarket Affair

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At the end of the 19th century, a rapidly growing city & "hotbed of labor unrest?"


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A business or industry that only hired union labor

Closed shop

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RR workers who lived in company town & shopped in a company store went on strike over wage cuts

Pullman Strike

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Leading American socialist, ran for president 3 times, and head of the American Railway Union

Eugene V. Debs

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Famous longtime leader of the American Federation of Labor

Samuel Gompers

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In general, local, state, & federal officials sided with LABOR during early labor disputes (T/F)


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Mother Jones

Labor activist who was a member of the Knights of Labor union and who used publicity techniques to create awareness of the plight of mine workers and child laborers. buried in mount olive

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Homestead Steel Strike of 1892

Labor conflict at the Homestead steel mill near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, culminating in a battle between strikers and private security agents hired by the factory's management.

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American Federation of Labor

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People who oppose all forms of organized government

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Workers Compensation

A form of insurance paid by the employer providing cash benefits to workers injured or disabled in the course of employment.

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Montgomery Ward

Former American department store chain, founded as the world's first mail order business in 1872 by Aaron Montgomery Ward.

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Richard Sears

A successful and creative figure in the mail-order business who began by selling jewelry

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JP Morgan

Banker who buys out Carnegie Steel and renames it to U.S. Steel. Was a philanthropist in a way; he gave all the money needed for WWI and was payed back. Was one of the "Robber barons"

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Henry Clay Frick

Manager of the Carnegie Steel plant outside of Pittsburgh, PA who barricaded the plant and hired armed Pinkerton guards to attack striking workers

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John D. Rockefeller

Established the Standard Oil Company, the greatest, wisest, and meanest monopoly known in history

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Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt

Built the New York Central Railroad System. Offering superior railway service at lower rates, he amassed a fortune of $100 million.

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Nikola Tesla

Alternating current

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Thomas Alva Edison

Inventor and scientist, invented the light bulb

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Alexander Gaham Bell

Inventor of the telephone

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1st Transcontinental Railroad


-Railroad which stretched from coast to coast

-War delayed building it

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Reason/factors causing/spurring on 2nd Industrial Revolution in the US

-Natural resources

-Abundant labor supply

-Strong gov policy

-News sources of power



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