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what material was used in business sector b4 plastic
herbaceous plant, does not need herbicides, inc soil feritlity - good for crop rotation)
hemp uses
extraction of oil/flour, process textiles, makes paper, medicine, green building energy, foundation of rural italy
imp hemp assoc
european industrial hemp assoc (EIHA), Assocanapa - main ital assoc, campania (our region) - Canalrpina and FractaSativa
hemp production regulation
regulation (eu) n. 1307/2013, content of a substance in hemp can't exceed a number
italy's hemp regulation
circular of ministry of agri and forest policies, seed must be in approved varieties, and substance content can't exceed a num
why is hemp illegal
1930s dupont case - hemp was used for industrial purposes, Anslinger head of (now called DEA) needed something to work on after alcohol was allowed again (no more prohibition) so he started campaign against hemp/marijuana, Fiorella La Guardia fought against it
1937 marijuana tax act
didn't prohibit production of hemp but made it unsus for hemp growers
1961 single convention on narcotic drugs
policy against narcotics, nixons war on drugs, abolished hemp cultivation
corp social responsibility
management concept where companies integrate social and enviro concerns, as well as do their bsns duties, "trip btm line approach"
CSR benefits
good brand recognition/reputation, inc profits/sales/loyal customers, attract/retain staff, org growth etc
classical econ theory
aim to exclusively max shareholder profit
creating shared val (csv)
move past csr and gain competitive advantage by considering social and enviro aspects, embed sus and csr into brand
primary activities in val chain
inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales service
secondary activities of val chain
procurement, human resource management, tech development, infrastructure
stakeholder engagement
involvment of stakeholders, companies are being more open
Co-creation of value
business strategy focused on customer experience, relationship btwn customer and company
most important aspects of bsns behavior
treatment of workers 41%, community 21%, customers 15%, shareholders 15%, enviro 9%
providing misleading/fake info about enviro impact of company, coined by Jay Westerveld 1986, ex. volkswagen
4 marketing levers
product, price, place, promotion
green marketing
company declare themselves social responsible for life cycle of products
5 i's for green marketing
intuitive, innovative, integral, informed, inviting
enviro justice movement (us 1980s)
social movement to address unfair expose of poor and marginal communities to harms assoc w/ resource extraction, toxic waste, and land uses
key event in enviro justice movement: warren county NC 1982
wanted to build landfill in mainly black neighborhood, protests failed, but brought attention to intrinsic racism in landfill locations
pelican report film
brings attention to damage done to Hinkley California by activity of pascific gas and electric company plant
1986 emergency planning and community right-to-know-act
right of citizens to know risks assoc with production activities, companies need to publicize chemicals stored/released
enviro justice related events 90s-now
1992-office of enviro justice established in epa
1994 - clinton drew connection btwn enviro and discrimination
now - biden-harris admin put $16mil