Unit 2: Networks of Exchange 1200-1450

(expand on empires mentioned, idk you’ve got it)

Trade and Exchange (how the states from unit 1 interacted)

==Innovation expanded the scope of trade routes==

Silk road-

Paper money- good within China, merchants could exchange money.

didn’t have to carry tons of coins, lighter cargo

Saharan road-

Land based trade routes trade was moer precious, because trading boat was easier to trade rather than on a camel for example.

indian ocean was a highway of trade

these trade routes already existed, and they began to expand during this time.

the trade of ideas and culture

rapid spread of islam along trade routes. dar-islam trade flourished along routes from people who were practicing same religion

muslim scholars preserved

==States that promoted innovation and trade grew in importance==

China understood that being along these trade routes was a source of power rather than insecurity.

diversity and new people moving in and out of countries wasnt scary anymore

Song china was actively promoting innovation

ex; ACTIVEly expanding universities with exams

by educating citizens, they build up leadership

more stable sources of food. more kids, led to a population boom

song dynasty was more welcoming to outside traders. for ex: were religiously tolerant to muslims

contrasted with medieval europe, who were keeping OUT jews and muslims, while the rest of the world is keeping them in

west africa-

mansa musa used his wealth to fund islamic universities

made connections across north africa to benefit mali

silk road- indian ocean




west africa-


these states rose not because they themselves were strong, but specifically because they were placed near trade route

==Monghols created the ultimate trading empire from 1200-1450.==

monghols invent the cannon. conquer and create a huge land, then ruled mostly with tolerance. got there brutally, and ruled peacefully

paxmongolica- time of peace under monghol empire

religion is a single most powerful unifier between empires within this time.

monghols were quite religiously tolerant. often adopted religions that the regions they conquered practiced’

==cultural diffusion and technological exchange brought states of of the medieval era==

ex; aztec and inca dont modernize due to distance away from …

monghols expand and bring black death with them.

crusades- attempt to reconquer the “HOLY land”. unsuccessful
