AP Government Unit 1 Test

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Those who favor a stronger national government

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Political Culture

A patterned and sustained way of thinking about how political and economical life ought to be carried out

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US Constitution

After the articles of confederation, made the government stronger.

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Bill of Rights

Anti Federalists wanted this before constitution was signed

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James Madison's Views

Human nature is bad, power needs to be separated so that no one group can take place

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Declaration of Independence

Known as America's birth certificate

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articles of confederation

A weak constitution that governed America during the revolutionary war. Known as the first constitution

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Legitimate Government

Political authority conferred by law or by state or national constitutional. Governed with consent

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Shay's Rebellion

A 1787 rebellion in which ex-revolutionary war soldiers attempted to prevent foreclosures of high farms as a result of high interest rates and taxes.

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Virginia Plan

Proposal to create a strong national government. Based off population

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Rule of Law

No one not even our leaders are above the law.

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Civic Role of Religion

Influence politics and community. Religious people donate 3x more money to charities as opposed to non-religious people. Bush and Obama donated to them because they saw their good will

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Those who favor a stronger government

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American vs. European Political Traditions

Politically Equal vs Economically equal

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New Jersey Plan

Proposal to create a weak national government. Population was not proportional to representation

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Feds vs Anti-Feds Point of Agreement

We need a republic not a democracy

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Civic Duty

A belief that one has an obligation to participate in civic and political affairs

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