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scent /sent/
pleasant smell that sth has (flowers….)
aroma /əˈrəʊ.mə/
a strong, pleasant smell, usually from food or drink
(of food) having a very good appearance or smell that makes you want to eat
subtle colours/ flavours/smells /ˈsʌt.əl/
not very obvious or easy to notice
not loud, bright, noticeable, or obvious in any way
тонкий, ніжний, незначний
subtle differences
незначні відмінності
overpowering /ˌəʊ.vəˈpaʊə.rɪŋ/
very strong or powerful
про все
stench (of sth) /stentʃ/
a strong, unpleasant smell
smelly inf
having an unpleasant smell
to stink inf
to have strong unpleasant smell
to reek
to smell very strongly of sth unpleasant R
crunching of snow
хрустіння снігу
buble gum popping
лопання бульбашки з жувальної гумки
rustling of paper
шурхіт, шелест паперу
meat sizzling
шкварчання м’яса
birds chirping
щебетання, спів пташок
a washing machine humming
гудіння пральної машини
the thud of sth falling
удар чогось падаючого
a parrot screeching
вереск папуги
the roar of an engine
рев двигуна
a bee buzzing
гудіння бджоли
coarse /kɔːs/
шорсткий (fabric, skin, stone)
fluffy /ˈflʌf.i/
covered in very soft fur or feathers
prickly /ˈprɪk.əl.i/
covered with prickles
a prickle
soft, smooth and shiny like silk
having sharp points
smooth /smuːð/
completely flat and even without any rough areas or holes
squishy /ˈskwɪʃ.i/ inf
soft when pressed