First bubble of vapor from a liquid mixture appears at a given composition
Last bubble of a vapor mixture disappears at a given composition
First drop of liquid from a vapor mixture appears at a given composition
Last liquid drop of a liquid mixture disappears at a given composition
constant-boiling mixtures
separation by distillation not possible
crossed 45-deg line (xy-diagram)
Maximum-pressure, Minimum-boiling
Minimum-pressure, Maximum-boiling
ΣxiPisat = P
yi = (xiPisat)/P
1/(Σyi/Pisat) = P
xi = (yiP)/(Pisat)
ΣxiTisat = T0
ΣxiPisat = P where Pisat is in exponential form
Shift-solve with T = T0
yi = (xiPisat)/P
ΣxiTisat = T0
1/(Σyi/Pisat) = P where Pisat is in exponential form
Shift-solve with T = T0
xi = (yiP)/(Pisat)
Solve: P1sat(T), P2sat(T), A, & 𝛾𝑖(x,T)
Σ𝛾𝑖xiPisat = P
yi = 𝛾𝑖xiPisat/P
Solve: P1sat(T), P2sat(T), A
Table: γ1, γ2, y1/γ1P1sat, y2/γ2P2sat, Pressure, x1, x2
Iteration 0: γ1 = γ2 = 1 → y1/γ1P1sat, y2/γ2P2sat → P = 1/(y1/γ1P1sat + y2/γ2P2sat) → xi0 = (yi/γiPisat)*P
Iteration 1: γi = f(xi0, T) → y1/γ1P1sat, y2/γ2P2sat → P = 1/(y1/γ1P1sat + y2/γ2P2sat) → xi = (yi/γiPisat)*P
Repeat iterations
Solve: T1sat(P), T2sat(P), T0 = x1T1sat + x2T2sat
Table: Temp, A, γ1, γ2, α11, α21, x1γ1α11, x2γ2α21, P1sat, P2sat, y1, y2
Iteration 0: Temp = T0 → A0 = f(T0) → γi0 = f(x,T0) → αii = 1, αik = exp(Ai - (Bi/(Ci+T0)) - Ak + (Bk/(Ck+T0))) → x1γ1α11, x2γ2α21 → P1sat = P/(x1γ1α11 + x2γ2α21)
Iteration 1: Temp = T(P1sat) → A = f(T) → γi = f(x,T) → αii = 1, αik = exp(Ai - (Bi/(Ci+T)) - Ak + (Bk/(Ck+T))) → x1γ1α11, x2γ2α21 → P1sat = P/(x1γ1α11 + x2γ2α21) → P2sat = f(T)
Repeat iterations until convergence
yi = 𝛾𝑖xiPisat/P
Solve: T1sat(P), T2sat(P), T0 = y1T1sat + y2T2sat
Table: α11, α21, x1, x2, A, γ1, γ2, y1/γ1α11, y2/γ2α21, P1sat, Temp, P2sat
Iteration 0: γi0 = 1 → Temp = T0 → Pisat0 = f(T0)
Iteration 1: αii = 1, αik = Pisat0/Pksat0 → xi = yiP/γi0Pisat0 → A = f(T0) → γi = f(x,T) → y1/γ1α11, y2/γ2α21, P1sat = P*(y1/γ1α11 + y2/γ2α21), Temp = f(P1sat), P2sat = f(T)
Repeat iterations until convergence
V = [∂G/∂P]_T,x
S = -[∂G/∂T]_P,x
H = G - T[∂G/∂T]_P,x
U = H - P[∂G/∂P]_T,x
A = T[∂G/∂T]_P,x - P[∂G/∂P]_T,x
M1_bar = M + x2(dM/dx1)
M2_bar = M - x1(dM/dx1)
x1(dM1_bar/dx1) + x2(dM2_bar/dx1) = 0
Solution: nH = nU + P(nV); Partial: Hi_bar = Ui_bar + PVi_bar
Solution: nA = nU - T(nS); Partial: Ai_bar = Ui_bar - TSi_bar
Solution: nG = nH - T(nS); Partial: Gi_bar = Hi_bar - TSi_bar