Biol 190 Unit 2 Chapter 8

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The study of cells=

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The study of cells=

The study of life; life is continuous

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What are the 3 parts of the cell theory?

  1. Cells are fundamental units of life

  2. All living organisms are composed of cells

  3. All cells arise from preexisting cells

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What are the two types of cells and its kingdoms?

  1. Prokaryotic: cells do not contain organelles -Bacteria -Archaea

  2. Eukaryotic: Plantae, Fungi, Protista, Animalia

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What kingdoms are single-celled organisms?

Protists, Bacteria, Archaea, Protista, Fungi (a few)

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What kingdoms are multi-celled organisms?

Animalia, Fungi, Plantae

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Do larger organisms have larger cells?

No, larger organisms have more cells

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Why are cells small?

High surface area : volume ratio

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Cells must be large enough to...

House organelles and function

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Cells must be small enough to...

Take in nutrients and take out waste to/from the entire cell

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Cells have...

Varied size, shapes and functions; most cells are microscopic

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What are light microscopes?

An optical instrument with lenses that bend visible light to magnify images of specimen

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What specimens do light microscopes cover?

Living specimen (e.g. most plant and animal cells, nucleus, most bacteria, most mitochondrion); lower resolution than SEM and TEM

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What is a scanning electron microscope (SEM)?

A microscope that uses an electron beam to look at the surface of a sample

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What is a transmission electron microscope (TEM)?

A microscope that uses an electron beam to look at the internal structure of cells ( through the thin sections stained with metal atoms)

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What are the structures present in all cells?

  1. Plasma membrane

  2. Semifluid substance called cytoplasm

  3. Chromosomes (carry genes)

  4. Ribosomes (make proteins)

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What is a prokaryotic cell?

The first cell type on Earth; Unicellular (single-celled) with the following cellular structures:

-nucleoid region (where DNA is/ not an organelle)

+May Have:

- cell wall (tough outer structure)

-capsule (may surround the cell wall)

-flagella (rotates to move cell)

-fimbriae (used for attaching to surfaces)

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When an organism has a membrane, cell wall, and capsule, it is...


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Do prokaryotes have cilia?


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Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic:

-Prokaryotic: smaller, no nucleus/ organelles, one circular chromosome

-Eukaryotic: larger, extensive cytoskeleton, nucleus, membrane-bound organelles, multiple linear chromosomes

-Similarities: 1) DNA 2) Ribosome 3) Cytoplasm 4) Membrane

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What is the predominant molecule in cell membranes?


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Are phospholipids water soluble?

No, they're a lipid

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What are the four functions of the plasma membrane?

  1. Physical isolation and protection

  2. Regulation of exchange with the environment

  3. Structural support

  4. Identification

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What is a fluid mosaic model?

A sheet of lipids with embedded proteins and attached carbohydrates

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Define semi-permeable.

Some things can diffuse through the membrane, but not all

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Phospholipids are _____________ molecules, containing hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions


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How do the phospholipids move?

Move laterally all the time, but do not flip flop due to the hydrophobic interactions

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What factors affect membrane fluidity?

  1. Lipid composition-> more unsaturation= more fluidity

  2. Cholesterol

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Which fatty acid type would create a fluid membrane? A viscous membrane?

Unsaturated fatty acids; saturated fatty acids

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Would a thinner or thicker membrane result in better permeability?

Thinner-> things can move through a thinner membrane

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What is embedded in the membrane?

  1. Cholesterol- regulates membrane fluidity

  2. Channel proteins- allow specific molecules to pass through

  3. Receptor proteins- receive messages from other cells

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What happens to membrane fluidity in cold temperatures?

Fluidity declines

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What is the role of cholesterol in warm vs. cold temperatures?

-Warm: membrane= very fluid; cholesterol prevents gaps from forming in the membranes by pulling it together

-Cold: membrane=very viscous; cholesterol pushes the membrane apart

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Up to ___% of the cell membrane may be cholesterol.


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What are the types of membrane proteins?

-Peripheral proteins: on one side of the membrane, can be on the inside or outside (never embedded)

-Integral proteins: embedded (inserted) in the membrane; Two classes: partially embedded, transmembrane (all the way across)

-Transmembrane proteins: across the membrane, mimics the chemistry of the membrane. Inner part is hydrophobic; Outer part is hydrophilic

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What is a glycolipid?

Carbohydrate covalently bonded to lipid, may serve as cell recognition particle

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What is a glycoprotein?

Carbohydrate covalently bonded to protein

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Where are membrane proteins synthesized in the cell?


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What are the six membrane protein functions?

  1. Transport

  2. Enzymatic activity

  3. Signal transduction

  4. Cell-cell recognition

  5. Intercellular joining

  6. Attachment to the cytoskeleton and ECM

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What is a cell wall?

Extracellular structure that distinguishes plant from animal cells

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What kingdoms have cell walls?

Bacteria, fungi, plantae (animal never have cell walls)

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What is the function of the cell wall?

Protects the cell and maintains its shape

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What is the primary component of a cell wall?

Cellulose- embedded in other carbohydrates and proteins

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How do neighboring cells communicate?

Through adhering and communicating with direct contact

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What are the cell junctions in animal tissues?

Tight junctions, desmosome, gap junctions, plasmodesmata

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What is the first cell junction in animal tissues?

Tight junctions: membranes of neighboring cells are pressed together, preventing leakage of extracellular fluid

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What is the second cell junction in animal tissues?

Desmosomes: AKA anchoring junctions; fasten cells together into strong sheets; there is an intracellular space for movement of materials

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What is the third cell junction in animal tissues?

Gap junction: (communicating junctions) provide cytoplasmic channels between adjacent cells

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What is the fourth cell junction in animal tissues?

Plasmodesmata: channels that perforate plant cell walls, not found in animal cells (functions like straw); allow passage of water and small solutes (& sometimes proteins and RNA) from cell to cell

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What are animal cells covered by?

Extracellular matrix (ECM):

-made up of glycoproteins such as collagen (fibrous), and other jelly-like substances

-hold cells together in tissues

-gives physical properties to cartilage, bone, etc.

-filters materials passing between tissues

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What are integrins?

Link ECM to the membrane

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Define cytoplasmic streaming.

Flow of the cytoplasm inside the cell

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Define cytoplasm.

The material between the nuclear membrane and cellular membrane

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Define cytosol.

The jelly like material between the nuclear membrane and cellular membrane

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