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The item/person that the database is about
Primary Key
A unique identifier that is used to differentiate other entities
Secondary Key
A different, simpler + more common identifier to separate each entity
Foreign key
An attribute that links two tables together
Computerised database
Data that collects/stores data electronically
Flat file database
A single file that is suitable for storing one entity
Paper-based database
A method of collecting and storing data manually e.g. address book
Process of converting a database from 0NF to 3NF, it is used to organise data
Entity relationships
Helps the database to link two or more entities together
0NF (0 normal form)
First step of normalisation
1NF (first normal form)
Must have a primary key in each table
All fields must be unique
Values in fields must be atomic
No two records can be identical
2NF (second normal form)
Data must be in 1NF
Any partial dependencies must be removed (only one field should be dependant on the key)
3NF (third normal form)
Data must be in 2NF
Any transitive dependencies have been removed
“All fields are dependant on the key, the whole key and nothing but the key.”
Referential integrity
Process of ensuring consistency
Prevents data from being deleted in a table if it is required somewhere else
Transaction processing
A single operation executed on data
Having one or more copies of the data in physically different locations to prevent damage/loss of the data
SQL (structured query language)
Used to create and manage databases, it is useful for handling data + creating links between entities and tables
Primarily a declarative language that expresses what needs to be achieved rather than expressing the logic of how it needs to be achieved
Relational Database
Linking two databases together using a foreign key