Law Test Unit 3

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Environmental Law

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  • Contract signed by nations

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Starting of the environmental movement

1880s: individuals and groups lobby for the conservation and preservation for unspoiled wilderness areas Example: the Sierra Club

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Silent Spring by Rachel Carson

Documents damage of DDT to birds and wildlife DDT goes up the food chain

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CASE: Extractive Industries and the Lubicon Cree

2011: Rainbow pipeline spill

  • school closure, community sickness

  • Lubicon never signed a treaty or gave permission to the government to use their land

  • violation UNDRIP's prior and informed consent

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DOCUMENT: United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)

  • guidelines to protect the rights of Indigenous Peoples' Examples: practice and revitalize their traditions and culture not be subjected to forced assimilation or destruction of culture not forcibly removed or relocated

  • not legally binding

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DOCUMENT: International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)

  • Commits nations to respect the civil and political rights of individuals Example: freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, electoral rights and rights to due process and a fair trial

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Indigenous communities in poorer countries

  • Easily forced off of their lands because leaders can be payed off

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Extractive Industries

  • Taking off of/out of the land

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  • Enforced, must be followed, can be held accountable

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Interference with land owned by another

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Court order to stop/prevent someone from doing something

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Private Nuisance

Interference with use/enjoyment of land due to another's actions Example noise

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Public Nuisance

Interference with a public right Example fishing, navigation polluting waterways, creating health hazards

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Act committed without intention for harm, but that can be anticipated to cause harm.

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Riparian Rights

Right of a land owner who borders a lake/river to sue another who interferes with water quality

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Legal right to sue

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When government has control over both resources and environmental protection

  • Conflict of interest

  • How can it protect both interests

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Carbon Tax

Free placed in each ton of carbon industries emit

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Municipal Action to help Climate Change

  • City planning

  • Favouring the pedestrian and public transit

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CASE: Gauthier v Naneff

  • Reparian rights

  • Naneff's speedboat racing would affect water quality

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DOCUMENT: Environmental Protection Act 1971

  • Awareness in the 60s, action in the 70s

  • Provincial

  • About preventing and controlling pollution, focuses on activities where risk of spills or polluting is high

  • ISSUE: focuses on remedies rather than sustainability

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DOCUMENT: Environmental Assessment Act

Sets out the responsibilities and procedures for carrying out the environmental assessments of projects which involve federal government decision making

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DOCUMENT: Environmental Bill of Rights

Rights of citizens in regards to their environment Example: to participate in governmental decisions, receive notification

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DOCUMENT: Montreal Protocol

  • Regarding Ozone depletion

  • Phasing out the use of substances responsible for ozone depletion

  • Successful

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To sign

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Company controlled by a parent company

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  • "United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change"

  • Countries come together to solve climate crisis

  • Oil and Gas lobbyists present

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CASE: COP 27 Outcomes

  • Oil and gas not present in the final discussion (oil and gas lobbies successful

  • Coal not discussed (phased down COP 26)

  • Loss and damages fund

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Loss and damages

  • Rich countries responsible for climate change paying poorer countries who are more affected by climate change for damage caused by extreme weather events and slow onset disasters (like glaciers melting)

  • livelihoods, homes, food systems and territory irreversibly lost

  • loss of culture, identity, sovereignty, human dignity, biodiversity

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Climate Adaptation

Rich sending money to help others adapt/reduce impact of climate change Ex limiting development where sea levels might rise

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Climate Mitigation

Prevention Example Green energy, water/smokestack treatment

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DOCUMENT: Paris Agreement

  • COP21

  • Climate adaptation/mitigation

  • Setting goals where COP 27 is about reaching them

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Two Aspects to International Law

  • Legal Standards: govern the behaviour of states

  • International Regulation: organization, rules, limits

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DOCUMENT: Principle 21

States can use their resources however they want, as long as they don't negatively impact other states or global commons

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Global Commons

  • Areas beyond state borders Example: international waters, atmosphere, outer space

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Intenational Watercourses

  • Transboundary waters

  • Bodies of water shared by two or more countries

  • Governed by treaties or customary International law

  • States must provide timely and prior notifications Example The Nile flows from Uganda and Ethiopia into Egypt, Aswan Dam

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Customary International Law


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Intergovernmental Organizations

Created by treaty, involving two or more nations to work towards a common goal Example UNICEF

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Non Governmental Organizations

  • NGOS Example Greenpeace, Oil Lobbies

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CASE: Rio Conventions

  • Convention on Biological Diversity

  • United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification

  • United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change = COP series

  • Represent a commitment to co-operation and partnership

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DOCUMENT: Kyoto Protocol

  • Japan 1997

  • International treaty for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

  • First to set quantifiable and binding targets

  • Places a heavier burden on developed nations

  • Requires reductions to be made through national measures (law)

  • Canada ratifies in 2002 but doesn't sign onto 2011 extension

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Why do treaties have a lag after signing?

Gives states time to adjust/implement

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Emissions trading

Countries that haven't used their allotted emissions units can trade them to other countries

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Government of Alberta v Kyoto Protocol

knowt flashcard image
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ARTICLE: COP Negatives

  • lacks tangible, specific goals

  • rich countries consistently fail to meet goals

  • consensus model: never easy

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ARTICLE: COP Positives

  • gets countries together and talking

  • holding rich countries accountable

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Counties most vulnerable to climate change impacts

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ARTICLE: Stakeholders

V20: developing countries most affected US: Biggest oil and gas producer, big investor G7: richest countries

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  • Legal name for a country

  • Sovereign

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DOCUMENT: Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)

  • First ever codified international list of human rights

  • Reaction to World War 2 and civilian death

  • First time "human rights" was used legally

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Rights Timeline

  • The Enlightenment: Hobbes and Locke

  • 1763: Royal Proclamation: treaty rights

  • American Revolution: Declaration and Bill of Rights

  • French Revolution: Equality, liberty and community

  • Emancipation and Suffragist movements

  • Post World War 2 movements

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States' opposition to UDHR

  • International norms shouldn't dictate individual state policy: state sovereignty

  • Cultural and religious diversity means that there is diversity in codes of right and wrong , which are not also consistent with the UN, which is rooted in Western beliefs

  • Differences in cultural norms: example African Charter of Human Rights gives strong voice to community rights.

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CASE: Mi'Kmaq self-determination rights

  • Donald Marshall files complaint with UN

  • Right to self determination violated at the Constitutional Conferences

  • UN doesn't find Canada at fault because a group can't claim a violation of this right which is given to peoples, they aren't a country.

  • However, a treaty is between 2 nations, Canada therefore recognizes their distinctness, but still doesn't give them sovereignty.

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CASE: Women's rights under the Taliban

  • No travelling long distances alone

  • Covering full faces

  • Stopped from government jobs

  • University and primary school, no secondary

  • 1990s rule: no school over 8, covering completely \n US INVASION

  • Opens new pathways, "straying from islamic values" \n US WITHDRAWAL -- August 2021

  • Girls school's shut between grade 7 and 12 \n Canada withholding funding: conditional aid

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CASE: Iran

  • Masa Amini detained for wearing hijab wrong, died in custody

  • Violence at protests, schools raided

  • **Iran accepted HR treaties that give them an obligation to protect children's rights

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