one-way ANOVA: 2 groups

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IV vs DV

IV: independent variable/factor/treatment variable

DV: dependent variable/value/score

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one-way ANOVA within-subjects design

the same people that experience all the levels/factors

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single-factor (one-way) designs

involve a singe independent variable with two or more levels

  • one-way independent groups design

  • one-way design with repeated measures

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factorial designs

involve more than one IV with two or more levels

  • e.g., two-way independent-groups designs

  • experimental design with 2 factors w/ 2 levels each= 2X2 factorial design—means that there are 4 unique combinations

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how do you calculate the number of unique combinations when you have more than one factor?

multiply the number of levels of each individual factor

  • e.g., two-way ANOVA w/ factor 1 having 4 levels and factor 2 having 3 levels

    • 4X3= 12 unique combinations (# of cells)

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marginal means

the mean of a condition/column on a vertical

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row mean

the mean of a condition/row on a horizontal level

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what is the purpose of one-way ANOVA

to test whether the means of k (>2) populations significantly differ

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what is k?

it is the number of levels a factor has

  • i.e., the number of groups

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example of null and alternative hypothesis for a one-way ANOVA

H0: u1=u2=….=uk

H1: not all u’s are the same (at least one of the means is different)

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identify the IV and DV from the following description:

suppose additional readings were assigned thinking that they will increase interest in stats. people are randomly assigned to one of three experimental conditions that differ in terms of reading material—Stat 1+2: one of two stats books intended for the general public; NoStat: control condition

IV: book assigned—there are three levels: Stat 1, Stat 2+ NoStat

DV: self-reported interest in taking more stats courses

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prior requirements/assumptions of one-way ANOVA

  • the population distribution of the DV is normal within each group

  • homogeneity of variance assumption

  • independence of observations (equal chance of being included in the study and no clusters in the samples)

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homogeneity of variance assumption

the variance of the population distributions are equal for each group

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how can we turn a one-way anova into separate t-tests?

separate the null hypothesis into individual ones and do a t-test for each one

  • e.g., H0: u1=u2=u3

    • H01: u1=u2

    • H02: u1=u3

    • H03: u2=u3

  • this amounts to 3 t-tests

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familywise Type 1 error rate

it is defined as the probability of making at least one Type 1 error in the family of tests if the null hypotheses are true.

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the number of tests

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if you have a family of t-tests where c=3, what would the equations for Pr (no familywise errors) and aFW be

Pr= (1-a)(1-a)(1-a)= (1-a)c

aFW= 1–Pr= 1– (1–a)c

  • e.g., aFW= 1–(1–.05)3= 1–.857= .143

    • .143 is the familywise Type 1 error rate

    • if the null hypothesis is true, there is a .143 chance of having one false positive in the family of 3 t tests vs one-way ANOVA which would keep it at .05

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overall F-test function

answering the main question of if the H0 is false

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what to do if the F-test indicates the null hypothesis as false?

post-hoc tests are used to look at pairs of groups and find which group(s) specifically is different from the others

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basic concepts of ANOVA

  • divides the observed variance of the DV into parts resulting that can be explained by group membership/the model and parts that aren’t accounted for (aka residual variance)

  • assesses the relative magnitude of the different parts of variance

  • examines whether a particular part of the variance is greater than expectation under the H0

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the two sources of variance

  • the model (MSm)

  • the residual variance (MSr)

    • MS= “mean” of sum of squared deviations

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type of variance explained by the model (MSm)

variance between groups due to the IV or different treatments/levels of a factor

  • MSb: between-group mean square/variance

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type of variance explained by the residual (MSr)

within each group, there’s some random variation in the scores for the subjects

  • MSw: within-group mean square/variance

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F ratio

stat calculated to assess relative magnitude of the two different parts of the variance

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formula for the F-stat/ratio

F = MSm/MSr

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how do group means affect MSm, MSr and F-stat?

if group means differ from each other, MSm>MSr= F tends to be large

if Fstat>Fcrit: H0 is rejected

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on what scales does the F distribution vary in shape?

dfM: between group/model df

dfR: within group/residual df

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how is the F distribution skewed?

it is right-skewed, meaning the left side is high and it sloped down the more you go to the left

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finding F critical/value on the table

use your alpha, given dfM and dfR

  • dfM: look on top

  • dfR: look on the side

  • find square of scores that lines up with your dfM and dfR and check the Fcrit that aligns with your alpha

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relationship between p-value and a level

p-value<a, null hypothesis can be rejected

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finding your F ratio using a t value (and vice versa)

e.g., number of groups is 2—F= t²

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note about eta squared

+vely biased because it overestimates the amount of variance explained in the DV by the IVs

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note about omega squared

it is unbiased and is reported even if it is -ve

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what is considered small, medium and large for omega squared

small= .01; medium= .06; large= .14

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ANOVA report template (APA style)

  1. 1–2 sentence overview of analyses

    1. IV and DV stated conceptually

  2. F-test results

  3. patter of mean differences

    1. if significant differences were found

  4. conceptual conclusion

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what is included when reporting the F-test results?

the associated df, statistic and p-value is included, as well as effect size measures

  • e.g., F(1,8)= 16.774, p<.05, w²= .61.

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