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Module 2

Lesson 1

A belief system is an ideology or set of principles that help us to interpret our everyday reality.

Religious belief systems are structured around moral codes, belief in deities, and supernatural occurrences.

Spiritual belief systems are like religious ones but not organized within a church.

Political Belief systems can be like political parties.

Philosophical belief systems are views that deal with knowledge, human nature and reality.

Lesson 2

Monotheism is worshiping only one god.

Abrahamic religions are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Judaism was formed by Abraham and focuses on the Bible’s first five books.

Christianity is the most popular religion in the world.

Muslims believe that Muhammad was God’s greatest prophet and they follow the 5 pillars (which encourage prayer, fasting, and charity).

Muslims also follow the teachings of the Koran and worship Allah.

Jerusalem is divided into four quarters which include the Christian quarter, the Armenian quarter, the Muslim quarter, and the Jewish quarter.

Jerusalem’s Armenian quarter is the smallest.

Jerusalem’s Muslim quarter is the biggest.

The Dome of the Rock, located in the Muslim quarter, is believed to be where Muhammad ascended into heaven.

The Church of the Holy Sepulcher is believed to be where Jesus Christ was crucified, buried and resurrected.

The Western “Wailing” Wall is the only remaining retaining wall of the Temple Mount and Jews pray here.

Lesson 3

Polytheism is the belief in multiple gods.

Hinduism is the world’s oldest religion and the largest in India.

Hindus believe in reincarnation in relation to castes.

Buddhism was founded by the Buddha (Siddhartha Guatama).

Buddhism is focused on life rather than death.

Buddhists strive to observe themselves and not cause suffering.

Jainism is the practice of devoted non-violence and has similarities to Hinduism.

The Sikh religion believes that there are multiple paths to God and live honest, hardworking lives as well as helping others in need.

Buddhists follow the Eightfold Path.

Lesson 4

Confucianism features balance between submissive and dominant relationships

Confucius believed that if dominant members were just and submissive members were obedient, peace would be widespread.

Taoism shows harmony in nature and not interfering with the natural flow of the universe by living a passive life.

Taoists believe that if you create something you also create its opposite.

Lesson 5

Cultural Diffusion is the spread of ideas or other items between cultures.

The silk road, a network of trade routes spread religions like Buddhism and Hinduism throughout the world.

Module 2

Lesson 1

A belief system is an ideology or set of principles that help us to interpret our everyday reality.

Religious belief systems are structured around moral codes, belief in deities, and supernatural occurrences.

Spiritual belief systems are like religious ones but not organized within a church.

Political Belief systems can be like political parties.

Philosophical belief systems are views that deal with knowledge, human nature and reality.

Lesson 2

Monotheism is worshiping only one god.

Abrahamic religions are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

Judaism was formed by Abraham and focuses on the Bible’s first five books.

Christianity is the most popular religion in the world.

Muslims believe that Muhammad was God’s greatest prophet and they follow the 5 pillars (which encourage prayer, fasting, and charity).

Muslims also follow the teachings of the Koran and worship Allah.

Jerusalem is divided into four quarters which include the Christian quarter, the Armenian quarter, the Muslim quarter, and the Jewish quarter.

Jerusalem’s Armenian quarter is the smallest.

Jerusalem’s Muslim quarter is the biggest.

The Dome of the Rock, located in the Muslim quarter, is believed to be where Muhammad ascended into heaven.

The Church of the Holy Sepulcher is believed to be where Jesus Christ was crucified, buried and resurrected.

The Western “Wailing” Wall is the only remaining retaining wall of the Temple Mount and Jews pray here.

Lesson 3

Polytheism is the belief in multiple gods.

Hinduism is the world’s oldest religion and the largest in India.

Hindus believe in reincarnation in relation to castes.

Buddhism was founded by the Buddha (Siddhartha Guatama).

Buddhism is focused on life rather than death.

Buddhists strive to observe themselves and not cause suffering.

Jainism is the practice of devoted non-violence and has similarities to Hinduism.

The Sikh religion believes that there are multiple paths to God and live honest, hardworking lives as well as helping others in need.

Buddhists follow the Eightfold Path.

Lesson 4

Confucianism features balance between submissive and dominant relationships

Confucius believed that if dominant members were just and submissive members were obedient, peace would be widespread.

Taoism shows harmony in nature and not interfering with the natural flow of the universe by living a passive life.

Taoists believe that if you create something you also create its opposite.

Lesson 5

Cultural Diffusion is the spread of ideas or other items between cultures.

The silk road, a network of trade routes spread religions like Buddhism and Hinduism throughout the world.
