Unit 1 AP World History

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Describe Song China (include SPICE-T characteristics).

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Describe Song China (include SPICE-T characteristics).

Social: song dynasty, Confucianism, Filial Piety, Patriarchal, foot binding,

Political: Bureaucracy based on merit (meritocracy), Confucianism, Imperial bureaucracy, civil service exam
Environmental: built around rivers (yellow river),

Cultural: Neo-Confucianism, Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism, Chan Buddhism, monasteries, syncretic

Economic: Trade & manufacturing = song era wealthy, agricultural productivity increase= Champa rice, manufacturing cast iron & steel goods, traded porcelain & silk, from local to market production, taxes paid laborers for projects, tributes/tributary system

Tech.: paper money, woodblock printing, Gun powder, coal, plows pulled by Ox or buffalo, compasses & paper navigation charts, fertilizer used on fields,

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What were the significant innovations of Song China effects long term

Gunpower= 1st guns
Champa rice= expanded farming, increased agricultural production, boom in population
Coal= steel ships, and main power source for industrial revolution (tech revolution)
Compass & paper navigation charts= exploration

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Explain the influence of Confucianism on Song China's political system.

Confucianism was the foundation for the Song dynasty's political system of meritocracy (bureaucracy based on merit), and overtime became Neo-Confucianism.

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Explain the influence of Confucianism on Song China's society and culture.

Confucianism influenced Song China's culture through Neo-Confucianism, filial piety, and the 5 key relationships. Politics were also affected though Confucianism being used in government

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How did Buddhism arrive in China?

Arrived in China through trade on the silk roads from its origin point of India

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What were the cultural impacts of the arrival of Buddhism?

Buddhism impacted China's culture by becoming their main religion, through their architecture (monasteries), the blending of Daoism and Buddhism, politics, and a new version of Confucianism (Neo-Confucianism).

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Explain the effects of the Grand Canal, Champa rice, and textiles and porcelain on Song China

The Grand Canal= was built to move rice agriculture from the South to the North (where the majority of the people lived) and caused the song dynasty to be more wealthy through trade, and the capital cities to grow due to trade.

Champa rice= allowed for farming expansion, faster and larger agricultural production, which caused the population to grow.

Chinese production of textiles and porcelain= caused proto-industrialization, and Song China to grow its wealth through trade

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List the core beliefs/practices of Islam:

-5 pillars (shahadah, salah,zakah,samm, haji, jihad)
-Muhammad is the final prophet
- Allah is god
- Monothestic
- Mecca is the holy city
- Qur'an is the word of god
- hijab/ coverings for women

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Where is the origin point and how did Islam spread?

Originated in Mecca and spread through military conquests

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List the core beliefs/practices of Judaism

Israel holy city
-Hebrew bible (tana)
-old testament
-Passover meal
-Moses prophet
-Yahweh god

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Where and how did Judaism spread

Originated from Israel and spread through missionaries

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List the core beliefs/practices of Christianity

Jesus prophet
Christmas (Jesus's birth)
Easter ( Jesus's resurrection)
Bread and wine= last supper & Jesus's blood
Heaven and hell
Bible holy book
10 commandments
New testament

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Describe the Abbasid Caliphate (include SPICE-T characteristics)

Social: sunni & shitte branches, Sharia law, Suni, Sherana, men have authority over women, good women are obedient, modesty in women, merchants high in society

Political: expansion through military, death of Muhammad, Caliphe, Seljuk empire, mamluk sultanate of Egypt, Delhi sultanates

Environment: broke down political barrier between Byzantine and Persian empires,

Culture: Islam, Arabic language, 5 pillars, Qur'an, Allah(god)

Economic: Trade though the silk road

Tech: advances in math, literature, medicine, astronomy, House of Wisdom, ecological change, and agricultural products, adopted paper making from China

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Describe the Seljuk Empire:

New political entity arose after the Abbasid Caliphate fragmented. It started during the 11th century, in the Middle East.

Social: sultan, patriarchy, merchants high class, slavery.

Political: conquered parts of the middle east, Seljuk leader is the Sultan, shariah law.

Environment: Originally the first people came from Central Asia.

Culture: Islamic, 5 pillars, fair dealing in trade, hijab, turbans.

Economic: Tribute made to Islamic Caliph

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Explain the causes of the expansion of Muslim rule; how and where did it expand before 1450?

It expanded from the Arabian Peninsula though military expansion, and Islam expanded though merchants, missionaries, and sufis.

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What were the effects of the rise of Islamic states?

Advances in mathematics, medicine, astronomy, literature, art, the spread of the religion of Islam, preservation of Greek morals and philosophy, House of Wisdom, Scholarly and cultural exchange in Muslim and Christian Spain, Arabic language spread, broke down the political barriers between Byzantine and Persian Empires and the spread of ecological change and agricultural products.

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How did Islamic states promote beliefs system in territory and leaning advancements

Promotion of religion= military expansion, merchants, missionaries, and Sufis

Learning advancements:
math (trigonometry, adopted numbers, algebra)
literature (translation from Greek to Arabic, philosophy, sociology ,histology, poetry, ethnics)
medicine ( hospital care, medical licenses, hospitals)

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Women's consistent roles throughout c.1200-1450

Domestic roles (taking cares of kids and house)

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How did Inca rulers maintain control? What challenges did the Inca face that Maya and Mexica(Aztec) did not?

Maintained power= through Mita system

Challenged faced= farming & agriculture

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What was the lasting impact of Bubonic plague?

Led workers to demand better pay in Europe

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What was the significant of the civil service exam in song China? How did the system weaken the dynasty?

Significance= to Song China's meritocracy, centralized government, and Confucianism.

Weakened dynasty= bureaucracy grew too big and too many high salaries to pay became dynasty weakness

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Describe the intellectual innovations and transfers of Muslim States

Advances in mathematics (Nasir al-Din al-Tusi)
Advances in literature (A'ishah al-Bu'uniyyah)
Advances in medicine

Preservation and commentaries on Greek moral and natural philosophy
House of Wisdom in Abbasid Baghdad
Scholarly and cultural transfers in Muslim and Christian Spain

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What effects did these innovations have in Dar al-Islam?

Innovation effected Dar al- Islam through the advances in math helped improve architecture. Innovations in literature improved education and scholar thinking, and medicine extended and improved the quality of life.

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Explain the significance of the House of Wisdom in Abbasid Baghdad:

The House of Wisdom led to the exchange of ideas with highly educated people and scholars, which led to innovations in Islam

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Explain how Hinduism impacted societies in South and Southeast Asia

Led to the caste system which was a hereditary social hierarchy and the Bhakti movement, which led to a non ritualistic practices and wider spread of Hinduism.

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Explain how Islam impacted societies in South and Southeast Asia

Sufism from Islam became the foundation for Muslim society in South and Southeast Asia.

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Explain how Buddhism impacted societies in South and Southeast Asia

Shaped societies in South and Southeast Asia through politics, trade/ economic, culturally, and socially

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What role did Sufi missionaries play in spreading Islam?

Sufi missionaries played a major role in spread Islam due to their tolerance of local faiths so more people were comfortable converting to Islam.

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What role did Buddhist monasteries play in spreading Buddhism and promoting trade?

Played a big role in spreading Buddhism and prompting trade since, Buddhist grew most of the food which promoted trade while spreading Buddhism along through trade.

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How did the Srivijaya Empire develop and maintain power?

Srivijaya developed from the competition between parts of the Malay Peninsula and the coast of Sumatra. The empire maintained power through a bureaucratic government with military and naval forces that could secure seas.

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Describe the Maya city-states (include SPICE-T characteristics)

S: Emperor, slaves, priest high status
P: City state organization
I: Near river
C: Polytheism, human sacrifices, animsitic religion
E: long distance exchange, luxury goods for upper class
T: Calendar, astronomy, mathematics

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Describe the Inca (include SPICE-T characteristics)

S: Emperor, Governors, traditional women roles, women have jobs, parallelism
P: Mita system, I: 4 parts of the empire C: human sacrifices, polytheism, temple of the sun, anismic religion E: Charpa Nan (roads)
T: Charpa Nan (trade)

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Describe the Mexica (include SPICE-T characteristics)

S: Powerful Emperor, rebellion common, slaves, traditional women roles, women have jobs, parallelism P: Triple alliance, loosely structured /unstable,Tribute system I: Established themselves on island in Lake Texcoco, capital is TenochitlanC: polytheism, human sacrifices, anismistic religion E: agriculture T: Chinampas

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Describe Great Zimbabwe (include SPICE-T characteristics)

S: Patriarchy, kin based networks, slavery, men do speicalized jobs, women gather food and domestic roles, metal workers, artists, Griots & Griottes, ideinity as member of family/ clanP: no central gov, city states, led by chef I: Capital- Great Zimbabwe, architecture significant feature, defensive wall around cityC: songs to communicate with spirits, music to storytelling, create busts of past rulers, sculptures in iron or bronze, E: trade with Swahili, agriculture, grazing, gold, Indian ocean trade network T: math,

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Describe Ethiopia (include SPICE-T characteristics)

S:Patriarchy, kin based networks, slavery, men do speicalized jobs, women gather food and domestic roles, metal workers, artists, Griots & Griottes, members of familys/clan, age significant social markerP: no central gov, led by chief
I: Became a chirstian Island surrounded by Muilsm civilizations, Islam cut Ethopia off from Christan world,
C: embraces chirstiaity, 11 churches made of rock (Lalibela),combination of native beliefs like ancestor veneration, beliefs in spirits with chirstianity,E: trade(middle man), valuable natural resources trade: ivory, gold, ect
T: Attempt in creating new Jerusalem

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Explain the impact of the Roman Catholic Church on Western Europe

Holy war trying to reclaim Jerusalem, practice of Indulgence, Pope has authority over king, demand for Asian goods trade and transportation improves after hoy war, Muslims victory in holy war, Europeans learn sugar producing techniques, Byzantine empire further weakened, Muslim scholarship in Europe, rift between Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodoxy worsens.

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Describe the political organization of feudal Europe:

Decentralized society= feudalism, monarchies, manorial system, fragmented, and competitive.

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Describe the manorial system

relationship between nobles and peasants (economic & social)

Manor produced everything that the people living on it needed so no need for trade, everyone but the KING lives on the manor (nobles, knights, peasants, church)

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Describe the social hierarchy of feudal Europe:

The king OWNS all the LAND, EVERYONE GETS LAND, peasants(serfs) GIVE LABOR to knights( vassals of nobles), Knights GIVE PROTECTION and MILITARY to Nobles, Nobles(vassals of king), Nobles give money and knights/ military to king.

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What was the role of serfdom in Europe

Serfs= coerced laborers in debt to nobles and provide nobles with free labor.

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What eventually happened to serfdom? (How did it change moving into the 1450-1750 time period)?

Serfdom people were able to demand better pay after the bubonic plague/ black death, and eventually affected by slaves becoming part of society. (EVENTUALLY BANNED)

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Coerced labor, commoners plow land for nobles and provided other services

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Bubonic plague

Epidemic disease outbreak that will be spread via trade networks

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a system of ethics, virtue, education on how to govern an empire

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Ancestral veneration

reverence of ancestors in hopes for divine intervention and protection

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an ornate and decorative artistic style commonly associated with the practice of Islam

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Angkor Wat

Hindu temple complex found in Southeast Asia

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Religious syncretism

the fusion of diverse religious beliefs and practices; associated with Africa

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Filial piety

respect for one's parents, elders and ancestors

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Carpa Nan

Incan road system

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Abbasid Caliphate

Early Islamic state that created the foundation for Islamic learning and scholarship which will continue even after this state begins to fall

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Political and military relationship between the king and nobles in medieval Europe

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