The capacity to do work
Potential Energy
Energy at rest
Kinetic Energy
Energy in motion
Radiant Energy
Only form of energy that can travel through empty space
Transfer of heat by the movement of the heated matter
Transfer of energy through matter from particle to particle
Energy Quality
Capability to store types of energy
Net Energy Yield
The comparison between the energy cost of extraction, processing, and transportation and the amount of useful energy derived from the fuel
First Law of Thermodynamics
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; it can only be transferred and transformed
Second Law of Thermodynamics
Entropy (disorder) of the universe is increasing
A chemical reaction between the fuel and oxygen that yields carbon dioxide and water, releasing energy
Fossil Fuels
Formed from the fossilized remains of once-living organisms
Long continuous deposits
Exploratory Wells
Drilling and sampling of a particular area
Proven Reserve
An estimate of the amount of fuel that can be obtained from that area
Crude Oil
Oil that is pumped fresh from a reserve
Tar Sands
Oil reserves in surface sands
Purest coal
Second purest coal
Third purest coal
Least purest coal
Slumping or cave-in
Strip Mining
The removal of Earth’s surface to the level of the coal seam
Alkaline substances that precipitate sulfur dioxide
Fly Ash
Waste product produced by the burning of coal
Boiler Residue
Other waste product produced by the burning of coal
Fracking / Hydraulic Fracturing
The injection of water, sand, and harsh chemicals at high pressures to fracture rock, releasing oil and gas
Hubbert Peak
The end of oil as a cheap and easily available form of energy is in the near future and developing alternative fuel sources is necessary
The nucleus of an atom is split into two with a neutron
Breeder Reactors
New fissionable material is generated faster than it consumes materials
The emission of energy over time as particles or photons from unstable nuclei (ex. alpha, beta, gamma, x-ray)
The time it takes for half of the radioactive sample to degrade on average
Nuclear Fusion
The process of fusing two nuclei
Boiling Water Reactors
Use of reactor core heat to boil water into steam for electricity
Pressurized Water Reactors
Use of three water circulation systems with the first one being under pressure
Fuel Rods
Nuclear fuel to produce heat to power turbines
Organic matter fuel
Partially decomposed organic material harvested from a type of wetlands
Type of synfuel comprised of 90% gasoline and 10% ethanol
Hydroelectric Power
Systematic placement of river dams spin turbines to produce electricity
Fish Ladders
Structures on or around artificial and natural barriers that faciliate fishes’ natural migration and movements
Passive Solar Energy Collection
The use of building materials, placement, and design to passively collect solar energy
Active Collection
Use of devices to collect, focus, transport, or store solar energy
Photovoltaic Cells
Allows for direct collection of solar energy
The base of a turbine that houses a gearbox and generator
Wind Farms
Groups of wind turbines
Geothermal Energy
A form of energy that’s obtained from within the Earth
The use of a fuel source to generate both useful heat and electricity
Tidal Power
Power generated through the tidal movement in the ocean and hydrogen cells
CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Economy)
Standards for mile-per-gallon to reduce energy consumption by increasing fuel economy of cars and light trucks