decreases of temperature with height
increase in wind speed with height
fall in pressure
unstable layer due to the presence of cloud, pollutions water vapour and dust
tropopause marks the outer edge of the troposphere and the limit of the earth’s weather and climate
With height = fall in temp, high winds, pressure decreases
Boundary marked by the mesopause
Where heat in the atmosphere comes from and where it goes, the amount of energy received from the sun in a particular location/time of year depends on …
Solar constant
Distance from the sun
Altitude of the sun in the sky
warm = heat away from equator
Cold = heat returned to the equator
They turn clockwise in the northern hemisphere and anti=clockwise in the southern hemisphere
Movement of the ITCZ and Hadley cells
Position next to a warm ocean
A relief barrier e.g. Mountain range
warm area created by an urban area
building materials absorb heat during day then release at night
heat form industry, building, traffic and air pollution
effect is greatest at night and in high pressure situations
Surface is uneven - creates frictional drag - leads to turbulence
high buildings slow air flow and channel flow into ‘canyons’
clear nights there can be surface inflow from cooler areas
catalytic converters reduce emissions from car exhausts
solar panels + renewable energy
electrostatic precipitator - uses an electrical charge to remove particles from gas
Curitiba, Brazil → zoning e.g. heavy industry in one zone, housing in another
Singapore → alternative building heights to allow greater
London - road pricing; daily congestion charge
Singapore - vehicle ownership heavily taxed
manila - registration plates restrict which days car can drive e.g. Tuesdays and Fridays only
UK - standards set by DEFRA; monitoring of air quality
USA - 1960’s - clean air act - 80% decrease in sulphur dioxide emission from 1970 - 2006
greenware - helps cyclists pace their journey to avoid red lights
9/10 own bicycle, only 4/10 own a car
100% renewable sustainable energy city
buildings orientated to maximise shade, narrow gaps between them to channel air
electric pods on rails to replace cars
London ULEZ
Black cabs exempt for 15 years, reduce pollution by 1/2 in centre London
13-year-old petrol cars and 4-year-old diesel have to pay
Euro6 standards → buses + lorries have to meet