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National and Regional Growth

  • Free Enterprise and Factories

    • During Industrial Revolution factory machines replace hand tools

    • Manufacturing replaces farming as main form of work

    • Factory system brings workers and machines together under one roof

    • People leave farms, move to cities where factories are located

    • Work for wages, have set schedules, way of life changes

    • War of 1812 leads U.S. towards industrialization

    • British blockade causes U.S. to manufacture goods previously imported

  • Factories Come to New England

    • New England is a good place to set up successful factories because:

      • Fast-moving rivers

      • Ships and access to the ocean

      • Willing labor force

    • Samuel Slater builds first spinning mill and hires entire families

    • Family system of employment spreads throughout New England

  • Lowell Mills Hire Women

    • Francis Cabot Lowell builds factory in Waltham, MA in 1813

    • Uses power looms

    • Factory is successful and build a factory town

    • Lowell mills

      • Textile mills in Lowell

      • Employ farm girls

      • High wages

    • Girls follow strict rules, read books, and publish literary magazines

    • Later factories run by powerful steam engines instead of water power

      • Allow factories to be built away from rivers and beyond New England

  • A New Way to Manufacture

    • U.S. government hire Eli Whitney to make 10,000 muskets for the army

    • Guns are made one at a time by gunsmiths, Whitney changed this method

      • Uses interchangeable parts to make guns

        • Speeds up production

        • Makes repairs easy

        • Uses less skilled workers

        • Requires close supervision

        • Gives workers less independence

  • Moving People, Goods, and Messages

    • Robert Fulton invents steamboat, put Clermont on the Hudson River in 1807

      • Clermont makes 300-mile trip from New York to Albany and back in record time of 62 hours

    • Henry Miller Shreve design a more powerful steam engine

    • Enables steamboats to travel upriver, against the current

    • Samuel F.B. Morse first demonstrates the telegraph in 1837

      • Enables people to communicate in seconds between cities

    • By 1861, telegraph lines span the U.S., brings people closer as a nation

  • Technology Improves Farming

    • John Deere invents steel plow in 1836

      • Makes plowing Midwestern soil easier

      • More farmers move to the Midwest

    • Mechanical reaper, threshing machine improves agriculture

    • Farmers feed factory worker, become market for factory goods

    • Growth of Northeastern textile mills increases Southern cotton demand

National and Regional Growth

  • Free Enterprise and Factories

    • During Industrial Revolution factory machines replace hand tools

    • Manufacturing replaces farming as main form of work

    • Factory system brings workers and machines together under one roof

    • People leave farms, move to cities where factories are located

    • Work for wages, have set schedules, way of life changes

    • War of 1812 leads U.S. towards industrialization

    • British blockade causes U.S. to manufacture goods previously imported

  • Factories Come to New England

    • New England is a good place to set up successful factories because:

      • Fast-moving rivers

      • Ships and access to the ocean

      • Willing labor force

    • Samuel Slater builds first spinning mill and hires entire families

    • Family system of employment spreads throughout New England

  • Lowell Mills Hire Women

    • Francis Cabot Lowell builds factory in Waltham, MA in 1813

    • Uses power looms

    • Factory is successful and build a factory town

    • Lowell mills

      • Textile mills in Lowell

      • Employ farm girls

      • High wages

    • Girls follow strict rules, read books, and publish literary magazines

    • Later factories run by powerful steam engines instead of water power

      • Allow factories to be built away from rivers and beyond New England

  • A New Way to Manufacture

    • U.S. government hire Eli Whitney to make 10,000 muskets for the army

    • Guns are made one at a time by gunsmiths, Whitney changed this method

      • Uses interchangeable parts to make guns

        • Speeds up production

        • Makes repairs easy

        • Uses less skilled workers

        • Requires close supervision

        • Gives workers less independence

  • Moving People, Goods, and Messages

    • Robert Fulton invents steamboat, put Clermont on the Hudson River in 1807

      • Clermont makes 300-mile trip from New York to Albany and back in record time of 62 hours

    • Henry Miller Shreve design a more powerful steam engine

    • Enables steamboats to travel upriver, against the current

    • Samuel F.B. Morse first demonstrates the telegraph in 1837

      • Enables people to communicate in seconds between cities

    • By 1861, telegraph lines span the U.S., brings people closer as a nation

  • Technology Improves Farming

    • John Deere invents steel plow in 1836

      • Makes plowing Midwestern soil easier

      • More farmers move to the Midwest

    • Mechanical reaper, threshing machine improves agriculture

    • Farmers feed factory worker, become market for factory goods

    • Growth of Northeastern textile mills increases Southern cotton demand
