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the total amount of organic matter in any ecosystem ( a change in biomass over time is production)

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biological production

the capture of usable energy from the environment to produce organic matter

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gross production

increased in stored energy before any is used

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net production

the amount of newly acquired energy stored after some energy has been used

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the 3 measures for biomass + biological production are

  1. the quantity of organic matter

  2. energy stored

  3. carbon stored

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autotrophs production

primary production as many go through photosynthesis

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heterotroph’s production

secondary production

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the use of biomass to release energy that can be used to do work

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energy efficiency

the ratio of output to input and usually further defined as the amount of useful work obtained from the same amount of available energy

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the rule of thumb for trophic energy efficiency

more than 90% of energy is lost as heat

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primary sucession

the establishment and development of an ecosystem where on did not exist previously

  • no topsoil left behind

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ecological succession

ecosystems can recover if the damage is not too great

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secondary succession

the re-establishment of an ecosystem after disturbances

  • disaster leaves only topsoil behind

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successional species/pioneers

  • early = adapted to the early stage

  • late = adapted to persist competition, slower growing and longer life spans

  • middle are a mix of both

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from early-middle succession

theres an increase in storage of chemical elements

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as long as there is an increase in organic matter, there will be ___ storage


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global warming potential (gwp) is the highest in


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_______ rate of loss as live and dead organic matter helps slow erosion


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an early successional species changes the local environment in ways so a species from a later stage survives

  • ex: dune + bog, occurs in mangrove and coral

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refers to the situations where an earlier successional species changes the local environment so its unstable to another late-stage species

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6 main macronutrients

carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus + sulfur

  • carbon builds organic compounds and with hydrogen and oxygen it forms carbohydrates

  • nitrogen makes proteins, phosphorus is the energy element

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limiting factor

a prevention of growth in an individual, species or population

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biogeochemical cycles

the complete path a chemical takes through the 4 major components of earth: atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere + biosphere

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residence time

the average time that an atom is stored in a compartment

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donating compartment

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receiving compartment

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human impacts on cycles

transferring chemical elements through air, water and soil for crop production

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the amount moving from one compartment to another

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the rate of transfer of a chemical that enters/leaves a storage compartment

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geological cycle

a group of cycles: tectonic, hydrologic, rock, biogeochemical

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tectonic cycle

creation and destruction of the lithosphere

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3 types of boundaries occur

  • a divergent plate boundary occurs at a spreading ocean ridge, producing ocean basins

  • a convergent plate boundary occurs when plates collide producing linear mountains

  • a transform fault boundary occurs where one plate slides past another

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the rock cycle and its connection to life

depends on the tectonic cycle for energy and the hydraulic cycle for water producing soil and rocks

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weather vs climate

weather is what’s happening right now over a short period of time in the atmosphere low to the ground VS climate is the average weather conditions over long period like seasons or years

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2 important qualities of the atmosphere are

pressure and temperature

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the atmosphere moves because

of the earth’s radiation + the different heating of earth’s surface + atmosphere, resulting in global patterns that include prevailing winds and latitudinal belts of low + high air pressure from the equator to the poles

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energy budget

the balance between the energy that earth receives from the sun + loses back into the outer space

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the reflectivity of an object

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el nino

caused by variations in ocean currents (the southern oscillations) when there are no cold upwellings on the coast of south America

  • this causes flooding in Peru, droughts/fires in Australia and Indonesia

  • the warm ocean provides an atmospheric heat source → el nino changes global atmospheric conditions

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the ocean conveyer belt

a global circulation of ocean waves characterized by strong northward movement of upper warm waters

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a set of components that function together as a whole

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key concepts of a system

  • how a system is connected to the rest of the environment

  • how matter + energy flows between parts

  • how it changes over time ( static or dynamic)

  • average residence time (how long something stays)

  • feedback ( how outputs affect inputs)

  • linear and nonlinear flows

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open + closed system s

some energy or material moves into or out of the system whereas there in no transfer in a closed system

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static system

has a fixed condition and tends to remain in that exact condition

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dynamic system

changes continually over time

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the rest point/ the point that doesn’t move

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steady-state system

the inputs are equal to the outputs so the amount stored in the system is constant

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dynamic equilibrium

not a state of inactivity but rather a condition where continuous actions + reactions occur, balancing each other out

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average residence time

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average residence time (ART)

measure of the time it takes for a given part of the total pool or reservoir of a particular material in a system to be cycled through the system. When the size of the pool and rate of throughput are constant, it is the ratio of the total size of the pool/reservoir to the average rate of transfer through the pool

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negative feedback loop

response in which the effects of a reaction slow or stop that reaction

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positive feedback loop

enhance or amplify changes; this tends to move a system away from its equilibrium state and make it more unstable

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amount transferred

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rate of transfer per unit of time

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lag time

the delay between a cause and the appearance of its effect

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environmental change

the idea that it is impossible to change only one thing and everything affects everything else\

  • urbanization → clearing of forests for buildings → increased runoff and erosion

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the idea is that geological and biological processes that occur today are the same kind of process that occurred in the past and vice versa

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gaia hypothesis

states that life manipulates the environment for the maintenance of life

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the major themes of environmental science

  • human population growth and how that leads to environmental problems

  • sustainability, the environmental goal

  • global perspective to solve the many problems arising across the earth and trying to find a global solution

  • an urbanizing world and what that means for the environment

  • people and nature (how they are interconnected)

  • science and values

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to preserve the current population while still using sustainable practices we must ….

  • expand efficient and sustainable farming practices

  • turn to other energy resources besides oil

  • reduce the amount of babies being born

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sustainability of an ecosystem

an ecosystem is sustainable if we continue its primary functions for a specified time in the future

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sustainable economy

economically viable, doesn’t hurt the enviorment and is socially just for all people

  • careful management and wide use of the planet and its resources in relation to the management of money and goods

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attributes of a sustainable economy

  • social, legal and political system that’s dedicated to sustainability, equity and justice

  • effective population control, restructuring of energy programs and instituting economic planning

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carrying capacity

the maximum number of individuals of a species that can be sustained by an environment without decreasing the capacity of the environment to sustain that same number in the future

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Gaia hypothesis

  • created by James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis

  • says that over the history of life on earth, life has significantly changed the global environment which improves the chances of continuation of life on earth

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economic development leads to urbanization

in developed countries, 75% of the population lives in urban areas

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growth of mega cities

  • 2 in 1950 (NYC and London)

  • 22 in 2005

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pros of big cities

  • usually have extensive public transport

  • people live in smaller homes that are easier to heat and cool

  • goods travel less distance to get to customers

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two paths when it comes to people and nature

  • assume the environmental problems are a result of human action and the solution is to simply stop

  • scientific analysis → problem solving, accepts the connection of people and nature and looks for long-lasting solutions

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examples of people and nature being intimately integrated

  • soil is necessary for plants, so therefore its necessary to us

  • the atmosphere lets us live through oxygen and protects us from UV rays

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precautionary principle

  • 1992 the Rio earth summit on sustainable development

  • says when there is a threat of serious or irreversible environmental damage, we shouldn’t wait for scientific proof to take action

  • adopted by EU and San Fransisco

  • being proactive not reactive

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utilitarian justification

some aspects of the environment are only valuable because its beneficial economically or is absolutely necessary for survival

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ecological justification

the ecosystem is necessary for the species of interest or the system provides some benefit

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aesthetic/recreation justification

appreciation of the beauty of nature and the ability to go outside and enjoy it

  • gaining legal basis (ex: Alaska recognizing its otters are a recreational attraction and protecting their habitat)

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moral justification

our environment has the right to exist and we have a moral obligation to help it

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cultural justification

different cultures have many of the same but also different values about the environment

  • ex: Buddhist monks have strong environmental ethics and won’t even disturb earth worms

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Sea otters have an important role for maintaining the kelp forest ecosystem and their disappearance causes the collapse in the functioning of that ecosystem. Because of this they are known as...

keystone species

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A species of bird living in the branches of the Acacia tree protect the tree from herbivores and eat the nutrient rich fruits on the tree.


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Which of the following is the largest reservoir within the hydrologic cycle?

the ocean

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Which organisms have the most available energy in an energy pyramid?


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If 10,000 J of energy is in the producer trophic level, how much would pass on to the primary consumers?

1,000 J

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abiotic factors

nonliving parts of the environment

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biotic factors

living parts of the environment

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place where an organism lives out its life; Where it finds shelter, food, and reproduces, etc

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  • organism’s specific role in a habitat

  • reduces competition with other types of organisms

  • use of resources/functional role

  • affected by organisms tolerance

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fundamental niche

entire set of conditions under which an animal (population, species) can survive and reproduce itself

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realized niche

set of conditions actually used by a given animal (population/species) after interactions with other species (predation and competition) have been taken into account

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generalist species

  • able to eat a wide variety of foods within a range of habitats

  • main problem is competition

  • can adapt to changing environments better

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specialist species

  • narrow range of habitat and diet

  • not much competition

  • giant panda (main concerns predation and habitat loss)

  • tend to do well with constant environments; don’t respond well to changes

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Niche Overlap/Resource Partitioning

  • If niches overlap, then species may have to compete for resources like food and living space

  • Degree that resources are limited determines intensity of competition

  • If resources are not limited, then species may overlap in many niche dimensions and still exhibit no competition

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negative interactions between species(interspecific competition) or within species (intraspecific competition).

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organisms that feed on other organisms

  • Prey species increase in population when predator population is low

  • As predator populations increase (because of more prey), prey populations decrease

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interactions between organisms that may be beneficial or harmful

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Interspecific Competition

Competition among members of different species for an important, limiting resource

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types of interspecific competition

competitive exclusion and species coexistence

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competitive exclusion

  • Inevitable elimination from a habitat of different species with identical needs for resources

  • This often happens when Invasive species are introduced to endemic species

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species coexistence

  • Species live in same area

  • Adjust behaviors to reduce competition

  • birds that feed on insects from tree trunks vs canopy

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intraspecific competition

  • Competition among members of same species for an important, limiting resource

  • Primates in general will compete with members of their own species for food, habitat, reproductive mates.

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keystone species

  • Species that have major impacts on community functioning

  • Not necessarily abundant but has a disproportionate impact on the health of the entire ecosystem

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ecosystems engineers

  • Organisms that create, modify, and maintain habitat

  • Ecosystem engineering can alter the distribution and abundance of large numbers of plants and animals, and significantly modify biodiversity

  • Humans are the most prolific and dangerous ecosystem engineers

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