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One of the simplest forms of learning and consists of a gradual reduction in response to a stimuli that is presented repeatedly
Orienting Response
is a behavior that an animal exhibits when exposed to a novel or unexpected stimulus
This is the decrease in orienting (and other) responses to a stimulus that is presented repeatedly
This usually occurs in response to a neutral stimulus
startle response
For habituation, there can also be a reduction in the OR to a noxious stimuli... This is a defensive behavior and is usually shown by a what
This is a natural response to any sudden or loud stimulus
Fear-potentiated startle
This is a specific type of startle that occurs when paired with a classically conditioned stimulus
Skin Conductance and Eye Blink Response and Startle response
Ways to Study Habituation are what
Novel Object Recognition
Commonly used in rats and mice and takes advantage of their natural curiosity
Part of brain involved: connection between PFC and hippocampus
This is indicated by fewer and fewer responses (startle, OR, etc) over many trials
Can reflexes be habituated?
Frequency of Repetition
The number of stimulus exposures required depends on species (noxious vs. neutral also makes a difference)
Spontaneous recovery
When a stimulus is withheld for a long period of time the OR recovers AND the response is larger than before the delay
Fewer stimulations are needed to rehabituate on successive trials (after a delay)
This implies that there is learning occurring between habituation trials as well
Effects of Repeated Habituations are what?
The more _______ stimulations are spaced, the faster the habituation
Generalization Effect
Habituation to a stimulus can generalize to other, similar stimulus (given it doesn’t elicit an OR)
the greater the difference between stimuli the less this will occur
Stimulus generalization
This will cause you to react to ALL similar stimuli
Typically occurs when someone is exposed to a massive trauma
Who are individuals who are not likely to habituate
NOT doing this to a noxious stimuli can cause subsequent exposure to elicit an undesirable response
Doing this to noxious (or stressful) stimuli is the standard response
This is when habituation to one stimulus can be temporarily blocked by the presentation of another, novel stimulus
larger orienting response than trial 15
15 tones → habituation → then different tone → Original tone on trial 16 → leads to what?
Habituation, sensitization
Most responses decline after repeated stimulations: this is what?
However, sometimes the response INCREASES which is known as what?
Dual process
This basically says that the overall behavioral response to repeated stimulation depends on the balance between habituation and sensitization
Dual processes
These processes are in parallel (or independent) of each other, both behaviorally and neurologically
state system
Any stimuli (S) elicits a motor response (R)
At the same time, a _________ that increases arousal is also activated
Cognitive Model
Solokov (1963) said that the OR is elicited only if there is no comparable stimulus in our experience (memory)
Cognitive model
This is also called the “comparator” model
This model is also contingent upon various other factors such as setting or time
the mere exposure effect
Familiarity breeds enjoyment this is also known as the ______
An example: Rats are highly neophobic, especially to food but if they are exposed to a new taste repeatedly, they will begin to prefer it
Exposure Therapy
Idea that irrational fear is based on previous experience and generalizes and habituates to non-dangerous objects
Successful in treatment of anxiety disorders and phobias