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las relaciones personales
personal relationships
disfrutar del tiempo libre
to enjoy your free time
dar un abrazo
to hug
to support
ayudar a los demás
to help others
dar consejos
to give advice
hacer recomendaciones
to give advice
escuchar con atención
to listen carefully
querer (ie) a alguien
to love someone
to respect
ser empático/a
to be empathetic
to get angry
to judge
to worry
lastimar los sentimientos
to hurt someone's feelings
nos abrazamos
we hug (each other)
se abrazan
they hug (each other)
me enojo
I get mad
No juzgamos a los demás.
We don't judge others.
I love her a lot.
La quiero mucho.
to support, not synonymous with to help
no soporto lo que dice
I don't support what he says / I don't agree with what he says