sports law exam - contracts

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4 essential parts of a contract

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4 essential parts of a contract

Mutual assent, consideration, legality, Capacity

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Two essential parts of mutual assent

Offer and acceptance

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(offer) Steps to make an offer

  1. communicate to offeree

  2. manifestation of intent

  3. define terms of contract (fill in gaps)

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(offer) Duration of offer

  • Acceptance

  • lapse of time

  • revocation

  • rejection

  • counter offer

  • Death/ incapacity of offeror or offeree

  • Destruction of subject matter - as long as offeror isn’t one who destroys it

  • Subsequent illegality of contract type/ subject matter is illegal at the time of contract

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(acceptance) How to accept

  • Communication to offeror

  • silence as acceptance

  • Effectiveness of acceptance

  • Variant acceptance

    • The offeror is the boss of the offer, they get to decide how the offer gets accepted

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(acceptance) Duration of power of acceptance

  • Rejection/ counter offer

  • lapse of time

  • revocation by offeror

  • Death/ incompetency of offeror or offeree

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who has the power to accept the offer?

The offeree

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Conducting invalidating mutual assent

  • Duress

  • Undue influence - when someone is reliant to you that you do what is in best interest

  • Fraud

  • Non-fraudulent misrepresentation

  • Mistake

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What is consideration

Bargain for exchange for something of legal sufficiency

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Two parts of Consideration

  1. legal sufficiency

  2. Bargained for exchange

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consideration exceptions

  • promises to perform prior unenforceable obligation

  • promissory estoppel - detrimental reliance

  • promises made enforceable by statute

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3 parts of legality

  • violation of statutes

  • violation of public policy

  • exceptions

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(legality) Violation of Statutes

  • licensing

  • Gambling

  • Usury - percentage rates on loans

  • Sunday - some places make it illegal to make deals on Sundays

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(legality) Violation of public policy

  • Exculpatory clauses

  • Unconscionable Contracts

  • Tortious Contracts

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3 parts of capacity

  • Minors

  • incompetent

  • intoxicated

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(capacity) Minors

  • Disaffirmation/ Ratification

  • Liability for necessities

  • Misrepresentation and torts with contracts

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(Capacity) Incompetent

  • Under Guardianship (most important/ effective)

  • Mental illness or defect

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(Capacity) Intoxicated

  • Voluntary/ Involuntary

    • only if you can demonstrate that you could not understand the nature of what you were getting yourself into

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Two parts of Breach of Contract

  • Total

  • Partial

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(BOC) Total

Aggrieved party discharged of duty to perform under the contract, may sue immediately

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(BOC) Partial

Aggrieved party not discharged of duty to perform under the contract, may sue immediately

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Defenses to Breach

  • Attack the elements of contract formation

  • Impossibility

  • Frustration of purpose

  • Impracticability

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(DTB) Attack the elements of contract formation

Attack parts of formation where it may not have happened

  1. Mutual assent

  2. Consideration

  3. Legality

  4. Capacity

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(DTB) Impossibility

Impossible to perform through no fault of the breaching party

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(DTB) Frustration of Purpose

Unexpected events arise which make fulfillment of the contracts purpose impossible to be performed

Ex. - You rent a table/ space for a one day parade/ event and then they cancel the event. Your contract can’t be considered breached because your purpose for getting into the contract could not be performed

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(DTB) Impracticability

Cost increased due to unforeseen circumstances, war embargo, or crop failure

Ex. - Pandemic

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Money Remedies for Breach

  • Expectation interest/ Compensatory

  • Reliance interest

  • Restitution

  • Nominal

  • Liquidated

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Why do courts try to save contracts?

To honor the want for boundness between the two parties

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What can the offeree do if the offeror is the one who destroys the subject matter of the contract?

the offeree can sue for damages

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(MRFB) Expectation interest/ compensatory

The best money remedy you can receive,

Loss value

+ incidental damages

+consequential damages

- loss or cost avoided by injured party

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(MRFB) Reliance interest

Puts party in position as if contract had not been made

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(MRFB) Restitution

Restore benefit conferred upon other party

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(MRFB) Nominal

Yes, you won your case but there isn’t a lot of damages

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(MRFB) Liquidated

A dollar amount that are written into in anticipation of a breach

Ex. - a coach leaving a school/ team

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Equitable Remedies for Breach

  • Reformation

  • Specific performance

  • injunctions

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(ERFB) Reformation

Court rewrites the contract

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(ERFB) Specific Performance

Compels defaulting party to perform (though not granted for contracts for personal services)

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(ERFB) Injunctions

Enjoins a person to refrain from doing a specific act

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An employee can be fired for any reason, no reason, as long as it is not discriminatory

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What people have property interest?

People who have contracts like professors

Ex. - Professor Tryce

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  • For “Cause”

  • Rules violations and non-sports related conduct

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(T) For “Cause”

  • Refuses/ unable to perform duties

  • Convicted of a serious crime

  • Engages in fraud or dishonesty when carrying out duties

  • Participate/ encouraging sports gambling

  • Serious NCAA rules violations - Academic fraud or encouraging the use of PED

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Does a coach/ employee get the remainder of their salary if fired for “cause”?

No, they do not receive what is left on their contract

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(T) Rules violations and non-sports related conduct

NCAA Rules violations

  • less serious violations like driving a player around as a coach

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Does a coach/ employee receive what is left on their salary or some sort of compensation if fired for rules violations/ non-sports related conduct?

Yes, they are due some sort of compensation if they are

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Compensation (Upon unjustified termination)

  • Base Salary, Health insurance, Pension

  • Perks or fringe benefits

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(C) Perks or fringe benefits

  • Season tickets

  • Auto or Auto expenses

  • Parking privileges

  • Meals

  • Country club fees

  • Radio/ TV money

  • Summer camp money

  • Secretary/ Administrative assistant

  • Cost to attend football conventions

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