toàn từ vựng thui khum có collo nhen
blockbuster (n)
something very successful, especially book or film
bom tấn
blockbusting (adj)
(especially of a book or film) very successful
suspenseful (adj)
creating feelings of excitement or worry about what may happen
suspense (n)
a feeling of worry or excitement that you have when you feel that something is going to tell you some news, etc
cliffhanger (n)
a situation in a story, film competition, etc. that is very exciting because you cannot guess what will happen next, or you do not find out immediately what happens next
megastar (n)
siêu sao
premiere (n)
the first public performance of a film or play
buổi ra mắt
premiere (v)
to perform a play or piece of music or show a film to an audience for the first time; to be performed or shown to an audience for the first time
e.g His new movie premieres in New York this week
franchise (n)
formal permission given by a company to somebody who wants to sell its goods or services in a particular area; formal permission given by a government to somebody who wants to operate a public service as a business
cho phép nhượng quyền
a business or service run under franchise
the right to vote in a country’s election
A set of films in which the same characters appear in related stories
loạt phim
franchise (v)
to give or sell a franchise to somebody
be franchised (out) (to somebody/something)
twist (n)
the action of turning something with your hand or turning something with your hand, or of turning a part of your body
an expected change or development in a story or situation
a sharp bend in a road or river
a thing that has been twisted in to a particular shape
twist (v)
(twist something into something) to bend or turn something into a particular shape
to bend or turn something into a shape or position that is not normal or natural; to be bent or turned in this way
to turn part of your body around while the rest stays still
to turn your body with quick, sharp movements and change direction often
to twist something around in a circle with your hand
to bend and change direction often
to injure part of your body, especially your ankle, wrist or knee, bending it in an uncomfortable way
to wind something around or through an object
to move or grow by winding around something
to deliberately change the meaning of what somebody has said, or to present facts in a particular way, in order to benefit yourself or harm somebody else
SYN misrepresent
twisted (adj)
turn around on itself so that the original shape is lost
(of a person’s mind or behavior) not normal; strange in an unpleasant way
cinematography (n)
the art or process of making films, especially the photography and camerawork
baddy (n)
a bad or evil character in a film, book, play, etc.
OPP goody
Hollywood ending (n)
kết cục mà mọi vấn đề đều được giải quyết một cách quá lạc quan và thường không thực tế
protagonist (n)
nhân vật chính diện
an active supporter of a policy or movements, especially one that is trying to change something
cameo (n)
vai diễn khách mời
method acting (n)
phương pháp diễn xuất mà diễn viên sẽ trải nghiệm cuộc sống và cảm xúc của nhân vật mình sẽ đóng