World War 1 and Russian revolution

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What were the causes of WW1?

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What were the causes of WW1?


Militarism, Alliances, Nationalism,Imperialism, Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

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increase size and strength of of military

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Germany defends ally Austria-Hungary, forces France and England to defend their allies of Russia and Serbia

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Pride/ loyalty in country-Serbian nationalists kill Austria-Hungary’s leader

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Nations compete and fight for colonies around the world

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Assassination of Arch duke Ferdinand

Balkans aka”the powder keg of Europe”

-Immediate cause/ spark that started World War 1

  • Germans joined Austria Hungary in declaring war against Russia, Serbia, Britain, and France

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What new warfare was introduced during WW1?

Chemical weapons- biological weapons like poison and mustard gas

Machine Guns led to trench warfare

Trench Warfare- trenches dug to avoid open fire

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How did WW1 end?

-Treaty of Versailles-Germany harshly punished

-Germany accepts blame

-Germany pays reparations, (damages) from ww1

-Germany reduces military size

-Germany loses land

-Treaty causes Rise of Fascist Germany, Hitler and WW2

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What Caused the Russian/ Bolshevik Revolution?

-Bloody Sunday-Czar (leader) killed innocent Russians

-Bolsheviks promising land to the poor/ peasants

-Vladimir Lenin promising “PEACE, LAND and BREAD”

-Losing Russo-Japanese War-weak military

-Economic differences between social classes

-World War 1 failures

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How did Joseph Stalin rule the Soviet Union?

-Totalitarian Regime

-Killed political opponents

-Censored citizens

Secret police-TERROR

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What were the effects of the Russian Revolution?

-Lenin’s Communist Russia-First communist Government EVER

-Command economy-Businesses told what products to sell/ buy

-Government Controlled Businesses

-New Economic Policy -Allowed some elements of Capitalism

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Stalin’s Soviet Union

-5 year plan - Increase Agricultural and industrial output (HEAVY INDUSTRY)

-Collectivization-widespread food shortage and forced famine/starvation in Ukraine

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What Caused totalitarianism?

-Economic and social problems like the Great Depression and loss of faith in democracy

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What is totalitarianism?

-Citizens gave up freedom for stability(safety)

-leaders have total control

-State/country was more important than individuals

-censorship, arrests, secret police force

-Denied basic human rights

-Adolf Hitler in Germany

-Benito Mussolini in Italy

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