Cold War Quest

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NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

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NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

USA and 11 other Western Nations that agreed to ally themselves in 1949. C

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Warsaw Pact

Soviet Union and other Communist nations in Eastern Europe founded a rival alliance. C- made in response to NATO

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Nuremberg Trials

Ex-Nazi’s put on trial after WW2 for the Holocaust and other war crimes. C- trials were in Nuremberg bc Nuremberg laws= justice

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Potsdam Conference

Last meeting of the Big Three in 1945. C Truman suspicious of Stalin and says USA will stop all communism=policy

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Truman Doctrine

established that the US would provide political/military/economic assistance to all democratic nations under threat from external/internal authoritarian forces. C- shows the fear of sudden/violent overthrow of capitalistic countries by communist forces

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Berlin Airlift

1948-49, US and Britain airlift food and supplies to West Berlin to overcome communist blockade. C- people in Berlin being starved until they accept communism, so US fights back to keep people alive/medication.

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Korean War

1950-1953, war between communist north Korea and not communist south Korea. C- communist soviet union helped north, UN helped south

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Cuban Missile Crisis

In 1962 a crisis in Cuba that threatened the entire world. C- if one missile launched, one launched back, very tense

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My Lai

massacre of inno Vietnamese by US troops in the Vietnam war. C- American opinion plummets

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Kent State

shooting at Kent State school, 4 college kids dead by national guardsmen for protesting. C- reminded people of why US should stop fighting Vietnam

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the policy of agreeing to the demands of a possibly hostile nation as an attempt to keep peace. C- Harry Truman was going to use this policy to keep the peace w/Russia, but used a diff one instead

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the action or policy of preventing the expansion of a hostile country or influence.. C- Truman used this strategy to stop the Russians (any way possible) from spreading their ideology

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Marshall Plan

proposal that provided $ billions for economic recovery to Western Europe. C- so no communist electoral victories would occur

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“Cold War”

war that might never involve physical combat but would drain US sources as they resisted communism. C- Lippman came up with this term

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United Nations

started in 1945, goals are create world peace/security, collaborate fix common problems, promote friendly international relations, create a harmony of actions between countries. c- Special powers rest w Security Council led by U.S., France, Britain, Russia and China

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Hawks vs Doves

americans that wanted to win the war w military forces vs americans that wanted to win the war peacefully

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TET offensive

1968, north invaded south Vietnam through Laos. c- big surprise attack, turning point in Vietnam war

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Domino Theory

if one domino falls, everything else will too. c- idea that if vietnam fell to communism other nations in that area would too

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